Then I noticed we have to move the main permissions to the other world we are using, but that will take AGES if I do it by hand, is there a way to, copy, move, clone, duplicate, or something like that, from Global permissions to the other world? Or just to another world? Maybe just copy them to the main world list and then delete them from Global permissions.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I know that... I made a rank for the new world, but players still can use the same perks as the build world, even when their name change to the new world rank.
Please read his post. He specifically says that it needs to be put on Pastie or Pastebin. You lose your formatting when you just paste it here, which makes it impossible to check for errors.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Yeah I know and I had them perfectly placed, but I removed the rank to wait for help, it had permissions and everything, yet only first world permissions worked.
Yeah I know and I had them perfectly placed, but I removed the rank to wait for help, it had permissions and everything, yet only first world permissions worked.
I need the complete file, with the modifications you made/want fixed in order to help you.
Ok, if I'm understanding your problem correctly, the permissions you have set up in the default group are being applied to all worlds, which is not what you want, correct?
As I don't know exactly what you want set up, I'm going to have to make a few assumptions and guesses, but hopefully this will apply and get you thinking in the right direction to apply it to everything else.
I'm only seeing one world defined in that list, named "survive", so I'm assuming that there are some permissions listed in the default group that you want globally and some that should apply to only in "survive".
What I would do is move the ones that should apply only to "survive" into it's own world group. For example (hopefully the code tags don't mangle it too badly for this small example):
Then, each group can inherit the perms from this group and you can add additional group perms per world for each group. As groups gain more permissions, you can inherit that group and PEX will follow the inheritance chain.
BTW, your last entry:
- world
This is incorrect. You have the world named "survive" trying to inherit perms from a world named "world", which isn't defined anywhere in your permissions. If your survival world has a nether and the end set up, you will probably want to have those worlds inherit the permissions from "survive". The exact name to use for them depends on what multiverse named them (IIRC, it's usually something like survive_nether).
Does this help any?
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Former Support Guru and bukkit admin, master of the I-have-little-time-so-I-drive-by-post style.
Please don't PM me for help, PM's don't help the community at large as it's not publicly viewable.
Use pastie or pastebin for config files, I do not download them.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Well I have tried in the past making Survivor rank for every other rank, as your example says, but only their Tag name changes, for example: rank people going to Survival World change to [Survivor] rank prefix but they still have access for "- minekart.join"
I want to have permissions in main world just for the main world and Survivor permissions only for Survival World.
I know there is a way, by doing:
But, to do that I must create and configure ALL the ranks and permissions again... so I am hoping there is a way to get [Survivor] rank work easier than that.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I managed to set this rank for that world only, but there are still 2 problems. 1 Is still using global permissions even when rank changes to [Survivor] tag. 2 Is not working as default for survival world, I have to set it manually to everyone.
Please put your current permissions up somewhere and link to them here.
What version of bukkit and PEX are you using?
Can you give a specific example of what permission is not working as expected?
I'd like to try to reproduce it on a test server, but I need to know the exact details.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Former Support Guru and bukkit admin, master of the I-have-little-time-so-I-drive-by-post style.
Please don't PM me for help, PM's don't help the community at large as it's not publicly viewable.
Use pastie or pastebin for config files, I do not download them.
Bukkit version: "git-bukkit-1.7.2-R0.3-b3020jnks (MC: 1.7.2) (Implementing API version 1.7.2-R0.3)"
Pex version: "1.21.3"
And the permission, well I just want Survivor listing permissions to work in Survival World (which I called 'survive'), but when we go there, 1 I must set the rank manually per player, and 2 even after setting the rank, reloading permissions, and even restarting MC and/or server, we still are able to use all the perks from the main world (called 'world') permissions, like /seen or /mk join, etc... that are not in Survivor permissions list.
Quick question, where did you get this version number from?
I ask as when I was setting up a clean test server, I noticed that, by default, PEX has the auto-update feature, which updated the 1.21.3 version I had installed to 1.21.4, which isn't fully compatible with the version of bukkit you are using. Thought I'd check that really quick.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Former Support Guru and bukkit admin, master of the I-have-little-time-so-I-drive-by-post style.
Please don't PM me for help, PM's don't help the community at large as it's not publicly viewable.
Use pastie or pastebin for config files, I do not download them.
Ok, here is what I did for testing:
Set up a clean install of the same bukkit and PEX versions you have
Let the server generate a world set named "world", then made a "survive" world set
Added multiverse core and nether portals for multiworld support
Added your permissions with the following changes:
- removed the worlds: section at the bottom (tests permissions across worlds)
- removed the modifyworld.* from the default group
- removed all permissions from the survivor group for the survive world specific section
- removed the default: true line from the survivor group (there should only be one default line in a PEX permissions file)
Log in, get placed in the world survive
My testing:
mv list
[17:23:36 INFO]: ====[ Multiverse World List ]====
[17:23:36 INFO]: survive - NORMAL
[17:23:36 INFO]: survive_the_end - THE_END
[17:23:36 INFO]: world_the_end - THE_END
[17:23:36 INFO]: world_nether - NETHER
[17:23:36 INFO]: world - NORMAL
[17:23:36 INFO]: survive_nether - NETHER
>pex worlds
[17:41:33 INFO]: Worlds on server:
[17:41:33 INFO]: world
[17:41:33 INFO]: world_nether
[17:41:33 INFO]: world_the_end
[17:41:33 INFO]: survive_the_end
[17:41:33 INFO]: survive_nether
[17:41:33 INFO]: survive
>pex user bacon_avenger
[17:29:44 INFO]: 'bacon_avenger/bacon_avenger' is a member of:
[17:29:44 INFO]: default (not ranked)
[17:29:44 INFO]: bacon_avenger's permissions:
[17:29:44 INFO]:
[17:29:44 INFO]: bacon_avenger's options:
>pex user bacon_avenger list
[17:29:37 INFO]: bacon_avenger's permissions:
[17:29:37 INFO]: minekart.join
[17:29:37 INFO]: multiverse.portal.access.*
[17:29:37 INFO]: battlesheep.player
[17:29:37 INFO]: bmt.default
[17:29:37 INFO]: essentials.kit
[17:29:37 INFO]: essentials.kits
[17:29:37 INFO]:
[17:29:37 INFO]:
[17:29:37 INFO]: essentials.list
[17:29:37 INFO]: essentials.sethome
[17:29:37 INFO]: essentials.tpaccept
[17:29:37 INFO]: lwc.protect
[17:29:37 INFO]: essentials.tpdeny
[17:29:37 INFO]: essentials.spawn
[17:29:37 INFO]: essentials.signs.use.disposal
[17:29:37 INFO]:
[17:29:37 INFO]:
[17:29:37 INFO]: worldguard.region.wand
[17:29:37 INFO]:
[17:29:37 INFO]: essentials.signs.use.warp
[17:29:37 INFO]: essentials.rules
[17:29:37 INFO]: essentials.realname
[17:29:37 INFO]: essentials.msg
[17:29:37 INFO]: essentials.mail.send
[17:29:37 INFO]: essentials.mail
[17:29:37 INFO]:
[17:29:37 INFO]: essentials.afk
[17:29:37 INFO]: essentials.home
>pex user bacon_avenger group set survivor
[17:34:48 INFO]: User groups set!
>pex user bacon_avenger list
[17:34:50 INFO]: bacon_avenger's permissions:
>pex user bacon_avenger list world
[17:34:52 INFO]: bacon_avenger's permissions:
>pex user bacon_avenger list survive
[17:34:55 INFO]: bacon_avenger's permissions:
[17:34:55 INFO]: modifyworld.*
If I try to do anything like interact with a block (break, place), I'm denied.
If I place myself into the group survivor, I'm able to interact with things but only in the survive world
This is as it should work.
Now, you might notice that I have a lack of permissions from the default group, such as multiverse.portal.access.*
This is by design. For my player to inherit the global permissions from the default group, I need to either:
- copy the permissions set from the default group, or...
- add an inheritance relationship between the survivor and default group.
>pex group survivor parents list
[17:43:56 INFO]: Group Survivor doesn't have parents
>pex group survivor parents add default
[17:44:00 INFO]: Group Survivor inheritance updated!
>pex group survivor parents list
[17:44:02 INFO]: Group Survivor parents:
[17:44:02 INFO]: default
Now when I do these commands, notice that modifyworld.* only shows up when I specify the survive world?
PEX is, unfortunately, is as picky as ever. If you are modifying the permissions, only do it from one place at a time (directly in the file, from the console, in-game) and always do a pex reload after making a change. With the caching it does now, it's really easy to get things out of sync between the file and what PEX thinks is in the file, or even worse, having PEX overwrite what you changed in the file with what it thinks is in there.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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ummm..... I didn't get half of everything you explain I am so sorry.... I read it 6 times.... but I only get that you tried to set you as User with Permissions, instead of Member with permissions... also, I don't know if I miss it, but how do you make everyone that goes to Survival World, just by going there, change their ranks to Survivor?
default: true
- minekart.join
- multiverse.portal.access.*
- battlesheep.player
- bmt.default
- essentials.kit
- essentials.kits
- essentials.list
- essentials.sethome
- essentials.tpaccept
Now there is a huge problem, all these permissions are allowed in every world, even when I added this:
prefix: '&c[&5Survivor&c]&3 '
- modifyworld.*
- multiverse.portal.access.*
- essentials.sethome
- essentials.home
Then I noticed we have to move the main permissions to the other world we are using, but that will take AGES if I do it by hand, is there a way to, copy, move, clone, duplicate, or something like that, from Global permissions to the other world? Or just to another world? Maybe just copy them to the main world list and then delete them from Global permissions.
Thank you so much for reading me.
Without seeing your full permissions list on something like pastie, pastebin, etc, I'm not able to really say where the problem is.
Please read his post. He specifically says that it needs to be put on Pastie or Pastebin. You lose your formatting when you just paste it here, which makes it impossible to check for errors.
Your file isn't even setup correctly. Reread that wiki page...
Under the "worlds" section, you need to have "permissions" too.
I need the complete file, with the modifications you made/want fixed in order to help you.
Ok, if I'm understanding your problem correctly, the permissions you have set up in the default group are being applied to all worlds, which is not what you want, correct?
As I don't know exactly what you want set up, I'm going to have to make a few assumptions and guesses, but hopefully this will apply and get you thinking in the right direction to apply it to everything else.
I'm only seeing one world defined in that list, named "survive", so I'm assuming that there are some permissions listed in the default group that you want globally and some that should apply to only in "survive".
What I would do is move the ones that should apply only to "survive" into it's own world group. For example (hopefully the code tags don't mangle it too badly for this small example):
Then, each group can inherit the perms from this group and you can add additional group perms per world for each group. As groups gain more permissions, you can inherit that group and PEX will follow the inheritance chain.
BTW, your last entry:
This is incorrect. You have the world named "survive" trying to inherit perms from a world named "world", which isn't defined anywhere in your permissions. If your survival world has a nether and the end set up, you will probably want to have those worlds inherit the permissions from "survive". The exact name to use for them depends on what multiverse named them (IIRC, it's usually something like survive_nether).
Does this help any?
I want to have permissions in main world just for the main world and Survivor permissions only for Survival World.
I know there is a way, by doing:
But, to do that I must create and configure ALL the ranks and permissions again... so I am hoping there is a way to get [Survivor] rank work easier than that.
Please put your current permissions up somewhere and link to them here.
What version of bukkit and PEX are you using?
Can you give a specific example of what permission is not working as expected?
I'd like to try to reproduce it on a test server, but I need to know the exact details.
This is the current 'permissions' file I am using:
Bukkit version: "git-bukkit-1.7.2-R0.3-b3020jnks (MC: 1.7.2) (Implementing API version 1.7.2-R0.3)"
Pex version: "1.21.3"
And the permission, well I just want Survivor listing permissions to work in Survival World (which I called 'survive'), but when we go there, 1 I must set the rank manually per player, and 2 even after setting the rank, reloading permissions, and even restarting MC and/or server, we still are able to use all the perks from the main world (called 'world') permissions, like /seen or /mk join, etc... that are not in Survivor permissions list.
Hope this helped, thank you!
I ask as when I was setting up a clean test server, I noticed that, by default, PEX has the auto-update feature, which updated the 1.21.3 version I had installed to 1.21.4, which isn't fully compatible with the version of bukkit you are using. Thought I'd check that really quick.
Ok, here is what I did for testing:
Set up a clean install of the same bukkit and PEX versions you have
Let the server generate a world set named "world", then made a "survive" world set
Added multiverse core and nether portals for multiworld support
Added your permissions with the following changes:
- removed the worlds: section at the bottom (tests permissions across worlds)
- removed the modifyworld.* from the default group
- removed all permissions from the survivor group for the survive world specific section
- removed the default: true line from the survivor group (there should only be one default line in a PEX permissions file)
Log in, get placed in the world survive
My testing:
If I try to do anything like interact with a block (break, place), I'm denied.
If I place myself into the group survivor, I'm able to interact with things but only in the survive world
This is as it should work.
Now, you might notice that I have a lack of permissions from the default group, such as multiverse.portal.access.*
This is by design. For my player to inherit the global permissions from the default group, I need to either:
- copy the permissions set from the default group, or...
- add an inheritance relationship between the survivor and default group.
Now when I do these commands, notice that modifyworld.* only shows up when I specify the survive world?
Does this help any?
PEX is, unfortunately, is as picky as ever. If you are modifying the permissions, only do it from one place at a time (directly in the file, from the console, in-game) and always do a pex reload after making a change. With the caching it does now, it's really easy to get things out of sync between the file and what PEX thinks is in the file, or even worse, having PEX overwrite what you changed in the file with what it thinks is in there.
Sorry o.o