Server Support and Administration

Support for technical problems with servers.
Thread Latest Post Replies Views
I am having a problem with a modded server, could someone help me fix this issue? >>
10 187
Java Low TPS on Forge server >>
by Aleifur
7 173
Java Modpack Gets Stuck At Newest Mod Added I Think? >>
by HexNebulas
1 64
Java Problem z serwerem >>
by Zosix1
0 66
Changed modded server host >>
by Fishie0971
1 289
What do I put in the server.bat file for the ver. 1.20.1 47.3.20? >>
by Smooth_Operator
6 91
Java I cannot see my server's IP >>
by ladyff
1 50
Does anyone know of a bug where the server suddenly changes from 4% generation to participating server and then stops entering? >>
by lunnes
2 129
Java Why is my lag insane on aternos servers? >>
by YetiSports2Fan
0 51
Here is the log link. Can you please take a look and see what the problem is? It's a crash problem. ㅠ.ㅠ >>
by lunnes
10 235
Mod crash please tell me what is wrong >>
by lunnes
4 122
Java AT Launcher not starting server after registering network handlers? >>
by 8970r
1 98
Java Server Crashes >>
by PaulieButface
3 106
Java ATM9 To The Sky >>
by Cephalon
1 140
Java teleport players to login map . after login teleport them to lobby >>
by Mirdehghan
0 61
Java wss:// server >>
by creeperskibdi
0 38
Java Cant join world anymore because i either delete a key mod or rubidium. >>
2 142
Java Essentials Backup >>
by gayfriendiscool
1 725
Java Internal Exception >>
by SoxMic
0 90
Java trying to get MineCraft alpha server to work (NEED HELP PLS!!) >>
by sovergn
0 70
Java Why is this happening? >>
by yopi0608
1 104
Java crash on server >>
by ativenom24
1 64
Server stuck on starting >>
by Helpme123
1 206
Java Incorrect key in logs >>
by StaruszeQ
0 155
Java Can't connect to server using localhost >>
by serenforstar49
0 134
Help >>
by Rulo96
0 94
My minecraft server Forge 1.20.1 is crashing >>
by snokayu
1 94
Server Crashing upon entering the nether for over around 15mins or less >>
by Boonelious
16 474
Java Survival Modded Server that occasionally uses creative - is there a mod that prevents crashing. >>
by crunchybee
0 88
Java Survival Games 1.2.5 [Sign's arent working] >>
by BlueFusion_12
0 83