Lately, I've been noticing a few different IP's connecting to my server, then a few seconds to a minute later, they disconnect. No username is logged. Here's some examples:
(19:29:10) connected.
(19:29:10) New Connection
(19:29:15) disconnected.
(16:10:48) connected.
(16:10:48) New Connection
(16:10:48) disconnected.
I'm pretty sure that is fList connecting to everybody's servers periodically to check out the motd and name and take a snapshot. It does this so that it can provide info on fList to every server (not just the custom ones).
I'm pretty sure that is fList connecting to everybody's servers periodically to check out the motd and name and take a snapshot. It does this so that it can provide info on fList to every server (not just the custom ones).
Close, the name and MOTD are sent in the heartbeat to flist. It is agreeably getting a snapshot of the main map, it should soon hopefully be able to snapshot all maps.
I'm pretty sure that is fList connecting to everybody's servers periodically to check out the motd and name and take a snapshot. It does this so that it can provide info on fList to every server (not just the custom ones).
Close, the name and MOTD are sent in the heartbeat to flist. It is agreeably getting a snapshot of the main map, it should soon hopefully be able to snapshot all maps.
Some vanilla servers have name and motd and snapshots already.
Alright Canadian, I followed your advice. Didn't work. Whenever I start Minecraft Server.exe in 192, the server properties file ALWAYS RESETS to the original copy, despite the fact I press SAVE at the speed of light.
Are there any other possible fixes? Neko, do you know of this problem? D:
Alright Canadian, I followed your advice. Didn't work. Whenever I start Minecraft Server.exe in 192, the server properties file ALWAYS RESETS to the original copy, despite the fact I press SAVE at the speed of light.
Are there any other possible fixes? Neko, do you know of this problem? D:
I don't have that issue. Let us see your server properties contents before it gets rewritten.
Alright Canadian, I followed your advice. Didn't work. Whenever I start Minecraft Server.exe in 192, the server properties file ALWAYS RESETS to the original copy, despite the fact I press SAVE at the speed of light.
Are there any other possible fixes? Neko, do you know of this problem? D:
I don't have that issue. Let us see your server properties contents before it gets rewritten.
# Edit the settings below to modify how your server operates. This is an explanation of what each setting does.
# server-name = The name which displays on
# motd = The message which displays when a player connects
# port = The port to operate from
# console-only = Run without a GUI (useful for Linux servers with mono)
# verify-names = Verify the validity of names
# public = Set to true to appear in the public server list
# max-players = The maximum number of connections
# max-maps = The maximum number of maps loaded at once
# world-chat = Set to true to enable world chat
# guest-goto = Set to true to give guests goto and levels commands
# irc = Set to true to enable the IRC bot
# irc-nick = The name of the IRC bot
# irc-server = The server to connect to
# irc-channel = The channel to join
# irc-port = The port to use to connect
# anti-tunnels = Stops people digging below max-depth
# max-depth = The maximum allowed depth to dig down
# report-back = Automatically report crash information back to MCSharp developers (not yet in use)
# Server options
server-name = ThatParkerGuy's Multiworld
motd = Welcome to my server!
port = 25565
console-only = false
verify-names = true
public = true
max-players = 32
max-maps = 10
world-chat = true
guest-goto = false
Yeah, I don't use the top part. Ever. Before when I used it, it only caused me trouble. And now I can't revert back to the older version, because I just realized that they no longer host the older version on
Note 2: For your servername and MOTD, keep it simple. Use letters and numbers. Some forms of punctuation, and symbols will cause the to copy your server name, and display it as your MOTD, so your server name would be displayed twice while logging in.
I just tried it. Yeah the problem is that you used that one apostrophe in the Server Name.
I'll bet you get into a lot of fights because you're so hardcore. I wouldn't want to cross you in a dark alley. Heck, even in a lit alley, I bet that'd be pretty dangerous.
I'll bet you get into a lot of fights because you're so hardcore. I wouldn't want to cross you in a dark alley. Heck, even in a lit alley, I bet that'd be pretty dangerous.
I'll bet you get into a lot of fights because you're so hardcore. I wouldn't want to cross you in a dark alley. Heck, even in a lit alley, I bet that'd be pretty dangerous.
I'll bet you get into a lot of fights because you're so hardcore. I wouldn't want to cross you in a dark alley. Heck, even in a lit alley, I bet that'd be pretty dangerous.
Hey, I do read things before I post. I just didn't know the page was updated so I didn't do a hard refresh. But thanks. Also, it was weird because I tried changing the "192" to "203" in the link and it would not let me download. Ah it is a zip file.
Hey, I do read things before I post. I just didn't know the page was updated so I didn't do a hard refresh. But thanks. Also, it was weird because I tried changing the "192" to "203" in the link and it would not let me download. Ah it is a zip file.
I'll bet you get into a lot of fights because you're so hardcore. I wouldn't want to cross you in a dark alley. Heck, even in a lit alley, I bet that'd be pretty dangerous.
I'm loving the new doors and the shortcut commands. The autoload physics works great, too. It would still be great though if guests could open doors without having build permissions, if that's possible.
I'm pretty sure that is fList connecting to everybody's servers periodically to check out the motd and name and take a snapshot. It does this so that it can provide info on fList to every server (not just the custom ones).
Close, the name and MOTD are sent in the heartbeat to flist. It is agreeably getting a snapshot of the main map, it should soon hopefully be able to snapshot all maps.
Some vanilla servers have name and motd and snapshots already.
Are there any other possible fixes? Neko, do you know of this problem? D:
I don't have that issue. Let us see your server properties contents before it gets rewritten.
Yeah, I don't use the top part. Ever. Before when I used it, it only caused me trouble. And now I can't revert back to the older version, because I just realized that they no longer host the older version on
I just tried it. Yeah the problem is that you used that one apostrophe in the Server Name.
I saw this picture and it reminded me of you, Neko.
There was a 197 but umm.. 198 is looking better
Cannot download some files or something.
Works now.
The original was some file-downloading program. It tried to connect to some thing, and download files for something.
This one is actually MCSharp now.
And it works beautifully. Physics load properly, door2 and door3 are there, command shortcuts are in. Perfect.
And that problem with certain name-colors crashing everyone....seems it was just java. It stopped doing it now.
Click the 203 link on the left side.
You haven't read the first post of the topic, have you?
If it isn't appearing, do a hard refresh (CTRL+F5).
If that doesn't work, just go here:
Hey, I do read things before I post. I just didn't know the page was updated so I didn't do a hard refresh. But thanks.
Also, it was weird because I tried changing the "192" to "203" in the link and it would not let me download.Ah it is a zip file.:ohmy.gif: It wasn't meanness :sad.gif:
This is basically it.