Ok i have economy Manager for my economy on my server and group manager for permissions and i can't get people to be able to do /balance or /money when they do /bal it works but shows $5000 for there money even if they don't have it if your op /money and /balance works and shows your real money but i don't know the permission node for /money is and essentials.money, essentials.balance, economymanager.money, economymanger.balance don't work some one please help me. If you need more info ask
You can disable those commands in essentials. Other than that I am not really sure, seems like you have a command conflict rather than a permissions one.
You can disable those commands in essentials. Other than that I am not really sure, seems like you have a command conflict rather than a permissions one.
so how do you a fix command conflict? get rid of the plugin?
Essentials is a very special plugin. It takes priority over other commands and sometimes you need to disable this.
How to disable certain commands in essentials:
If you want to disable commands for any plugin you will be able to do so using the following method.
Download plugin jar file
Rightclick and open the jar file with winrar
Edit the plugin.yml file with notepad++ or simular
Scroll down the list and comment out with a # symbol the commands you dont want essentials to have.
For exapple for /msg you would have this
# msg:
# description: Sends a private message to the specified player.
# usage: /<command> <to> <message>
# aliases: [m,t,emsg,tell,etell,whisper,ewhisper]
When done save it and close the file. You should then get a message from winrar asking you if you want to update the archive. Click yes and you are done.
How to disable certain commands in essentials:
# msg:
# description: Sends a private message to the specified player.
# usage: /<command> <to> <message>
# aliases: [m,t,emsg,tell,etell,whisper,ewhisper]
When done save it and close the file. You should then get a message from winrar asking you if you want to update the archive. Click yes and you are done.
Hope that helps you