KeyStart is basically a program to run your server at a faster speed; making it able to use more of your computers RAM.
If you own a server, and you run it using the '.jar' version of minecraft_server, you might have noticed that when you start it, it says(and I quote) "To start the server with more ram, launch it as <blah bla-blah ba-blah>"
I will soon be making a tutorial program that will teach you how to make your own server and use KeyStart, so stay tuned for that.
Thanks for looking. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask below.
Source code, since Nickname97 wanted it so much:
@echo off
title KeyStart Alpha v1.0
echo Keystart - Made by DJxD - Version Alpha 1.0
echo Main Menu
echo (Select number and press enter.)
echo 1. Start Server
echo 2. About
echo 3. Exit
set /p choice=
if %choice%==1 goto start
if %choice%==2 goto about
if %choice%==3 goto exit
echo KeyStart by DJxD
java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar
goto menu
echo KeyStart, made by DJxD.
goto menu
Note: The program may be a bit buggy since it still is in the alpha.
into Terminal (Mac) and paste it again on your dashboard (super fast way to copy+paste)
So you can hit F12, then command+C, then command+v, and your done?
even that was easier than downloading a batch file and pressing a button to start it
and if your on mac, download ServerHelper and just click the start server button?
Programming isn't really that hard, and anything without a basic GUI isn't really worth posting
KeyStart is basically a program to run your server at a faster speed; making it able to use more of your computers RAM.
If you own a server, and you run it using the '.jar' version of minecraft_server, you might have noticed that when you start it, it says(and I quote) "To start the server with more ram, launch it as <blah bla-blah ba-blah>"
This program does that. Download it for free below.
I will soon be making a tutorial program that will teach you how to make your own server and use KeyStart, so stay tuned for that.
Thanks for looking. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask below.
Source code, since Nickname97 wanted it so much:
Note: The program may be a bit buggy since it still is in the alpha.
Source code,
Download the program here(and KeyStart),
Download the server software here:(make sure you get the .jar file)
It will guide you through getting everything working.
Thanks for looking!
Post it here on your main post. You can use the code button.
into Terminal (Mac) and paste it again on your dashboard (super fast way to copy+paste)
So you can hit F12, then command+C, then command+v, and your done?
even that was easier than downloading a batch file and pressing a button to start it
and if your on mac, download ServerHelper and just click the start server button?
Programming isn't really that hard, and anything without a basic GUI isn't really worth posting
**** you guys.
I already know some html, vbs. Just wanted to get something out there. Sorry. If you care that much.
Add me on skype? My user name is Nickname-97
I honestly think could be pretty awesome. I would like to make it even better.