After seeing one too many FACTIONS|PVP|VOTE4DIAMS|JOIN NOW servers I decided to take matters into my own hands, and create this little guide. Hopefully It'll do as much as it can to get your dream server's ball rolling.
If not. Well hopefully you learned something.
The MineCraft Server Guidebook
The (probably not-so) complete guide for owning a MineCraft server.
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. Starting a Server
3. Adding Originality
4. Proper Staff
5. OP Donations are bad
6. What NOT to do
7. Outro
1. Introduction
Hey you.
Yes you. The guy who always dreamed of owning his own server. Well I can tell you this: Whether hosting it from your home computer, or paying a hosting company for it, owning a server is not easy.
However thats where this guide comes in. Hopefully it'll clear up as much of the confusion as possible, while also providing some tips & tricks along the way. So without further ado, grab a soda, and a bag of chips, cuz your in for a looooong ride (Hopefully not that long, because this is vital info any newbie server owner has to know).
Small note: Any grammar/spelling mistakes are my fault. I will re-read this, and edit as many times as needed, but there will still be that one little mistake that evades my eyesight. Please point it out for me. Now we can start (For real this time, I'm serious).
2. Starting a Server
2.1: Introduction
Okay lets get down to the first, and most vital part: Starting up your dream server.
Before I get into the juicy stuff I should say this: I will not be providing any info on manually starting a server, theres plenty of tutorials on google. Heck, even the official MC wiki has a guide for doing it. So do not expect me to type anything of the sort in here. You aren't so lazy you can't do a simple google search.
2.2: Hosting Options
First order of business: Hosting Options
.There are only TWO options for hosting a server (Now is probably the time to explain, that IF there is a third, or fourth I do not know of them.): From your home computer. And by paying a hosting company for it. Both have their pros, and cons.Lets start with self-hosting.
Self-hosting is the primary choice, if your on a tight budget, but its cons outweigh the pros. For example: The connection speed, and memory of the server depends primarily on your computers specs. Even with a beefy, custom-made computer, you probably won't be able to handle over 50 players at once. And the standard, bought-in-a-store type computers can only hold about a fifth of that number, before meltdown
.However as stated before, self-hosting is a good idea if you can't afford to throw money at a hosting company. Self-hosted servers are usually reserved for small groups of friends, and are mainly whitelisted, with zero chances of anyone getting in. However some small public servers are self-hosted. The reason they don't meltdown is because the only people online are you, the owner, and that weird guy who never talks.
Now for the second option: Hosting Companies.Hosting Companies are usually used for larger-scale servers that are commonly more then a small group of dedicated friends. Some of the big servers out there, like Hypixel, and Shotbow are usually hosted by some of the more famous hosting companies.
Hosting Companies have but two large cons:The first con is the most obvious: They require money. Honestly did you REALLY think you we're gonna get that 500-person server for free from a hosting company? If so then I BEG you to read on. It could save your life, and your wallet.Its rather simple: The better the hosting plan, the more money needed. The majority of hosting-company server plans are per month. So if you thought 250 dollars was a lot to be paying for that 500-player server I talked about earlier, just wait until you find out its monthly, not one-time.
The second con (tho not as big of a problem) is server uptime.Sure, sure a lot of the big money-bag server hosting companies, guarantee 99.99% uptime, theres still a chance it will go down. Lots of small (and occasionally large) servers have gone under downtime, due to glitches in the companies services. Though this isn't really a con, more of an annoying, it can still mess stuff up.
And if you thought server downtime is bad, just wait till you learn about DDoS attacks. Many servers have become victim to the horrors of Denial-of-Service errors. But the worst thing about DDoS attacks, is that your hosting company probably can't do much about it. So yah, another thing to worry about.
All-in-all, it really falls down onto what your shooting for: A small little friendly server for your friends, or a few people you met online, would be better off self-hosted. On the other hand, if your going to try and make a larger server, for a little community, then a Hosting Company is what you need. Its more of personal preference, then which is better.
2.3: A small word about Basic Rules.
I'd like to move onto the next chapter ASAP, but I should cram in this small little paragraph here.
Great, you got your dream server up, and running. Now what about those pesky little rules. If your going for a PvP server (Please don't, 99% of the servers out there are PvP servers, I'll get to it in a few chapters.) then you might want to allow griefing. If your going for a creative server tho, then remember to put down a few reminders not to grief.While I'm at it, if you don't want people swearing, or shouting racial slurs, then put a sign saying something along the lines of; "Do not curse." at your server spawn. If your extra-scared about people breaking the 'No Swearing' rule then, adding a chat guard would be just the thing.
2.4: Permissions (More of a ghost sub-chapter)
I reeeeally wanted to do a sub-chapter on this, but its the same for starting up a server, theres tutorials on google, and on the wiki. I'd like to tell you the basics, but don't make me do all the work for you. Sorry folks. Moving on to the next chapter now.
3: Adding Originality.
3.1: "Why do I need originality?"
All I can say about you asking this is this: Don't ask about it.Have you ever gone to and seen endless servers that are basically: FACTIONS|PVP|VOTE4DIAMONDS|JOIN NOW ? If you we're planning on a server like this, then I'm not gonna stop you, but for the love of all that is holy: DO NOT MAKE A SERVER LIEK THIS! Have a scrap of originality. If you REALLY want a famous server, then your not gonna accomplish it by making a Factions, and PvP server.
3.2: Brainstorming
By now your probably thinking: 'Okay, so I get you don't want me making a server thats like 99% of all others. But how do I accomplish this?'
Well thats where your brain comes in. Yes thats right, your brain. You know that barf-colored squishy thing inside your skull? If you don't know what I'm talking about, then please take an anatomy class. You won't get far without using your thinker.
Anyway your brain is a vital part of this sub-chapter. If you want to make a original server, what better way then to try and bring that idea for a Harry Potter server you had floating in the back of your mind to life? Sure the more original, and more realistic, you try to make a server, the harder it gets. But custom plugins ARE possible, and you can hire plugin creators over the interwebs to design it for you.I can't really help you get the ball rolling, but I can say one last thing: All you need is an idea. No matter what your thinking, if you craft is JUST right, then it'll be a perfect fit as a server. If not, then start all over again.
4. Proper Staff
4.1: The one, and only sub-chapter in this chapter.
This part is OH-SO-IMPORTANT that it deserved its own chapter.So now you've got your dream server, and your idea for it a reality. Now your still gonna need staff. This isn't required if its a small friends-only server, but on big servers, you won't get far if your the only lawman around.I'll get to this part in the next chapter, but I should bring it up early: DO NOT LET PEOPLE DONATE FOR STAFF RANK.
I once saw a picture on imgur where a person had set up a rank board, and one of the ranks was a super-OP god set, where people we're allowed the /ban command, for 185$. If you we're thinking about doing something like that, then DON'T. Giving some random guy the ability to ban, is the worst possible thing imaginable.And now onto the actual Staff part. I will start by saying this: A place in the circle of Staff, is EARNED, not bought. Too many people have fallen victim too a uncontrollable need for money, that they have made staff ranks, like Admin, and Mod buyable.
When picking your staff, pick the most trustworthy, and skilled people possible. Even staff applications can be frowned upon, as nothing is stopping applicants from lying in their app's. Know how to weed out the trustworthy people, amongst all the idiots begging for OP rank (I'm directing that at you PMC fakers.).
I learned about opping people the hard way. One time I was a OP on a server, and some PMC-fakers got on, falsely saying they we're going to populate the server. They even gave a pretty legit-sounding alibi. After opping them, I logged off, and when I logged on the next day, I say pretty much everything was replaced with lava. The owner was kind enough to just de-op me, but he never forgave me. Don't fall victim to the liars. You have more common sense then to OP the guy that has been begging for Admin rank for the past three hours.
I will say this once more, so it firmly embed's itself in your mind: A Staff rank is EARNED, not BOUGHT.
5. OP Donations are bad
5.1: I couldn't come up with a witty name for this sub-chapter, but at least I wrote SOMETHING
So, now you got your server up and running, with a trusted group of staff. Now say you want money. Well Mr. Greedy-Pants I'm not gonna stop you from raking in the dough, but if you we're planning on just making a server, allowing donations, and just sit back, and let the server go to waste, then your not worthy of having your own server.Fortunately to provide your server from going to waste, I will step in for you. You already learned in the previous chapter that some idiotic server owners have allowed people to buy staff rank. But staff rank isn't the only thing given. For a bit less money, you could probably get stuff just as OP, but not as much. If you do that, then you should be ashamed.
Sometimes asking for donations is inevitable: Your wallet is starting to run dry, and the date in which your Hosting Company asks for your monthly payment, in exchange for keeping the server up, comes around. So whats the natural thing people do? They ask for donations.Now with some huge servers (Like Hypixel, and Shotbow but I already told you about them) donations are a necessary part of keeping the server up. Now if your running a self-hosted server, you need not worry about this happening. But either way, if you DO plan on having donations I can hopefully clear it up for you.
5.2: Didn't manage to come up with anything witty, but at least theres a second sub-chapter
Now you have to remember that the less perks given, the less people are willing to donate. People kind of expect a reward for their dedication you know. And in most cases you are more then willing to provide them with that reward. But know where to draw the line.
I should quickly clear this up before I forget: You can't really call it a 'donation' if your letting people have OP stuff. A true donation is out of the goodness of your heart. Throwing money at a server, for wanting a bunch of OP perks is just plain greedy.
Moving on: I can't tell you exactly how to make those 'perks' not-so-OP, but I can give some advice:
1) Allowing people the /give and /enchant command is the worst thing possible. Especially if your a PvP server. Its downright awful if you plan on doing what I just said.
2) Adding permissions for a certain command, is okay if it does something harmless - like launch fireworks - but letting them get ahold of commands like /mute and /ban is going WAAAAY too much over the top.
3) Allowing people to purchase unbans is rare, but sadly exists. If you actually want people being unbanned, then allow them to appeal themselves. If you actually allow people to purchase unbans, then your 'dream server' will be dead in a matter of DAYS. The ability to purchase unbans, is even worse then allowing people the /ban command.
6. What NOT to do
6.1 Still nothing witty coming to mind
Ohmygawd do I REALLY have to do this? You should know by now what to do, and not do. I probably shouldn't even be allowing this chapter to exist, if you really need to know what not to do, then drop what your doing and go look at some of the poor servers on their deathbeds. Plenty of reasons why: OP Donations, Lack of proper staff, Enforcing rules with extreme laziness. Theres so many opportunities to learn from others mistakes, that I don't even NEED to make this chapter. I almost regret having to put this 'ghost chapter' in the final handbook, but since it contains vital info, I have no other choice, and it doesn't fit anywhere else.
7. Outro
While there you have it: 30 minutes of dedicated work on a small little guide, that will probably do nothing, and will most likely be forgotten, then go down in history. Still i hope you learned a lot from this. And hopefully your finally ready to PROPERLY create your dream server. This is still a longer read then I expected. Hopefully you've finished your soda, and chips by now. If not, now is in excellent time to go back an re-read the important bits, whilst finishing your condiments.
Before I go, and leave you to attend to your new server, I will say one last thing: Most of the skill you get for owning a server, comes from…Well…Owning a server. To quote the Comissar from CoD2: "Ahhh comrades, there is no better training then fighting to survive." What he meant by this, is that the best way to get better at something, is by doing it. And if you fail then do it again, and again, and again.
This is crono23, veteran MineCraft player, and non-server-owner signing out.
Always on the lookout for small-time, modded and vanilla servers. I fancy designing and building things. Not enough free time to make epic grade constructs but willing to lend a hand. Just an adult trying to find a nice, perhaps mature, Survival server to hang out and co-op on, that doesn't have egotistical server owners who just like the power and control or prestige ownership gives them, and won't treat a gal like a sex object as soon as she walks in. Asking too much? lol Attempts as of Jan 2014: 24.
There is a lot of words up there that might have made running a server seam...confusing or daunting.... some good info also but I would like to take a second to say what he said in fewer words.
2 -How to host.
- self host
- Costs less, and you have complete control, everything depends on you and your computer's specs.
- Hosting Service
- Costs money, 99.9% uptime and large player capacity.
2.2 - Set up Permissions to control what people can do.
2.3 - Create a set of rules to be followed and enforce them
3 - Be different, go out on a limb with your server.
4.1 - Delegate Responsibilities if needed.
4.1 - Power in game is to be earned not bought.
5.1 - Power in game is to be earned not bought.
5.2 - Power in game is to be earned not bought.
6.1 - Why am i writing this chapter
6.1 - Power in game is to be earned not bought.
6.1 - Why am i writing this chapter
6.1 - Gonna call it a ghost chapter
6.1 - Has vital information like "Power in game is to be earned not bought" that does not fit anywhere else
6.1 - I am not witty
7.0 - I spent only 30 minutes of time on this
7.0 - I think this guide is worthless
7.0 - I hope you learned something from my minimal effort on this worthless project.
7.0 - My impressive guide alone has given you the tools to run a server
7.0 - i will not quote an obscure game and try to teach you a life lesson
7.0 - I have played minecraft
7.0 - I do not own a server.
This sounds a lot like a bashing of this topic... well it is a bashing of this post. Not to be a troll but seeing this i can tell the writer has a lot of knowledge bouncing around in his head and wanted to share it, also has some decent humor and the ability to keep a reader hooked on a topic, until he gets bored.
I hope you take your advice Crono23 and take this to heart "the best way to get better at something, is by doing it. And if you fail then do it again, and again, and again." keep on posting, but take more time when you post something informational like this. write it one day and then sleep on it. look on it again tomorrow fix some stuff realize you were hyped up on caffeine at the beginning and then crashed at the end and told everyone that what they just read was crappy. Be confidant that you are helping someone and just keep on truckin'.
I intend for this to be helpful for Cronos23 and for anyone reading this and thinking of posting stuff on your own. Take time to review it before you throw it on the internet and be confidant in what you do.
7.0 - i will not quote an obscure game and try to teach you a life lesson
Even after review mistakes can be made, as I remember "the best way to get better at something, is by doing it. And if you fail then do it again, and again, and again."
We run a server which accepts donations - we depend on them for hosting fees - but you get nothing for giving money. A green name, that's it. We have like 7 months hosting fees in the bank in advance. No problems. If you run a quality server people will be generous. You don't have to sell your soul or sell the ability to fly or something.
Of course we're all adults. That might be a factor.
You should also be aware that Mojang is taking the position that making money from servers is a violation of the end user agreement. Which they are threatening to enforce.
If not. Well hopefully you learned something.
1. Introduction
Hey you.
Yes you. The guy who always dreamed of owning his own server. Well I can tell you this: Whether hosting it from your home computer, or paying a hosting company for it, owning a server is not easy.
However thats where this guide comes in. Hopefully it'll clear up as much of the confusion as possible, while also providing some tips & tricks along the way. So without further ado, grab a soda, and a bag of chips, cuz your in for a looooong ride (Hopefully not that long, because this is vital info any newbie server owner has to know).
Small note: Any grammar/spelling mistakes are my fault. I will re-read this, and edit as many times as needed, but there will still be that one little mistake that evades my eyesight. Please point it out for me. Now we can start (For real this time, I'm serious).
2. Starting a Server
2.1: Introduction
Okay lets get down to the first, and most vital part: Starting up your dream server.
Before I get into the juicy stuff I should say this: I will not be providing any info on manually starting a server, theres plenty of tutorials on google. Heck, even the official MC wiki has a guide for doing it. So do not expect me to type anything of the sort in here. You aren't so lazy you can't do a simple google search.
2.2: Hosting Options
First order of business: Hosting Options
.There are only TWO options for hosting a server (Now is probably the time to explain, that IF there is a third, or fourth I do not know of them.): From your home computer. And by paying a hosting company for it. Both have their pros, and cons.Lets start with self-hosting.
Self-hosting is the primary choice, if your on a tight budget, but its cons outweigh the pros. For example: The connection speed, and memory of the server depends primarily on your computers specs. Even with a beefy, custom-made computer, you probably won't be able to handle over 50 players at once. And the standard, bought-in-a-store type computers can only hold about a fifth of that number, before meltdown
.However as stated before, self-hosting is a good idea if you can't afford to throw money at a hosting company. Self-hosted servers are usually reserved for small groups of friends, and are mainly whitelisted, with zero chances of anyone getting in. However some small public servers are self-hosted. The reason they don't meltdown is because the only people online are you, the owner, and that weird guy who never talks.
Now for the second option: Hosting Companies.Hosting Companies are usually used for larger-scale servers that are commonly more then a small group of dedicated friends. Some of the big servers out there, like Hypixel, and Shotbow are usually hosted by some of the more famous hosting companies.
Hosting Companies have but two large cons:The first con is the most obvious: They require money. Honestly did you REALLY think you we're gonna get that 500-person server for free from a hosting company? If so then I BEG you to read on. It could save your life, and your wallet.Its rather simple: The better the hosting plan, the more money needed. The majority of hosting-company server plans are per month. So if you thought 250 dollars was a lot to be paying for that 500-player server I talked about earlier, just wait until you find out its monthly, not one-time.
The second con (tho not as big of a problem) is server uptime.Sure, sure a lot of the big money-bag server hosting companies, guarantee 99.99% uptime, theres still a chance it will go down. Lots of small (and occasionally large) servers have gone under downtime, due to glitches in the companies services. Though this isn't really a con, more of an annoying, it can still mess stuff up.
And if you thought server downtime is bad, just wait till you learn about DDoS attacks. Many servers have become victim to the horrors of Denial-of-Service errors. But the worst thing about DDoS attacks, is that your hosting company probably can't do much about it. So yah, another thing to worry about.
All-in-all, it really falls down onto what your shooting for: A small little friendly server for your friends, or a few people you met online, would be better off self-hosted. On the other hand, if your going to try and make a larger server, for a little community, then a Hosting Company is what you need. Its more of personal preference, then which is better.
2.3: A small word about Basic Rules.
I'd like to move onto the next chapter ASAP, but I should cram in this small little paragraph here.
Great, you got your dream server up, and running. Now what about those pesky little rules. If your going for a PvP server (Please don't, 99% of the servers out there are PvP servers, I'll get to it in a few chapters.) then you might want to allow griefing. If your going for a creative server tho, then remember to put down a few reminders not to grief.While I'm at it, if you don't want people swearing, or shouting racial slurs, then put a sign saying something along the lines of; "Do not curse." at your server spawn. If your extra-scared about people breaking the 'No Swearing' rule then, adding a chat guard would be just the thing.
2.4: Permissions (More of a ghost sub-chapter)
I reeeeally wanted to do a sub-chapter on this, but its the same for starting up a server, theres tutorials on google, and on the wiki. I'd like to tell you the basics, but don't make me do all the work for you. Sorry folks. Moving on to the next chapter now.
3: Adding Originality.
3.1: "Why do I need originality?"
All I can say about you asking this is this: Don't ask about it.Have you ever gone to and seen endless servers that are basically: FACTIONS|PVP|VOTE4DIAMONDS|JOIN NOW ? If you we're planning on a server like this, then I'm not gonna stop you, but for the love of all that is holy: DO NOT MAKE A SERVER LIEK THIS! Have a scrap of originality. If you REALLY want a famous server, then your not gonna accomplish it by making a Factions, and PvP server.
3.2: Brainstorming
By now your probably thinking: 'Okay, so I get you don't want me making a server thats like 99% of all others. But how do I accomplish this?'
Well thats where your brain comes in. Yes thats right, your brain. You know that barf-colored squishy thing inside your skull? If you don't know what I'm talking about, then please take an anatomy class. You won't get far without using your thinker.
Anyway your brain is a vital part of this sub-chapter. If you want to make a original server, what better way then to try and bring that idea for a Harry Potter server you had floating in the back of your mind to life? Sure the more original, and more realistic, you try to make a server, the harder it gets. But custom plugins ARE possible, and you can hire plugin creators over the interwebs to design it for you.I can't really help you get the ball rolling, but I can say one last thing: All you need is an idea. No matter what your thinking, if you craft is JUST right, then it'll be a perfect fit as a server. If not, then start all over again.
4. Proper Staff
4.1: The one, and only sub-chapter in this chapter.
This part is OH-SO-IMPORTANT that it deserved its own chapter.So now you've got your dream server, and your idea for it a reality. Now your still gonna need staff. This isn't required if its a small friends-only server, but on big servers, you won't get far if your the only lawman around.I'll get to this part in the next chapter, but I should bring it up early: DO NOT LET PEOPLE DONATE FOR STAFF RANK.
I once saw a picture on imgur where a person had set up a rank board, and one of the ranks was a super-OP god set, where people we're allowed the /ban command, for 185$. If you we're thinking about doing something like that, then DON'T. Giving some random guy the ability to ban, is the worst possible thing imaginable.And now onto the actual Staff part. I will start by saying this: A place in the circle of Staff, is EARNED, not bought. Too many people have fallen victim too a uncontrollable need for money, that they have made staff ranks, like Admin, and Mod buyable.
When picking your staff, pick the most trustworthy, and skilled people possible. Even staff applications can be frowned upon, as nothing is stopping applicants from lying in their app's. Know how to weed out the trustworthy people, amongst all the idiots begging for OP rank (I'm directing that at you PMC fakers.).
I learned about opping people the hard way. One time I was a OP on a server, and some PMC-fakers got on, falsely saying they we're going to populate the server. They even gave a pretty legit-sounding alibi. After opping them, I logged off, and when I logged on the next day, I say pretty much everything was replaced with lava. The owner was kind enough to just de-op me, but he never forgave me. Don't fall victim to the liars. You have more common sense then to OP the guy that has been begging for Admin rank for the past three hours.
I will say this once more, so it firmly embed's itself in your mind: A Staff rank is EARNED, not BOUGHT.
5. OP Donations are bad
5.1: I couldn't come up with a witty name for this sub-chapter, but at least I wrote SOMETHING
So, now you got your server up and running, with a trusted group of staff. Now say you want money. Well Mr. Greedy-Pants I'm not gonna stop you from raking in the dough, but if you we're planning on just making a server, allowing donations, and just sit back, and let the server go to waste, then your not worthy of having your own server.Fortunately to provide your server from going to waste, I will step in for you. You already learned in the previous chapter that some idiotic server owners have allowed people to buy staff rank. But staff rank isn't the only thing given. For a bit less money, you could probably get stuff just as OP, but not as much. If you do that, then you should be ashamed.
Sometimes asking for donations is inevitable: Your wallet is starting to run dry, and the date in which your Hosting Company asks for your monthly payment, in exchange for keeping the server up, comes around. So whats the natural thing people do? They ask for donations.Now with some huge servers (Like Hypixel, and Shotbow but I already told you about them) donations are a necessary part of keeping the server up. Now if your running a self-hosted server, you need not worry about this happening. But either way, if you DO plan on having donations I can hopefully clear it up for you.
5.2: Didn't manage to come up with anything witty, but at least theres a second sub-chapter
Now you have to remember that the less perks given, the less people are willing to donate. People kind of expect a reward for their dedication you know. And in most cases you are more then willing to provide them with that reward. But know where to draw the line.
I should quickly clear this up before I forget: You can't really call it a 'donation' if your letting people have OP stuff. A true donation is out of the goodness of your heart. Throwing money at a server, for wanting a bunch of OP perks is just plain greedy.
Moving on: I can't tell you exactly how to make those 'perks' not-so-OP, but I can give some advice:
1) Allowing people the /give and /enchant command is the worst thing possible. Especially if your a PvP server. Its downright awful if you plan on doing what I just said.
2) Adding permissions for a certain command, is okay if it does something harmless - like launch fireworks - but letting them get ahold of commands like /mute and /ban is going WAAAAY too much over the top.
3) Allowing people to purchase unbans is rare, but sadly exists. If you actually want people being unbanned, then allow them to appeal themselves. If you actually allow people to purchase unbans, then your 'dream server' will be dead in a matter of DAYS. The ability to purchase unbans, is even worse then allowing people the /ban command.
6. What NOT to do
6.1 Still nothing witty coming to mind
Ohmygawd do I REALLY have to do this? You should know by now what to do, and not do. I probably shouldn't even be allowing this chapter to exist, if you really need to know what not to do, then drop what your doing and go look at some of the poor servers on their deathbeds. Plenty of reasons why: OP Donations, Lack of proper staff, Enforcing rules with extreme laziness. Theres so many opportunities to learn from others mistakes, that I don't even NEED to make this chapter. I almost regret having to put this 'ghost chapter' in the final handbook, but since it contains vital info, I have no other choice, and it doesn't fit anywhere else.
7. Outro
While there you have it: 30 minutes of dedicated work on a small little guide, that will probably do nothing, and will most likely be forgotten, then go down in history. Still i hope you learned a lot from this. And hopefully your finally ready to PROPERLY create your dream server. This is still a longer read then I expected. Hopefully you've finished your soda, and chips by now. If not, now is in excellent time to go back an re-read the important bits, whilst finishing your condiments.
Before I go, and leave you to attend to your new server, I will say one last thing: Most of the skill you get for owning a server, comes from…Well…Owning a server. To quote the Comissar from CoD2: "Ahhh comrades, there is no better training then fighting to survive." What he meant by this, is that the best way to get better at something, is by doing it. And if you fail then do it again, and again, and again.
This is crono23, veteran MineCraft player, and non-server-owner signing out.
2 -How to host.
- self host
- Costs less, and you have complete control, everything depends on you and your computer's specs.
- Hosting Service
- Costs money, 99.9% uptime and large player capacity.
2.2 - Set up Permissions to control what people can do.
2.3 - Create a set of rules to be followed and enforce them
3 - Be different, go out on a limb with your server.
4.1 - Delegate Responsibilities if needed.
4.1 - Power in game is to be earned not bought.
5.1 - Power in game is to be earned not bought.
5.2 - Power in game is to be earned not bought.
6.1 - Why am i writing this chapter
6.1 - Power in game is to be earned not bought.
6.1 - Why am i writing this chapter
6.1 - Gonna call it a ghost chapter
6.1 - Has vital information like "Power in game is to be earned not bought" that does not fit anywhere else
6.1 - I am not witty
7.0 - I spent only 30 minutes of time on this
7.0 - I think this guide is worthless
7.0 - I hope you learned something from my minimal effort on this worthless project.
7.0 - My impressive guide alone has given you the tools to run a server
7.0 - i will not quote an obscure game and try to teach you a life lesson
7.0 - I have played minecraft
7.0 - I do not own a server.
This sounds a lot like a bashing of this topic... well it is a bashing of this post. Not to be a troll but seeing this i can tell the writer has a lot of knowledge bouncing around in his head and wanted to share it, also has some decent humor and the ability to keep a reader hooked on a topic, until he gets bored.
I hope you take your advice Crono23 and take this to heart "the best way to get better at something, is by doing it. And if you fail then do it again, and again, and again." keep on posting, but take more time when you post something informational like this. write it one day and then sleep on it. look on it again tomorrow fix some stuff realize you were hyped up on caffeine at the beginning and then crashed at the end and told everyone that what they just read was crappy. Be confidant that you are helping someone and just keep on truckin'.
I intend for this to be helpful for Cronos23 and for anyone reading this and thinking of posting stuff on your own. Take time to review it before you throw it on the internet and be confidant in what you do.
Even after review mistakes can be made, as I remember "the best way to get better at something, is by doing it. And if you fail then do it again, and again, and again."
Thank you
Of course we're all adults. That might be a factor.
You should also be aware that Mojang is taking the position that making money from servers is a violation of the end user agreement. Which they are threatening to enforce.