I've got a new project I'm taking on as an official successor to MCSharp. Yes I know there's MCLawl and MCSharp is still sorta maintained by Voziv, but honestly, MCSharp (being my first real project) was very disorganized, resulting in a very sloppy server which has a tendency to implode upon itself.
So I'm starting up a new server called sCraft (or SimpleCraft) which, despite the name, will actually be very robust in features, while still being simple to use.
I believe that the community is what makes or breaks a project, so I'll be relying on you guys to help decide what features to put in.
The server itself is being designed from the ground up, and intended to be run on a dedicated linux machine (though it will be able to run in Windows).
EDIT: If anyone would like to help with developing this server, let me know. I'd be glad to have help
UPDATE 11/14/10 ====
Found and have been playing around with the scripting engine I developed for Ax7 and Kozan. With some work and a bit of optimization, I might be able to use it in sCraft :biggrin.gif:
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Minecraft Name: KakashiSuno
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)
The heartbeat keeps returning "500: bad heartbeat" and I can't seem to find any info regarding this.
I've folowed the wiki (link) but I still get this returned.
If anyone has any info regarding this please let me know
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Minecraft Name: KakashiSuno
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)
As much as I hate double posting, I'm afraid I must so as to make this update noticed.
I've added my old scripting engine to the code, and with a bit of optimization it will be ready to push.
That said, I'm converting sCraft into a DLL and will be distributing a CLI executable alongside it. This is will allow for custom Graphical Interfaces if you wish, though I don't really recommend it.
The current plan is to make as many features as I can into configurable scripts, this of course depends on how well the script engine can perform.
Scripting itself will be C# with one or two custom commands.
All this aside, I would love for some help in development.
If you are interested, have a feature request, or simply a question about the software send an email to [email protected].
I'm going on a family vacation this weekend, so it may be Monday before I can reply.
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Minecraft Name: KakashiSuno
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)
I've got a new project I'm taking on as an official successor to MCSharp. Yes I know there's MCLawl and MCSharp is still sorta maintained by Voziv, but honestly, MCSharp (being my first real project) was very disorganized, resulting in a very sloppy server which has a tendency to implode upon itself.
So I'm starting up a new server called sCraft (or SimpleCraft) which, despite the name, will actually be very robust in features, while still being simple to use.
I believe that the community is what makes or breaks a project, so I'll be relying on you guys to help decide what features to put in.
The server itself is being designed from the ground up, and intended to be run on a dedicated linux machine (though it will be able to run in Windows).
The project is currently hosted on SourceForge 2.0 (http://sourceforge.net/p/scraft/home/) and is OpenSource under the GNU GPL 3.0
EDIT: If anyone would like to help with developing this server, let me know. I'd be glad to have help
UPDATE 11/14/10 ====
Found and have been playing around with the scripting engine I developed for Ax7 and Kozan. With some work and a bit of optimization, I might be able to use it in sCraft :biggrin.gif:
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)
Zallist: Ax7 died with Minecrafter in late August
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)
The heartbeat keeps returning "500: bad heartbeat" and I can't seem to find any info regarding this.
I've folowed the wiki (link) but I still get this returned.
If anyone has any info regarding this please let me know
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)
D3 Server! [Advanced, Custom physics / Anti-Greif / RP]
Server Status:
Now to start work on maps.
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)
As for 'Early Testing' of course you can. I'll try to keep this thread and the OP updated with, well, updates on the software
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)
I've added my old scripting engine to the code, and with a bit of optimization it will be ready to push.
That said, I'm converting sCraft into a DLL and will be distributing a CLI executable alongside it. This is will allow for custom Graphical Interfaces if you wish, though I don't really recommend it.
The current plan is to make as many features as I can into configurable scripts, this of course depends on how well the script engine can perform.
Scripting itself will be C# with one or two custom commands.
All this aside, I would love for some help in development.
If you are interested, have a feature request, or simply a question about the software send an email to [email protected].
I'm going on a family vacation this weekend, so it may be Monday before I can reply.
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)