First off, your spacing is wrong - that threw off your entire alignment of permissions, so you're going to have some kind of YAML error in your console.
Secondly, you have a lot of "- null" permissions in each group. This means that you are saving your permissions file after putting a dash in the permissions area without having anything after it. Example:
This shouldn't cause an error, however, try to avoid it, as it has the capability to cause an error if the alignment was wrong, as yours was.
Thirdly, you seem to be a bit mixed up on how inheritance works. When you set a Member group to have inheritance of the Default group, the Default permissions are added to the Member group. So when the Rocket_Grunt group has inheritance of the Member group, it will add BOTH the Member and Default permissions, so you only need to add the Member group to inheritance (not the Member and Default to the inheritance). It's a bit confusing to explain,so here's an example:
You seem to have the prefix coloring and format down, so that's great! You shouldn't be running into too much problems while setting the prefixes.
I looked over my file, can't see exactly what's wrong with it. Im getting the "all commands are locked due to an error. Check the log and then try a 'man load'. Can you please tell me what's wrong? Here is my file -->
Hi so im trying to make a prison server and I need pex to work. so I installed it and everything was working fine. but then I tried to put in a command and NOTHING AT ALL would happen! also I cant respond to my own forum posts! Help!
PS: Im trying to make other ranks like Owner or stuff like that. but I cant rank myself to it because PEX wont work!
He'llo everyone, I have a server and I'm running PEX. I am struggling to setup the correct format for per world permissions. I want my default group (Recruit) to have the skyblock permissions on he skyblock world and have the faction permissions on the factions world which is my default world (world). I've tryed most ways and looked at most videos but they are very confusing. Can you guys please help!
I looked over my file, can't see exactly what's wrong with it. Im getting the "all commands are locked due to an error. Check the log and then try a 'man load'. Can you please tell me what's wrong? Here is my file -->
You used ‘ instead of ' in a lot of the prefixes and star nodes, fixed version at
Hi so im trying to make a prison server and I need pex to work. so I installed it and everything was working fine. but then I tried to put in a command and NOTHING AT ALL would happen! also I cant respond to my own forum posts! Help!
PS: Im trying to make other ranks like Owner or stuff like that. but I cant rank myself to it because PEX wont work!
We need to see your permissions.yml file.
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ok i been reading thru alot of these posts and tutorials. and im still completly lost.. this is my first time setting up a server. also first time working with perms. if someone can help me out that would be more then greatly appreciated. i got it so new players can build. they can type /warp warpname and it works. but they cant create factions. they cant walk thru warp portals or use /world worldname. i need this fixed and cant figure it out for the life of me. my skype is millerman753 if that helps.
You should attempt to make a file on your own and then if it doesn't work ask for help here, most people will not make you a free permissions file since it is too time consuming.
ok i been reading thru alot of these posts and tutorials. and im still completly lost.. this is my first time setting up a server. also first time working with perms. if someone can help me out that would be more then greatly appreciated. i got it so new players can build. they can type /warp warpname and it works. but they cant create factions. they cant walk thru warp portals or use /world worldname. i need this fixed and cant figure it out for the life of me. my skype is millerman753 if that helps.
Give them the node factions.create to make factions, for the other two I need to know what plugin you're using for them.
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ok.. im useing warpportals. perm is warpportals.enter.* for all access to use them. but it dont work.. i just did the factions.create perm and it works now. but i have to add every faction perm for leave invite etc. or is there a perm to give all access to factions for default players.. if not ill find a list of the perms and add them all in. and warpsigns is warpsigns.jar file.
ok can someone gimme a big big hand please. im running multiple mods and dont know which permission file i need to edit that controls them all. i need to learn to setup ranks. and have them actually work. so new players/all players will be that rank. admin will be another and then myself the owner. i also need to setup a vip rank which gives creative mode in my survival world. then i want to setup the ranks so that every rank and build on map. use warp signs. warpsign plugin, use warp portals with warpportal plugin. and be able to use mcmmo and mcjobs. also factions where u showed me how to enable faction creation. but no one can invite or leave without more perms. so everything will need to be set to allowed. somehow something broke and now a player cant even access his own chests no more. and no msg is given. he also couldnt open his door or place a new one when i broke his. im beyond confused now. and more then lost . if its possible for someone to msg me or msg me on skype and help walk me thru this long processes. again i am completly new at this and really really need help badly... thank you
Hi everyone! I am currently working on a minecraft server and when I try using GroupManager commands, the chatdisplays "All commands are locked due to an error. Check the log and then try a '/manload'" Well, I checked the file which had an ERROR.LOG, when I opened it I go this:
ok can someone gimme a big big hand please. im running multiple mods and dont know which permission file i need to edit that controls them all. i need to learn to setup ranks. and have them actually work. so new players/all players will be that rank. admin will be another and then myself the owner. i also need to setup a vip rank which gives creative mode in my survival world. then i want to setup the ranks so that every rank and build on map. use warp signs. warpsign plugin, use warp portals with warpportal plugin. and be able to use mcmmo and mcjobs. also factions where u showed me how to enable faction creation. but no one can invite or leave without more perms. so everything will need to be set to allowed. somehow something broke and now a player cant even access his own chests no more. and no msg is given. he also couldnt open his door or place a new one when i broke his. im beyond confused now. and more then lost . if its possible for someone to msg me or msg me on skype and help walk me thru this long processes. again i am completly new at this and really really need help badly... thank you
Ok Millerman753, firstly, you'll need to get the Essentials Plugin. With this should come GroupManager, if not download it [here]( Looking up a YouTube guide if your best bet on setting up groups. I'm new myself, so good luck!
Are my Perms correct? here is the link, could anybody please go over it and tell me what's wrong if there is anything wrong. Thank you very much for your Help
Are my Perms correct? here is the link, could anybody please go over it and tell me what's wrong if there is anything wrong. Thank you very much for your Help
All your inheritances for all the groups were spaced incorrectly, fixed version at
You used ‘ instead of ' in a lot of the prefixes, fixed version at
Don´t work for me
Hi scalda!
First off, your spacing is wrong - that threw off your entire alignment of permissions, so you're going to have some kind of YAML error in your console.
Secondly, you have a lot of "- null" permissions in each group. This means that you are saving your permissions file after putting a dash in the permissions area without having anything after it. Example:
This shouldn't cause an error, however, try to avoid it, as it has the capability to cause an error if the alignment was wrong, as yours was.
Thirdly, you seem to be a bit mixed up on how inheritance works. When you set a Member group to have inheritance of the Default group, the Default permissions are added to the Member group. So when the Rocket_Grunt group has inheritance of the Member group, it will add BOTH the Member and Default permissions, so you only need to add the Member group to inheritance (not the Member and Default to the inheritance). It's a bit confusing to explain,so here's an example:
You seem to have the prefix coloring and format down, so that's great! You shouldn't be running into too much problems while setting the prefixes.
Here's the fixed permissions file:
If you need me to explain something more, feel free to ask!
Potato, potato, tomato, tomato.
What error do you get?
This are my plugins.
PS: Im trying to make other ranks like Owner or stuff like that. but I cant rank myself to it because PEX wont work!
You used ‘ instead of ' in a lot of the prefixes and star nodes, fixed version at
I don't see any plugins that could be causing problems, what error do you get in console upon server startup?
We need to see your permissions.yml file.
Put your permissions file on since the forums mess up the permissions file spacing.
You should attempt to make a file on your own and then if it doesn't work ask for help here, most people will not make you a free permissions file since it is too time consuming.
Give them the node factions.create to make factions, for the other two I need to know what plugin you're using for them.
I am useing group manager, And I do not have essentials antibuild or any antigrief plugins,
Help would be apreciated
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See you there!
I added it, And It did not work.
Thanks anyways.
In any case, I can't make anything intelligible of it. Can you guys help me out?
Ok Millerman753, firstly, you'll need to get the Essentials Plugin. With this should come GroupManager, if not download it [here]( Looking up a YouTube guide if your best bet on setting up groups. I'm new myself, so good luck! here is the link, could anybody please go over it and tell me what's wrong if there is anything wrong.
Thank you very much for your Help
You had alot of misplaced things. Open the original and check the errors
Warning: Your builders can use Admin Commands like Kick, Ban, Tempban, etc.