I just bought my own server (cheap to start out with) and I've read several topics and watched many youtube videos. But I can't seem to find the right Bukkit mods, I was wondering if anyone could either help me personally or point me toward a tutorial video I might have missed. It just doesn't seem like I can get the mods to work just as I intend, also if anyone has experience in this field and actually wants to be a moderator on a 30+ population faction server once I get it up and running I will gladly accept your help in return for being a mod on the server you helped create. Either message me on here or at [email protected] and I can give you more details as needed, thanks.
Not trying to bump my own topic, but I have singled the problem down to two things, not knowing which plugins I need exactly or how to configure them in order to do the few things I want to before opening my server. Such as setting the "Safe Zone" "War Zone" and how to protect certain areas.
Thats the mod WorldGuard (I think). If you really need help post a new thread about how you need help with a certian pluggin, or you dont know what a pluggin is, it would probaby help you out a lot more than a general thread like this.
Thats the mod WorldGuard (I think). If you really need help post a new thread about how you need help with a certian pluggin, or you dont know what a pluggin is, it would probaby help you out a lot more than a general thread like this.
Yeah I was thinking about that honestly, thank you for the suggestion. Also Nande I do have skype my name is xcomerx feel free to add me and see if we can figure it out
I recommend WorldEdit, World Guard, and Essentials. With these three plugins you'll be set with massive amounts of configureability, the ability to anti-greif and protect anything you want.
These three plugins are like the server starter kit.
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As always my children, stay away from drugs, open flame, and normal people. They will all ruin your life.
Yeah I was thinking about that honestly, thank you for the suggestion. Also Nande I do have skype my name is xcomerx feel free to add me and see if we can figure it out
That way if something REALLY bad happends, you can always roll back to a older version.
These three plugins are like the server starter kit.