now my problem is that i have absolutely no clue on where to advertise my server and i wanna know what the best advertisment websites are. My server is run on bukkit but itz ip is hamarchi this may pose a problem.
Other places to advertise
-Minestatus (useful to create a banner to put in signatures)
-Reddit Server Listings
-YouTube, if you have an account with subscribers who might be willing to stop by your server.
Good luck with getting started, although many people don't like to join hamachi servers because they tend to run slowly.
Yeah, sorry, Hamachi servers aren't really that popular. I once ran a Hamachi server, it only got up to 6-7 players at once. Then, I upgraded to a server host and I got up to 15-20+ players on at once.
You should look into port forwarding, Hamachi really limits the growth of your server's community. but to answer your question, there's a bunch of ways to advertise a server, here's just a few ideas:
make a minecraft forums signature
make a thread on the minecraft forums about your server
post on server-listing sites like Minestatus or PlanetMinecraft
if your good with videos make a youtube account for your server
spread the word in person to friends you know play minecraft
set up a reward system that rewards people for recruiting new people to the server.
now my problem is that i have absolutely no clue on where to advertise my server and i wanna know what the best advertisment websites are. My server is run on bukkit but itz ip is hamarchi this may pose a problem.
thanks for listening
However, there are plenty of places to post server topics:
If your server is survival, post here:
If its a creative server, post here:
Other places to advertise
-Minestatus (useful to create a banner to put in signatures)
-Reddit Server Listings
-YouTube, if you have an account with subscribers who might be willing to stop by your server.
Good luck with getting started, although many people don't like to join hamachi servers because they tend to run slowly.
Experience: Op in #McMyAdmin, Plugin Developer, <codename> Dev.
just to name a few
Minecraft Forums
Link Removed[SpartanHost]
You should submit the server to all these sites, and maybe even find some more!