Well, I used to have a nice classic server (City Freebuild) Although I put it down for a while and then I decided to get back into it So I brang it back up, Tried to connect and. Whats this. Server is probably down. So I decided to go and redownload the client, I ended up getting MCStorm rather than forge. And that ceased to work, So I tried my ports, all open and tried each port and no success. Im out of ideas Help me please
So you're using an address along the lines of 192.168.x.x?
If you can't connect via that, then check your host machine's firewall, and make sure it isn't blocking port 25565 or java. Also, mind posting your server.properties?
ban-message = You're banned!
kick-message = You're kicked!
shutdown-message = Server shutdown. Rejoin in 10 seconds
cheap-message = is now being cheap and being immortal
uncheap-message = has stopped being immortal
profanitywarning-message = WARNING: You've been red flagged for using a banned word!
profanitykick-message = Kicked! Word Use Violation during chat!
spamkick-message = Kicked! For spamming same message texts
Although I put it down for a while and then I decided to get back into it
So I brang it back up, Tried to connect and. Whats this. Server is probably down.
So I decided to go and redownload the client, I ended up getting MCStorm rather than forge.
And that ceased to work, So I tried my ports, all open and tried each port and no success. Im out of ideas
Help me please
So... The Ip is.. Dunno
Well the Internal is
I can't connect to it with ethier of them
If you can't connect via that, then check your host machine's firewall, and make sure it isn't blocking port 25565 or java. Also, mind posting your server.properties?
Ip is normally
# Server options
server-name = The City Freebuild!
motd = Hey there. Have fun
port = 25565
verify-names = true
public = true
max-players = 20
max-guests = 16
max-maps = 10
world-chat = true
check-updates = true
autoload = true
auto-restart = false
restarttime = 6:15 PM
restart-on-error = False
main-name = main
# irc bot options
globalowner-irc = true
globalplayer-irc = true
globalirc-port = 6667
globalirc-nick = MC8949
globalirc-location = 0
irc = false
irc-nick = MCStorm_Minecraft_Bot
irc-server = irc.esper.net
irc-channel = #changethis
irc-opchannel = #changethistoo
irc-port = 6667
irc-identify = False
irc-password =
# other options
anti-tunnels = false
max-depth = 4
rplimit = 500
rplimit-norm = 10000
physicsrestart = true
old-help = false
deathcount = true
afk-minutes = 10
afk-kick = 45
parse-emotes = true
dollar-before-dollar = true
use-whitelist = false
money-name = Drollars
opchat-perm = 80
adminchat-perm = 100
admin-autohide = False
admin-silentjoin = False
adminchat-onhide = False
opchat-onhide = True
maps-refresh = True
unloadedmaps-refresh = True
onpervisit-remove = True
custom-rankmessages = False
log-heartbeat = False
hash = QTIvVzYWpJdnsPoT
force-cuboid = False
repeat-messages = False
host-state = Alive
# backup options
backup-time = 300
backup-location = C:\Users\user\Desktop\Adams Things\Downloads and Videos\Minecraft\Server stuff\mcstorm-v1.0.5.4.net4/levels/backups
#Error logging
report-back = true
#MySQL information
UseMySQL = False
Host =
SQLPort = 3306
Username = root
Password = password
DatabaseName = MCStormDB
Pooling = True
defaultColor = &e
irc-color = &5
#Running on mono?
mono = False
ban-message = You're banned!
kick-message = You're kicked!
shutdown-message = Server shutdown. Rejoin in 10 seconds
cheap-message = is now being cheap and being immortal
uncheap-message = has stopped being immortal
profanitywarning-message = WARNING: You've been red flagged for using a banned word!
profanitykick-message = Kicked! Word Use Violation during chat!
spamkick-message = Kicked! For spamming same message texts
rank-super = true
default-rank = guest
timed-messages = false
restrict-tp = true
restrict-summon = true
undo-fixed = true
playerportal-minrank = 30
playerportal-size = 128 128 128
playerportal-type = flat
playerportal-physics = 0
playerportal-maxdoors = 0
spam-enabled = true
chatonly-default = false
adminpen-enabled = false
wordsensor-enabled = false
wordsensor-fullwordsonly = true
wordsensor-admin = false
wordsensor-kick = false
wordsensor-kickafter = 2
wordsensor-tempban = 0
messagespam-kick = false
messagespam-quota = 3
allowrc = false
rcpassword = rjAdECinPo
rcport = 8888
wom-desc = MCStorm Server
wom-flags = WD MCStorm
allow-rankrequest = False
womtext-enabled = True
throttle-clientupdates = 200
rankrequest-commandname = rankrequest
Made a mistake