I think its crucial say that I started this world with my friend on Aternos some weeks ago and it has 50+ mods. This week we noticed that chunks were loading slower than usual so we began to think it was some issue regarding server performance or internet connection. Still, we discarded it as soon as we tried the world in single-player where the issue persisted. We also tried deleting chunks in MCA Selector and taking out world generation mods (mostly YUNGs mods) but nothing happened. Is this issue related to mods, world corruption, or anything else?
I think its crucial say that I started this world with my friend on Aternos some weeks ago and it has 50+ mods. This week we noticed that chunks were loading slower than usual so we began to think it was some issue regarding server performance or internet connection. Still, we discarded it as soon as we tried the world in single-player where the issue persisted. We also tried deleting chunks in MCA Selector and taking out world generation mods (mostly YUNGs mods) but nothing happened. Is this issue related to mods, world corruption, or anything else?
Here's the mod list:
(Forge version 47.3.22)