Server Support and Administration

Support for technical problems with servers.
Thread Latest Post Replies Views
Java Modded server ABOE crash on join >>
by Suissehide
1 1,826
1.18.1 Server water not flowing and a ton of errors in log >> 1 579
Java Forge 1.12.2 Server Jar Won't Run >>
by Gamest9k
1 1,448
Java Mods and Plugins? - 1.18.1 Forge >>
by TunaFishy1
2 6,376
Java Resolved Minecraft Java Edition 1.18.1 (Forge 39.0.75) Crashing >>
by TunaFishy1
2 2,037
Java Error in installing FTB University server >>
by FungChan
5 6,648
Java modded server crash on startup >>
by Cabb
8 484
Java Modded server crashes on startup after working fine a month ago >>
by BobCinco
1 808
Java How do I change another player's gamemode using a named item? 1.18.1 >>
by Earl_6
0 992
sever has 1 problem >>
0 729
Java ATM Spellbound Tick Error >>
by LunchTrey41
2 1,678
Java My 1.16.5 modded server crashes when i start help me please >>
by Mathis123
1 2,155
Java My server keeps crashing >>
by IHasHoppz
1 547
Can I make it so me and my friend could both host a server without having to send each other server saves? >>
by screperislt
1 312
Is there a simple plugin that gives me custom items? >>
by XxToxicWaterxX
1 317
How do I set the discord for my server? >>
by XxToxicWaterxX
1 346
Java Essential Sign Help please! >>
by ighxstz
1 278
Crash report after weeks of playing on this server. Any help on how to fix it? >>
by theChub
2 878
Porting a vanilla world to Better Minecraft >>
by Bombzyz
1 379
Java Modded server issues (mods loading but not working, crashing game i use modded items, mod mobs not spawning) >>
by cheshiiir3
1 404
Java I have a problem when I start my server on aternos with mods >>
by SerSilent_
1 1,508
by Granny_Oogway
2 417
How do you give permission to a kit? >>
by XxToxicWaterxX
4 3,681
Java What's the diffrence between a package and a rank? >>
by XxToxicWaterxX
1 218
Java Resolved [MSACCOUNT] com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@*[id=<null>,name=…,properties={},legacy=false] auth error >>
by AnrDaemon
0 8,496
Running on Lan at home with wife need help with ops.json >>
by lancealwood
2 1,326
Java Cant figure out this java edition server crash with a custom pack >>
by AidanCorgi
1 4,804
Java Server Won't Open >>
by CaffeinatedLamb
3 917
I have another question, whenever I try creating a package on Tebex it tells me "Donations are not supported on our platform" >>
by XxToxicWaterxX
1 2,151
Can someone please make a good Server Description for me using this server >>
by XxToxicWaterxX
0 258