I was having the same issue when trying to start up a server in 1.19.2. Mainly to run a curseforge modpack and solved the issue by installing Java 17 Development kit x64 installer. After configuring the user jvms arg to take in 4G of ram, it seems to have started up fine.
I was having the same issue when trying to start up a server in 1.19.2. Mainly to run a curseforge modpack and solved the issue by installing Java 17 Development kit x64 installer. After configuring the user jvms arg to take in 4G of ram, it seems to have started up fine.
You need instal jdk https://www.oracle.com/es/java/technologies/downloads/#jdk22-windows
Hey dude idk if this help but i ran into the same problem as you and this website had a step by step fix to help, make sure to select the current version of java when you are filling out the .bat file.
i hope this helps