#Minecraft server properties
#Sat Nov 12 19:50:07 MST 2011
level-name=Ground Zero
level-seed=Ground Zero
motd=1.9.6 as of 11/11/2011
i copied my level folder (Ground Zero) from my 1.9.5 to the 1.9.6 folder i created, i started the server like normal, stopped it, edited the newly created server file to *see above*, and now everyone that attempts to refresh from the multiplayer server screen it says "can't reach server".
i do not run through a router or port forward, i do not have any mods or packages - total vanilla server, and my IP address is identical - i have confirmed this from ipconfig and www.whatismyip.com. windows firewall allows for minecraft. Nothing has changed from 2 days ago, it just doesn't allow outside access anymore.
i rolled back my jar file, had my friends do the same, and restarted the 1.9.5 server, which worked 2 days ago. now it doesn't. same error "can't reach server" for anyone outside my LAN (i can connect).
i've read through as much as i can of the stickies and they don't help. any other tips on what it could be? thanks for your help upfront.
It's working just fine for me, I have a 1.9 Prerelease 6 Survival Series going, actually, I have no idea whats wrong with yours, sorry. :sad.gif:
i don't mean to come across as rude, but why post then? i'm looking for solutions, not for people to tell me they can't help. please edit your useless post and say 'hey! have you tried this!?' and then post anything. nothing is dumb if you at least try. its only dumb if you post 'i can't help you'.
what makes me the saddest of all is that someone with a legit problem, like the problem i have, gets 0 replies, but someone needing help setting up a server with 50 million plugins, mods, etc... gets all the help they need.
#Minecraft server properties
#Sat Nov 12 19:50:07 MST 2011
level-name=Ground Zero
level-seed=Ground Zero
motd=1.9.6 as of 11/11/2011
i copied my level folder (Ground Zero) from my 1.9.5 to the 1.9.6 folder i created, i started the server like normal, stopped it, edited the newly created server file to *see above*, and now everyone that attempts to refresh from the multiplayer server screen it says "can't reach server".
i do not run through a router or port forward, i do not have any mods or packages - total vanilla server, and my IP address is identical - i have confirmed this from ipconfig and www.whatismyip.com. windows firewall allows for minecraft. Nothing has changed from 2 days ago, it just doesn't allow outside access anymore.
i rolled back my jar file, had my friends do the same, and restarted the 1.9.5 server, which worked 2 days ago. now it doesn't. same error "can't reach server" for anyone outside my LAN (i can connect).
i've read through as much as i can of the stickies and they don't help. any other tips on what it could be? thanks for your help upfront.
I'm having the exact same problem, it started at the exact same time, and I have a friend who is having the exact same problem, too. We've been able to host Minecraft servers without hiccup for over a year, and now we suddenly can't, regardless of the version number. You don't happen to have Mediacom, do you? I've been wondering if it's a problem on their end. None of my friends who don't have Mediacom have this problem, but those who do have Mediacom do have the problem.
#Minecraft server properties
#Sat Nov 12 19:50:07 MST 2011
level-name=Ground Zero
level-seed=Ground Zero
motd=1.9.6 as of 11/11/2011
i copied my level folder (Ground Zero) from my 1.9.5 to the 1.9.6 folder i created, i started the server like normal, stopped it, edited the newly created server file to *see above*, and now everyone that attempts to refresh from the multiplayer server screen it says "can't reach server".
i do not run through a router or port forward, i do not have any mods or packages - total vanilla server, and my IP address is identical - i have confirmed this from ipconfig and www.whatismyip.com. windows firewall allows for minecraft. Nothing has changed from 2 days ago, it just doesn't allow outside access anymore.
i rolled back my jar file, had my friends do the same, and restarted the 1.9.5 server, which worked 2 days ago. now it doesn't. same error "can't reach server" for anyone outside my LAN (i can connect).
i've read through as much as i can of the stickies and they don't help. any other tips on what it could be? thanks for your help upfront.
i don't mean to come across as rude, but why post then? i'm looking for solutions, not for people to tell me they can't help. please edit your useless post and say 'hey! have you tried this!?' and then post anything. nothing is dumb if you at least try. its only dumb if you post 'i can't help you'.
fortunately no. yes i said 'fortunately' :tongue.gif:
problem not solved. please see this link for server properties and to educate yourself.
192.168.x.x is a router IP. i do not use a router.
I connect by typing localhost. other people connect by typing in my ip address, or at least they were able to prior to me upgrading to 1.9.6
I'm having the exact same problem, it started at the exact same time, and I have a friend who is having the exact same problem, too. We've been able to host Minecraft servers without hiccup for over a year, and now we suddenly can't, regardless of the version number. You don't happen to have Mediacom, do you? I've been wondering if it's a problem on their end. None of my friends who don't have Mediacom have this problem, but those who do have Mediacom do have the problem.