Look. Before I get bombarded with stuff like, advertise on PMC or MC-MP or sheez like that, or have a unique idea, why would you want to join the server, or nice staff; take a second to look at HUGELY populated servers (Climax Craft, PR). They all started like the old Factions PvP server that I currently have today. Most server share the same ideas with great spawns, awesome staff, cool plugins, amazing donor perks and all sheez like that but the main difference is the player base. I have a small server with small amounts of people joining everyday. I tried hard and hard and this has been going on for 3 WHOLE MONTHS and I have a server player base the same way as it was when I started. Nothing changed. No donors, no high amounts of votes, NO NOTHING. But if I were to look at PR PVP, it is Factions, PvP Raid with donations coming in every hour. They have a 150 player base on everyday and they have, I think, 5 other servers. They didn't start like that of course. No server starts like that unless you are a famous YouTuber with millions of subs. They started like every server with no UNIQUE idea, no GREAT staff and most certainly, NO PLAYERS. HOW DID THEY DO IT SO THEY HAVE LIKE 500 PLAYERS ON DAY TO NIGHT? DAWN TO DUSK? MORNING TO EVENING? This question stands in my head I need an answer. AND IF ANYONE SAYS THAT THEY HAVE BEEN ON FOR A LONG TIME, THING AGAIN. PR Has only been on for probably a year now. But when I joined (7 months after opening) they were packed and I was certainly confused. My server has features as great as theirs and I do not get on how some servers have world wide notice while people that have been on for about a month don't have more than a couple people. I WOULD LITERATELY delete your comment if you say to give up. I need answers and how I could possible make a better server with more people. But I need people for a better server and vise versa.
If you do it right before someone else does, and they have already invested hours in that server, why would they change to another server, that is pretty much the same?
If you do it right before someone else does, and they have already invested hours in that server, why would they change to another server, that is pretty much the same?
I understand what you are saying (minding the grammar errors) but there are thousands of popular servers that are just as good as not popular servers. I mean look at the top list on PMC. ~80% or more have factions on it and ~75% of them started off from a factions server. So if all the server owners had started their servers at the same time, they cannot be this popular. Some servers have started just a bit longer than when I started my server. Take for example Arkham Network: Established on PMC about 4 months ago. If I were to check my post : Established on PMC about 3 months ago. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE. To say this is complete craze of the mind. Sure they might have spend thousands, but in my defence, ~90% of servers started out with weak specks on their machine and tiniest of player bases. Makes no sense still.
I noticed you said devoted time and effort. If I were not to be putting my time and effort into my server, I would have not started this topic. It makes clear sense. If I didn't care, I wouldn't even have my server on PMC.
Thanks for replying. One more thing. If you check my server, tell me how my server differs from a successful server other than people on it. Can you please tell me what I should do. Much would be appreciated. Thanks!
I noticed you said devoted time and effort. If I were not to be putting my time and effort into my server, I would have not started this topic. It makes clear sense. If I didn't care, I wouldn't even have my server on PMC.
I guess i wasnt really clear in my post, i meant more as time commitment from the players on servers, like why would they change from their current long running server, to yours?
And also about the more successful servers that got big in a shorter amount of time, luck and timing is a really big factor.
I guess i wasnt really clear in my post, i meant more as time commitment from the players on servers, like why would they change from their current long running server, to yours?
And also about the more successful servers that got big in a shorter amount of time, luck and timing is a really big factor.
Funny you mentioned luck. Elaborate on that subject.
I cannot comprehend what you meant by timing though. Are you trying to say that the time they released the server, it was a great time? Or probably a huge server got closed and they found this server. The chances of a huge server closing is in the BILLIONS because people love it and would spend $10000 if necessary to keep the server going. Of course I have not had a person like that on my server. But servers like the Shotbow Network cannot close because sponsors, donations and staff. Plus the money they earn is exceptional.
I am not in for the money but simply for the joy of seeing a server that I have created and seeing a massive amount of players donating because they like what I have done for them.
But luck certainly needs more explination.
Please check the server for any details that might help my server. Everything will be replied to and all will be appreciated.
Look. Before I get bombarded with stuff like, advertise on PMC or MC-MP or sheez like that, or have a unique idea, why would you want to join the server, or nice staff; take a second to look at HUGELY populated servers (Climax Craft, PR). They all started like the old Factions PvP server that I currently have today. Most server share the same ideas with great spawns, awesome staff, cool plugins, amazing donor perks and all sheez like that but the main difference is the player base. I have a small server with small amounts of people joining everyday. I tried hard and hard and this has been going on for 3 WHOLE MONTHS and I have a server player base the same way as it was when I started. Nothing changed. No donors, no high amounts of votes, NO NOTHING. But if I were to look at PR PVP, it is Factions, PvP Raid with donations coming in every hour. They have a 150 player base on everyday and they have, I think, 5 other servers. They didn't start like that of course. No server starts like that unless you are a famous YouTuber with millions of subs. They started like every server with no UNIQUE idea, no GREAT staff and most certainly, NO PLAYERS. HOW DID THEY DO IT SO THEY HAVE LIKE 500 PLAYERS ON DAY TO NIGHT? DAWN TO DUSK? MORNING TO EVENING? This question stands in my head I need an answer. AND IF ANYONE SAYS THAT THEY HAVE BEEN ON FOR A LONG TIME, THING AGAIN. PR Has only been on for probably a year now. But when I joined (7 months after opening) they were packed and I was certainly confused. My server has features as great as theirs and I do not get on how some servers have world wide notice while people that have been on for about a month don't have more than a couple people. I WOULD LITERATELY delete your comment if you say to give up. I need answers and how I could possible make a better server with more people. But I need people for a better server and vise versa.
IP: mc.ddrpvp.com
Web: ddrpvp.com
Well I checked the two servers you mentioned, and both of them were hub servers with minigames. Yours does not have any minigames, nor really any point. What are you supposed to do? Go make a faction on the empty server and go raid the nonexistent other factions because there is no one on?
So those servers are bigger because they are more then just faction pvp.
Also you need to note, your server needs to be more then just faction pvp, the market is seriously over saturated with simple faction pvp servers. Maybe these servers did start out not being hub servers, but if they did, it was long before there were as many faction pvp servers as there are today.
For your note on arkham network. I checked another voting site, it was established 6 months ago on that one, and oh yeah, they too are a hub server.
Honestly, you are complaining about your faction pvp server not getting enough people. You need to make something unique. All the big servers u mentioned? They have unique things to their servers that yours just doesnt have. Also, you have way to op starting kits.
Well I checked the two servers you mentioned, and both of them were hub servers with minigames. Yours does not have any minigames, nor really any point. What are you supposed to do? Go make a faction on the empty server and go raid the nonexistent other factions because there is no one on?
So those servers are bigger because they are more then just faction pvp.
Also you need to note, your server needs to be more then just faction pvp, the market is seriously over saturated with simple faction pvp servers. Maybe these servers did start out not being hub servers, but if they did, it was long before there were as many faction pvp servers as there are today.
For your note on arkham network. I checked another voting site, it was established 6 months ago on that one, and oh yeah, they too are a hub server.
Honestly, you are complaining about your faction pvp server not getting enough people. You need to make something unique. All the big servers u mentioned? They have unique things to their servers that yours just doesnt have. Also, you have way to op starting kits.
You have many points over here that I would like to discuss. But first I want to say thank you for making an answer that made me think.
I have 3 Kits: daily, weekly and starter. Starter starts you off. Daily and Weekly helps you out while playing. Kit starter has a cooldown of 3 months. So unless you wait for 3 months, that wont be coming back.
Unique Idea:
How can I make a unique idea as of now? A lot of ideas are taken and a lot need programming. I will be learning Javascript when the next school year starts but until then, I can not make anything. Neither will I take the time from videos to learn. I have questions and videos will not help.
You have noticed no players. I wouldn't have made this thread is I had lots of players, donations and popular servers. I need players to start the reaction. The purpose of the server is a factions server which requires players. And if you didn't notice, no players. If you have a suggestion (NOT VOTING SITES HAVE MANY OF THEM) (unique idea? Please tell me!) I will welcome it with open arms.
Popular Servers
None of the servers I listed above started off by a hub server. They also all started and relatively the same time. Taken that into consideration, only 1 or 2 of the servers should be massively popular. Not all 4 of them (I lost count).
Please tell me how to improve! How to be like them. If you say come up with a unique idea, I WILL COMPLETELY IGNORE YOU, because I have no unique ideas.
"If you tell me how to actually have a successful server, I WILL COMPLETELY IGNORE THE TRUTH, because even though there's thousands of unique ideas that just need to be discovered, I'm not interested in putting forth any work in having an original concept."
Fixed that for you. I am dearly sorry to break it to you, but your server can perform and function dismally and still reach critical acclaim, as long as you have an original concept. It doesn't work both ways.
An original idea does not require any custom programming (and learning Javascript and/or learning from videos is most certainly not the way to embark on an adventure like this). Google "emergent gameplay", get a solid understanding of the concept, and go from there.
Of course NO idea is born simple, and indeed you have understood the mistake I have made. I didn't mean I will ignore you if you have a unique idea, but if you suggested to come up with one. I am pretty sure I ran up in that theory many times and to read more peoples replies to a topic that I have clearly stated I understand I need a unique idea, but cannot come up with one. No idea, especially a unique one, is made easy. Google didn't become Google in a night.
So you may have understood it in the wrong way. But I mean no harm. I need an idea and I will put it to desperate measures to get it complete if the idea is a great one.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Making a minecraft server can be pretty much longer.
With a friend, we are working since several months (5 or 6) for making our server. But maklng mean a lot of things, including :
I don't want to tell more about it cause we are making a whole new server with a whole new experience for players that, i think, no one has ever does. We thought, thought of what we want to do, what players can enjoy, and more, for making a real server where there is all a background, explanation, and so one for making our server, a real game, with the minecraft's base.
- Modpack (Choosing, testing)
- Features (What player can do and will do to enjoy playing)
- Plugins (Choosing, testing)
- Map (the longest, I'm doing this part) (Making the map, all features that we want include, environment, etc...)
- Background (Why do you play, why are you here, etc...)
There also a lot of other steps, but I don't wanna explain them here.
If you want to do a server with more people, you have to think a lot of things about :
Your server (no crash, no lag)
Your clients (what they will do, what to do to have fun)
You (making something you like, personnaly I think I will create the map and never play on the game, cause it is so much more fun to do a whole conception of the game you want the players enjoy on the server, than play it (i think).
So I can't tell so much, sorry, don't hesitate to PM me
Making a minecraft server can be pretty much longer.
With a friend, we are working since several months (5 or 6) for making our server. But maklng mean a lot of things, including :
I don't want to tell more about it cause we are making a whole new server with a whole new experience for players that, i think, no one has ever does. We thought, thought of what we want to do, what players can enjoy, and more, for making a real server where there is all a background, explanation, and so one for making our server, a real game, with the minecraft's base.
- Modpack (Choosing, testing)
- Features (What player can do and will do to enjoy playing)
- Plugins (Choosing, testing)
- Map (the longest, I'm doing this part) (Making the map, all features that we want include, environment, etc...)
- Background (Why do you play, why are you here, etc...)
There also a lot of other steps, but I don't wanna explain them here.
If you want to do a server with more people, you have to think a lot of things about :
Your server (no crash, no lag)
Your clients (what they will do, what to do to have fun)
You (making something you like, personnaly I think I will create the map and never play on the game, cause it is so much more fun to do a whole conception of the game you want the players enjoy on the server, than play it (i think).
So I can't tell so much, sorry, don't hesitate to PM me
I'm sorry, what is your post supposed to be telling me. I am quite confused. My server is quite, if not extremely, reliable. Crashes never happen thanks to the host, but lag isn't much of an issue. I guess I lag but only since I have a laptop from 2010; plus it is a Toshiba, so it isn't very good. I can tell because I have a friend that has a Mac and is on peak performance. But, the rest is kind of blurred because all you are saying is that 'I am making a great new way to make a server.'
Doesn't matter how unique your server is or how nice your staff are, the thing that will get you big is having players.
Nobody will even join your server if they see "0/30 online" even if you do have a few, people want to play on server with lots of players.
As you can see it's a bit of a paradox - To get lots of players, you need to have lots of players.
I suggest you make some Minecrafting friends (10-20) then start your server and get them to support you.
After you've got a reasonable playerbase, then and only then will having unique servers / staff / perks will help retain the players you get.
You see, I do not have many friends that have Minecraft. Canada isn't the place were Minecraft is nationally recognized. But if you know many people, can you please get them, I need as many people as I can get. It would be very much appreciated.
This is for you to do buddy. We are here for support but not to get people for you. Also, about the unique idea thing... that is on you. I have a lot of ideas that are possible with plugins that are not really meant for events but my ideas take hold of the more advanced features of really popular plugins. No I do not means Factions or anything. I am taking about WorldGuard. There are tons of things you can do with it besides guard.
This is for you to do buddy. We are here for support but not to get people for you. Also, about the unique idea thing... that is on you. I have a lot of ideas that are possible with plugins that are not really meant for events but my ideas take hold of the more advanced features of really popular plugins. No I do not means Factions or anything. I am taking about WorldGuard. There are tons of things you can do with it besides guard.
Fine, I will find my mc friends. But can you tell me unique ideas? It would really help!
Please, I want success in this server and I want it to be good. From the start, it isn't like a server you slap on in a second. It took me nearly 3 months to do all of it. I worked really hard on it and I want it to be great.
Fine, I will find my mc friends. But can you tell me unique ideas? It would really help!
Please, I want success in this server and I want it to be good. From the start, it isn't like a server you slap on in a second. It took me nearly 3 months to do all of it. I worked really hard on it and I want it to be great.
Hey man,
I'm going through technically the same exact thing you are.
Although Jns20 is right, You need players to get players.
I remember my old server got a usual 30-40 players a day!
That took me well around a year to do.
Server business is hard, Let me tell you.
I'm trying to rebuild my server now, You just need that kick start of players which is usually around 10 players.
Once you have that, Just keep advertising, Bumping on PMC. Etc.
I mean, I definitely wouldn't want to go on a server that had 0/50 Players, Hell, There wouldn't be anything to do!
So just try and work on the 10 players, Once that's done, You can probably say there's a 88% chance you'll get more popular.
That's what I did with my old server, Wait for the 10 players, (and invite friends) Then just keep advertising.
Plus, Another tip: Once you have well around 15-10 Players, I suggest sponsoring your server on a certain sponsorship server list.
Their pretty pricy, But worth while.
Some sponsorship server lists have auctions, Those are the ones you don't want to go to, Reason being is because you would get outbid in an instant. I mean those people bid right around 800$-1000.
Buy now sponsorships are usually like 60-70$ depending on which one your using!
If you need anymore help, PM me, I'll be happy to help.
Find a combination of plugins that encourages this. Players will not abandon their own story and will fight to the bitter end in attempts to leave their mark.
Gimme an example. I don't want a full scale idea with in-depth explanation, I want an idea to get myself started and expand it.
I am like a man with a map with nothing on it. A blank paper. I need people to describe the area so I can map the country.
Hey man,
I'm going through technically the same exact thing you are.
Although Jns20 is right, You need players to get players.
I remember my old server got a usual 30-40 players a day!
That took me well around a year to do.
Server business is hard, Let me tell you.
I'm trying to rebuild my server now, You just need that kick start of players which is usually around 10 players.
Once you have that, Just keep advertising, Bumping on PMC. Etc.
I mean, I definitely wouldn't want to go on a server that had 0/50 Players, Hell, There wouldn't be anything to do!
So just try and work on the 10 players, Once that's done, You can probably say there's a 88% chance you'll get more popular.
That's what I did with my old server, Wait for the 10 players, (and invite friends) Then just keep advertising.
Plus, Another tip: Once you have well around 15-10 Players, I suggest sponsoring your server on a certain sponsorship server list.
Their pretty pricy, But worth while.
Some sponsorship server lists have auctions, Those are the ones you don't want to go to, Reason being is because you would get outbid in an instant. I mean those people bid right around 800$-1000.
Buy now sponsorships are usually like 60-70$ depending on which one your using!
If you need anymore help, PM me, I'll be happy to help.
Whoa, That takes long, but I guess it might be worth it. But I also need money to keep the server up. It isn't like life is free. Lol.
Don't try to dictate what the players will be doing on your server. Instead, try to make them play out their own story. Factions is a prime example of a plugin that's perfectly capable of doing something like this, but server owners often make it so rigid that players can't write their names in to history.
Factions allows players to handle their own politics, decisions, policies, and land. With something like Dynmap, players can see how their individual choices and relations with others have shaped the world they see on that map and feel obligated to continue their service to their faction even if they've grown bored of the server.
You could survive with only 1GB of RAM for quite a while with proper management. At around $10 a GB, you actually wouldn't have much issue in terms of money.
Let me start off with the 1GB RAM. My server cannot handle 1 GB RAM. I have 38 plugins with 40 slots and it costs around CAD$70. All of them are essentials because of what the benefits of the ranks are need the plugins. Also worldgarud, worldedit, essentials, Factions. All important.
Then with me dictating what players will do on the server. I never care what the players are doing as long as it is not against the rules. If it is, then I will take necessary action. But players come on for 30 minutes then leave. Then come back the next day for 15 minutes then leave. Following will be 7 minutes, then 4 minutes then 2 and so on.
I want an idea that will just spark an interest in the players mind then they will want to come back every day and have a bit fun.
Something along those lines. But when you suggest it, or if you don't, please please please don't attack me or say 'COME UP WITH IT URSELF !'
IP: mc.ddrpvp.com
Web: ddrpvp.com
I understand what you are saying (minding the grammar errors) but there are thousands of popular servers that are just as good as not popular servers. I mean look at the top list on PMC. ~80% or more have factions on it and ~75% of them started off from a factions server. So if all the server owners had started their servers at the same time, they cannot be this popular. Some servers have started just a bit longer than when I started my server. Take for example Arkham Network: Established on PMC about 4 months ago. If I were to check my post : Established on PMC about 3 months ago. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE. To say this is complete craze of the mind. Sure they might have spend thousands, but in my defence, ~90% of servers started out with weak specks on their machine and tiniest of player bases. Makes no sense still.
I noticed you said devoted time and effort. If I were not to be putting my time and effort into my server, I would have not started this topic. It makes clear sense. If I didn't care, I wouldn't even have my server on PMC.
Thanks for replying. One more thing. If you check my server, tell me how my server differs from a successful server other than people on it. Can you please tell me what I should do. Much would be appreciated. Thanks!
IP: mc.ddrpvp.com
Web: ddrpvp.com
I guess i wasnt really clear in my post, i meant more as time commitment from the players on servers, like why would they change from their current long running server, to yours?
And also about the more successful servers that got big in a shorter amount of time, luck and timing is a really big factor.
Funny you mentioned luck. Elaborate on that subject.
I cannot comprehend what you meant by timing though. Are you trying to say that the time they released the server, it was a great time? Or probably a huge server got closed and they found this server. The chances of a huge server closing is in the BILLIONS because people love it and would spend $10000 if necessary to keep the server going. Of course I have not had a person like that on my server. But servers like the Shotbow Network cannot close because sponsors, donations and staff. Plus the money they earn is exceptional.
I am not in for the money but simply for the joy of seeing a server that I have created and seeing a massive amount of players donating because they like what I have done for them.
But luck certainly needs more explination.
Please check the server for any details that might help my server. Everything will be replied to and all will be appreciated.
IP: mc.ddrpvp.com
Web: ddrpvp.com
Well I checked the two servers you mentioned, and both of them were hub servers with minigames. Yours does not have any minigames, nor really any point. What are you supposed to do? Go make a faction on the empty server and go raid the nonexistent other factions because there is no one on?
So those servers are bigger because they are more then just faction pvp.
Also you need to note, your server needs to be more then just faction pvp, the market is seriously over saturated with simple faction pvp servers. Maybe these servers did start out not being hub servers, but if they did, it was long before there were as many faction pvp servers as there are today.
For your note on arkham network. I checked another voting site, it was established 6 months ago on that one, and oh yeah, they too are a hub server.
Honestly, you are complaining about your faction pvp server not getting enough people. You need to make something unique. All the big servers u mentioned? They have unique things to their servers that yours just doesnt have. Also, you have way to op starting kits.
You have many points over here that I would like to discuss. But first I want to say thank you for making an answer that made me think.
I have 3 Kits: daily, weekly and starter. Starter starts you off. Daily and Weekly helps you out while playing. Kit starter has a cooldown of 3 months. So unless you wait for 3 months, that wont be coming back.
Unique Idea:
How can I make a unique idea as of now? A lot of ideas are taken and a lot need programming. I will be learning Javascript when the next school year starts but until then, I can not make anything. Neither will I take the time from videos to learn. I have questions and videos will not help.
You have noticed no players. I wouldn't have made this thread is I had lots of players, donations and popular servers. I need players to start the reaction. The purpose of the server is a factions server which requires players. And if you didn't notice, no players. If you have a suggestion (NOT VOTING SITES HAVE MANY OF THEM) (unique idea? Please tell me!) I will welcome it with open arms.
Popular Servers
None of the servers I listed above started off by a hub server. They also all started and relatively the same time. Taken that into consideration, only 1 or 2 of the servers should be massively popular. Not all 4 of them (I lost count).
Please tell me how to improve! How to be like them. If you say come up with a unique idea, I WILL COMPLETELY IGNORE YOU, because I have no unique ideas.
Of course NO idea is born simple, and indeed you have understood the mistake I have made. I didn't mean I will ignore you if you have a unique idea, but if you suggested to come up with one. I am pretty sure I ran up in that theory many times and to read more peoples replies to a topic that I have clearly stated I understand I need a unique idea, but cannot come up with one. No idea, especially a unique one, is made easy. Google didn't become Google in a night.
So you may have understood it in the wrong way. But I mean no harm. I need an idea and I will put it to desperate measures to get it complete if the idea is a great one.
With a friend, we are working since several months (5 or 6) for making our server. But maklng mean a lot of things, including :
I don't want to tell more about it cause we are making a whole new server with a whole new experience for players that, i think, no one has ever does. We thought, thought of what we want to do, what players can enjoy, and more, for making a real server where there is all a background, explanation, and so one for making our server, a real game, with the minecraft's base.
- Modpack (Choosing, testing)
- Features (What player can do and will do to enjoy playing)
- Plugins (Choosing, testing)
- Map (the longest, I'm doing this part) (Making the map, all features that we want include, environment, etc...)
- Background (Why do you play, why are you here, etc...)
There also a lot of other steps, but I don't wanna explain them here.
If you want to do a server with more people, you have to think a lot of things about :
Your server (no crash, no lag)
Your clients (what they will do, what to do to have fun)
You (making something you like, personnaly I think I will create the map and never play on the game, cause it is so much more fun to do a whole conception of the game you want the players enjoy on the server, than play it (i think).
So I can't tell so much, sorry, don't hesitate to PM me
Nobody will even join your server if they see "0/30 online" even if you do have a few, people want to play on server with lots of players.
As you can see it's a bit of a paradox - To get lots of players, you need to have lots of players.
I suggest you make some Minecrafting friends (10-20) then start your server and get them to support you.
After you've got a reasonable playerbase, then and only then will having unique servers / staff / perks will help retain the players you get.
I'm sorry, what is your post supposed to be telling me. I am quite confused. My server is quite, if not extremely, reliable. Crashes never happen thanks to the host, but lag isn't much of an issue. I guess I lag but only since I have a laptop from 2010; plus it is a Toshiba, so it isn't very good. I can tell because I have a friend that has a Mac and is on peak performance. But, the rest is kind of blurred because all you are saying is that 'I am making a great new way to make a server.'
I don't want to be mean.
Please help me on unique ideas.
You see, I do not have many friends that have Minecraft. Canada isn't the place were Minecraft is nationally recognized. But if you know many people, can you please get them, I need as many people as I can get. It would be very much appreciated.
Fine, I will find my mc friends. But can you tell me unique ideas? It would really help!
Please, I want success in this server and I want it to be good. From the start, it isn't like a server you slap on in a second. It took me nearly 3 months to do all of it. I worked really hard on it and I want it to be great.
Hey man,
I'm going through technically the same exact thing you are.
Although Jns20 is right, You need players to get players.
I remember my old server got a usual 30-40 players a day!
That took me well around a year to do.
Server business is hard, Let me tell you.
I'm trying to rebuild my server now, You just need that kick start of players which is usually around 10 players.
Once you have that, Just keep advertising, Bumping on PMC. Etc.
I mean, I definitely wouldn't want to go on a server that had 0/50 Players, Hell, There wouldn't be anything to do!
So just try and work on the 10 players, Once that's done, You can probably say there's a 88% chance you'll get more popular.
That's what I did with my old server, Wait for the 10 players, (and invite friends) Then just keep advertising.
Plus, Another tip: Once you have well around 15-10 Players, I suggest sponsoring your server on a certain sponsorship server list.
Their pretty pricy, But worth while.
Some sponsorship server lists have auctions, Those are the ones you don't want to go to, Reason being is because you would get outbid in an instant. I mean those people bid right around 800$-1000.
Buy now sponsorships are usually like 60-70$ depending on which one your using!
If you need anymore help, PM me, I'll be happy to help.
Gimme an example. I don't want a full scale idea with in-depth explanation, I want an idea to get myself started and expand it.
I am like a man with a map with nothing on it. A blank paper. I need people to describe the area so I can map the country.
Weird example, but you would understand.
Whoa, That takes long, but I guess it might be worth it. But I also need money to keep the server up. It isn't like life is free. Lol.
Let me start off with the 1GB RAM. My server cannot handle 1 GB RAM. I have 38 plugins with 40 slots and it costs around CAD$70. All of them are essentials because of what the benefits of the ranks are need the plugins. Also worldgarud, worldedit, essentials, Factions. All important.
Then with me dictating what players will do on the server. I never care what the players are doing as long as it is not against the rules. If it is, then I will take necessary action. But players come on for 30 minutes then leave. Then come back the next day for 15 minutes then leave. Following will be 7 minutes, then 4 minutes then 2 and so on.
I want an idea that will just spark an interest in the players mind then they will want to come back every day and have a bit fun.
Something along those lines. But when you suggest it, or if you don't, please please please don't attack me or say 'COME UP WITH IT URSELF !'