I need my permissions.yml checked over and revised because i suck at editing it. thankyou! http://pastebin.com/C56TdVZY
(btw its tekkit 3.1.2, so that means these are 1.2.5 plugins)
I need my permissions.yml checked over and revised because i suck at editing it. thankyou! http://pastebin.com/C56TdVZY
(btw its tekkit 3.1.2, so that means these are 1.2.5 plugins)
At the start of your permissions for each group, you have this
What is the command to have inheritance ingame, also I am editing my PermissionsEX through my hosts minecraft panel, but I can't do tabs, what is a good program to edit it?
What is the command to have inheritance ingame, also I am editing my PermissionsEX through my hosts minecraft panel, but I can't do tabs, what is a good program to edit it?
I need my permissions.yml checked over and revised because i suck at editing it. thankyou! http://pastebin.com/C56TdVZY
(btw its tekkit 3.1.2, so that means these are 1.2.5 plugins)
I have tried everything, i have look over them countless times and had friends do it aswell, but because we arnt smart like a large percentage of the people of these forums, Can someone look over them and correct them for me? Thankyou
I have tried everything, i have look over them countless times and had friends do it aswell, but because we arnt smart like a large percentage of the people of these forums, Can someone look over them and correct them for me? Thankyou
You are missing colons (:) after nearly everything
There needs to be one after groups, each rank name, after default: true (like that), after prefix, after suffix, after build: true (like that), after options, after worlds, there needs to be a - in front of spawn after worlds.
Half your rank names aren't indented correctly either.
I recommend you put a : after groups, paste the entire file in to http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com and have a look at it. I also recommend you go and look at a proper, working permissions file to find out how they normally look to you can see where you've gone wrong. I think if you try to fix this yourself a bit from the pointers I've given you you will be much better off than me spending half an hour fixing it for you.
I have tried everything, i have look over them countless times and had friends do it aswell, but because we arnt smart like a large percentage of the people of these forums, Can someone look over them and correct them for me? Thankyou
You are missing colons ( after nearly everything
There needs to be one after groups, each rank name, after default: true (like that), after prefix, after suffix, after build: true (like that), after options, after worlds, there needs to be a - in front of spawn after worlds.
Half your rank names aren't indented correctly either.
I recommend you put a : after groups, paste the entire file in to http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com and have a look at it. I also recommend you go and look at a proper, working permissions file to find out how they normally look to you can see where you've gone wrong. I think if you try to fix this yourself a bit from the pointers I've given you you will be much better off than me spending half an hour fixing it for you.
I edited some stuff. Please compare with your old permissions file and change anything as needed.
It's people like you that make me smile, that do things for no reason, without knowing how much people will love you for it. Thankyou heaps this means that much!
Give them this perm:
(btw its tekkit 3.1.2, so that means these are 1.2.5 plugins)
At the start of your permissions for each group, you have this
Instead, have it like this
That is pastebin formatting that. It does stupid things like that with YAML-style formatting.
Define disappearing? Can you output what you see when you use /pl
using the /pl commad
Modifyworld and EssentialsAntibuild both do the same thing, so I would only use one of them.
Your formatting seems alright.
That is not a permissions file.
http://pastebin.com/d9LzGkGC Thats were the permissions file is.
You are missing colons (:) after nearly everything
There needs to be one after groups, each rank name, after default: true (like that), after prefix, after suffix, after build: true (like that), after options, after worlds, there needs to be a - in front of spawn after worlds.
Half your rank names aren't indented correctly either.
I recommend you put a : after groups, paste the entire file in to http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com and have a look at it. I also recommend you go and look at a proper, working permissions file to find out how they normally look to you can see where you've gone wrong. I think if you try to fix this yourself a bit from the pointers I've given you you will be much better off than me spending half an hour fixing it for you.
I was bored, so I did the fixing for you.
I edited some stuff. Please compare with your old permissions file and change anything as needed.
It's people like you that make me smile, that do things for no reason, without knowing how much people will love you for it. Thankyou heaps this means that much!
Which permissions plugin are you using?
Do any errors pop up in console?
This should work: