Is there any way to convert my old server_level.dat from MinerCPP into a .LVL?
Same method as .lvl back to .dat:
Quote from computermix »
Quote from Mastermind »
Is there any way to convert maps from lvl back to dat? I want to be able to edit maps in the map editor.
You can dump them using a not-so-secret secret client wrapper.
You didnt read my whole post, didja?
I've already converted like 10 maps using DATConverter.
I tried to convert my "server_level.dat", which was made when my server was hosted with MinerCPP.
Everytime I try to convert server_level.dat, the command prompt thing says "Invalid magic number" and won't let me convert "server_level.dat" into "server_level.LVL".
How am I supposed to convert this DAT into a LVL if it keeps saying "Invalid magic number"?
I'll bet you get into a lot of fights because you're so hardcore. I wouldn't want to cross you in a dark alley. Heck, even in a lit alley, I bet that'd be pretty dangerous.
I tried to convert my "server_level.dat", which was made when my server was hosted with MinerCPP.
Everytime I try to convert server_level.dat, the command prompt thing says "Invalid magic number" and won't let me convert "server_level.dat" into "server_level.LVL".
How am I supposed to convert this DAT into a LVL if it keeps saying "Invalid magic number"?
Doesn't work if it was used in MinerCPP. You have to open the map in the World of Minecraft client and use the "Dump Level" button to dump the level as the standard map .dat file. Then you can use the lvl converter on it.
I tried to convert my "server_level.dat", which was made when my server was hosted with MinerCPP.
Everytime I try to convert server_level.dat, the command prompt thing says "Invalid magic number" and won't let me convert "server_level.dat" into "server_level.LVL".
How am I supposed to convert this DAT into a LVL if it keeps saying "Invalid magic number"?
Doesn't work if it was used in MinerCPP. You have to open the map in the World of Minecraft client and use the "Dump Level" button to dump the level as the standard map .dat file. Then you can use the lvl converter on it.
Oh thank god, all our hard work can be saved!
UPDATE: Successfully converted my old main map to a LVL, and it's now among the loadable levels on my MCSharp server. Renamed it to oldmain.lvl. Pimpjitsu, you are awesome. I could kiss you....if it wasn't oddly gay, and this wasn't the internet. :laugh.gif:
I'll bet you get into a lot of fights because you're so hardcore. I wouldn't want to cross you in a dark alley. Heck, even in a lit alley, I bet that'd be pretty dangerous.
Server keeps kicking me as soon as I join. Same for everyone else who tries to join.
My admin buddy kept losing his admin status everytime he logged out so I added peoples names to the various ranks in C:\Users\<My name>\Desktop\Minecraft\MCSharp\ranks
I didnt add anyone to the Banned files or anything.
I'll bet you get into a lot of fights because you're so hardcore. I wouldn't want to cross you in a dark alley. Heck, even in a lit alley, I bet that'd be pretty dangerous.
I did, and my response was appropriate. As I said, same method as .lvl to .dat, you dump it with the client because MinerCPP changes the map and causes the "invalid magic number" error which is also the error you get if you try to open a MinerCPP map in Omen.
I did, and my response was appropriate. As I said, same method as .lvl to .dat, you dump it with the client because MinerCPP changes the map and causes the "invalid magic number" error which is also the error you get if you try to open a MinerCPP map in Omen.
Oh **** :laugh.gif: My bad! I didn't read the bottom quote. Boy do I feel stupid xD
Back on topic, my server still won't let me in. Keeps automatically disconnecting me and everyone. I checked the error log, and this is what I saw. I know I've seen it in this thread before, but I've tried deleting Players.dna and that doesn't work.
Anyone know what's going on?
EDIT: I checked the Builders file in both the main folder and the ranks folder, and the usernames in both were different, as I missed some when I manually entered them into the Builders file in the Ranks folder. I'm gonna try making sure each ranks file matches, then see if I can connect. Didn't work
System.ArgumentNullException: Path cannot be null.
Parameter name: path
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
at System.IO.File.Open(String path, FileMode mode)
at Minecraft_Server.DNA.WriteData()
at Minecraft_Server.Player.HandleLogin(Object m)
I'll bet you get into a lot of fights because you're so hardcore. I wouldn't want to cross you in a dark alley. Heck, even in a lit alley, I bet that'd be pretty dangerous.
Hey, I've been loving MCSharp after my clanmates requested some more features than the basic server package provides, but I've had one problem with it. I added "public = false" to but it's still showing up on the server listing.
Any ideas on what's going wrong? Anyone with a working private server want to show me their (with identifying parts hidden)
Put "public = false" as the last line in the file. That worked for me.
I just tried deleting MCSharp, and redownloading, and it's still buggered.
I keep trying to connect via the WoM client, nothing works.
EDIT: Ok, if anyone has trouble connecting to their server, check your main.lvl file.
If it's filesize is 1KB, something buggered up the map. Delete it, make a new main.dat in Omen, use the DATConverter to convert it, that should fix the problem.
For some reason, when I tried /load TallBuild (tallbuild is my 512x100x512 map), the server popped a message up, something about failing to save main.lvl
Shortly after that, my server went messy.
EDIT: Fixed it! The above solution that I figured out on my own has successfully fixed my server!
I'll bet you get into a lot of fights because you're so hardcore. I wouldn't want to cross you in a dark alley. Heck, even in a lit alley, I bet that'd be pretty dangerous.
When I first started trying out MCSharp, I was on wireless, I had all the same issues. It was taking too long to login, and if I did get in it had the "Path cannot be null" issue. Deleting the .dna file never seemed to help. Since then I've gone back to wired, and though I do still get the login issue (less frequently), I haven't had the null path issue. I don't know if my wireless adapter was conflicting with something (which it very well could've, it was already conflicting with my rainmeter, rendering rainmeter useless) or it was just too slow and something was failing to load in the timeframe it needed to. I had re-downloaded and reconfigured the server software several times (it also seemed to work best if I had a valid MOTD/server name) yet nothing really seemed to help.
I also don't know if any of that is helpful in anyway, but I thought I'd mention my experience with the null path.
I'll bet you get into a lot of fights because you're so hardcore. I wouldn't want to cross you in a dark alley. Heck, even in a lit alley, I bet that'd be pretty dangerous.
One more thing, something has to be done about that "You must login!" thing that happens when you take too long in joining a server that's run by MCSharp.
Half the people who try to join my server end up getting automatically disconnected because of this problem.
I'll bet you get into a lot of fights because you're so hardcore. I wouldn't want to cross you in a dark alley. Heck, even in a lit alley, I bet that'd be pretty dangerous.
Canadian_x360a: choose a smaller map for the main map. main was meant to be a small map (about 128^2*64)
My main map is 512x100x512. Would 256x64x256 be fine?
I'm also having problems with the DATConverter. I make a map in Omen, set the spawn point to be 2 layers above the ground. I convert the DAT to a LVL and the DATConverter changes the spawn point. Half the time it changes the spawn point to be 1 level in the ground, so when you spawn, half your body is underground.
And /setspawn doesn't seem to stay permanent. I changed the spawn point with /setspawn, exited, went back into a server, and I was back in the ground.
I'll bet you get into a lot of fights because you're so hardcore. I wouldn't want to cross you in a dark alley. Heck, even in a lit alley, I bet that'd be pretty dangerous.
I also seem to be having a problem with users losing their rank.
Funny thing is I have 2 sets of rank TXT files.
C:\Users\<My name>\Desktop\Minecraft\MCSharp\ranks
has builders, advbuilders, admins, uberops, bots, banned, banned-ip
C:\Users\<My name>\Desktop\Minecraft\MCSharp
has builders, advbuilders, banned, and banned-ip
I've added the names of people to both versions of the file, and randomly, people seemingly lose their rank when they come back on to my server. I just had a guy who was an Advbuilder come back, and he was a Guest.
Which text files am I supposed to add names to? I've got the names of everyone who has a rank listed on both versions of the file in both folders.
EDIT: Almost forgot to ask. "messages.txt". Is that what's used to have the server display a random message at a certain interval of time? If so, how do I set it up? Like, what's the proper format for the file?
EDIT 2: Another question. Right now, my autoload only has my oldmain map. I have 6 maps in total. If I were to put all 6 in the autoload.txt, set the physics, and start my server, would I be able to run the server past the "Can't have more than 5 maps autoloaded" thing? I want to know so I don't have to /goto a map and set the /physics everytime.
I'll bet you get into a lot of fights because you're so hardcore. I wouldn't want to cross you in a dark alley. Heck, even in a lit alley, I bet that'd be pretty dangerous.
I'll bet you get into a lot of fights because you're so hardcore. I wouldn't want to cross you in a dark alley. Heck, even in a lit alley, I bet that'd be pretty dangerous.
Pimpjitsu, you are awesome. I could kiss you....if it wasn't oddly gay, and this wasn't the internet. :laugh.gif:
What if pinp was a girl?
Quote from Canadian_x360a »
Ok now I'm having some problems.
Server keeps kicking me as soon as I join. Same for everyone else who tries to join.
My admin buddy kept losing his admin status everytime he logged out so I added peoples names to the various ranks in C:\Users\<My name>\Desktop\Minecraft\MCSharp\ranks
I didnt add anyone to the Banned files or anything.
Now nobody can connect =[
if it has this weird "try logging in!" message, then use a smaller map for your main one.
Just had this error a few times on my server while myself, one of my admins and 2 users of advbuilder rank were on my CityBuild map.
Just incase it's useful, my CityBuild map is 512x128x512.
It said it failed to save/backup the CityBuild map, yet when I did /save, it saved and backed it up anyway.
System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\<My name>\Desktop\Minecraft\MCSharp\logs\29-03-2010.txt' because it is being used by another process.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options)
at System.IO.StreamWriter.CreateFile(String path, Boolean append)
at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append, Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize)
at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append)
at System.IO.File.AppendText(String path)
at Minecraft_Server.Logger.Write(String str)
at Minecraft_Server.Server.Log(String message)
at Minecraft_Server.Player.HandleChat(Object m)
I'll bet you get into a lot of fights because you're so hardcore. I wouldn't want to cross you in a dark alley. Heck, even in a lit alley, I bet that'd be pretty dangerous.
You didnt read my whole post, didja?
I've already converted like 10 maps using DATConverter.
I tried to convert my "server_level.dat", which was made when my server was hosted with MinerCPP.
Everytime I try to convert server_level.dat, the command prompt thing says "Invalid magic number" and won't let me convert "server_level.dat" into "server_level.LVL".
How am I supposed to convert this DAT into a LVL if it keeps saying "Invalid magic number"?
Doesn't work if it was used in MinerCPP. You have to open the map in the World of Minecraft client and use the "Dump Level" button to dump the level as the standard map .dat file. Then you can use the lvl converter on it.
Oh thank god, all our hard work can be saved!
UPDATE: Successfully converted my old main map to a LVL, and it's now among the loadable levels on my MCSharp server. Renamed it to oldmain.lvl. Pimpjitsu, you are awesome. I could kiss you....if it wasn't oddly gay, and this wasn't the internet. :laugh.gif:
Server keeps kicking me as soon as I join. Same for everyone else who tries to join.
My admin buddy kept losing his admin status everytime he logged out so I added peoples names to the various ranks in C:\Users\<My name>\Desktop\Minecraft\MCSharp\ranks
I didnt add anyone to the Banned files or anything.
Now nobody can connect =[
I did, and my response was appropriate. As I said, same method as .lvl to .dat, you dump it with the client because MinerCPP changes the map and causes the "invalid magic number" error which is also the error you get if you try to open a MinerCPP map in Omen.
Oh **** :laugh.gif: My bad! I didn't read the bottom quote. Boy do I feel stupid xD
Back on topic, my server still won't let me in. Keeps automatically disconnecting me and everyone. I checked the error log, and this is what I saw. I know I've seen it in this thread before, but I've tried deleting Players.dna and that doesn't work.
Anyone know what's going on?
EDIT: I checked the Builders file in both the main folder and the ranks folder, and the usernames in both were different, as I missed some when I manually entered them into the Builders file in the Ranks folder. I'm gonna try making sure each ranks file matches, then see if I can connect. Didn't work
Yeah, that's what I've done. It's not working. :\
I keep trying to connect via the WoM client, nothing works.
EDIT: Ok, if anyone has trouble connecting to their server, check your main.lvl file.
If it's filesize is 1KB, something buggered up the map. Delete it, make a new main.dat in Omen, use the DATConverter to convert it, that should fix the problem.
For some reason, when I tried /load TallBuild (tallbuild is my 512x100x512 map), the server popped a message up, something about failing to save main.lvl
Shortly after that, my server went messy.
EDIT: Fixed it! The above solution that I figured out on my own has successfully fixed my server!
I also don't know if any of that is helpful in anyway, but I thought I'd mention my experience with the null path.
Something about that buggered up my main.lvl, and made it 1KB in size.
That's what was causing my automatic disconnect problems.
If anyone else experiences instant disconnects, check your main.lvl file, make sure it's not 1KB in size.
Half the people who try to join my server end up getting automatically disconnected because of this problem.
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)
My main map is 512x100x512. Would 256x64x256 be fine?
I'm also having problems with the DATConverter. I make a map in Omen, set the spawn point to be 2 layers above the ground. I convert the DAT to a LVL and the DATConverter changes the spawn point. Half the time it changes the spawn point to be 1 level in the ground, so when you spawn, half your body is underground.
And /setspawn doesn't seem to stay permanent. I changed the spawn point with /setspawn, exited, went back into a server, and I was back in the ground.
256x64x256 would be fine
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)
Funny thing is I have 2 sets of rank TXT files.
C:\Users\<My name>\Desktop\Minecraft\MCSharp\ranks
has builders, advbuilders, admins, uberops, bots, banned, banned-ip
C:\Users\<My name>\Desktop\Minecraft\MCSharp
has builders, advbuilders, banned, and banned-ip
I've added the names of people to both versions of the file, and randomly, people seemingly lose their rank when they come back on to my server. I just had a guy who was an Advbuilder come back, and he was a Guest.
Which text files am I supposed to add names to? I've got the names of everyone who has a rank listed on both versions of the file in both folders.
EDIT: Almost forgot to ask. "messages.txt". Is that what's used to have the server display a random message at a certain interval of time? If so, how do I set it up? Like, what's the proper format for the file?
EDIT 2: Another question. Right now, my autoload only has my oldmain map. I have 6 maps in total. If I were to put all 6 in the autoload.txt, set the physics, and start my server, would I be able to run the server past the "Can't have more than 5 maps autoloaded" thing? I want to know so I don't have to /goto a map and set the /physics everytime.
There was an advbuilder glitch but I believe it was fixed in the dev version
messages.txt just reads each line as a message and displays one every 5 minutes I believe.
The 5 map limit is set internally (as in, the array of maps can only hold 5) there's no way to bypass it short of editing the source.
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)
What if the messages.txt looked like this?
How would the server read it? Would it display "Message 1 This is an example message. This is only an example" first, then 5 minutes later "message"?
Or do I have to count how many letters the message can handle?
What if pinp was a girl?
if it has this weird "try logging in!" message, then use a smaller map for your main one.
Also, the motd doesn't display, it just shows the server name twice - unsure if that's normal or not.
Just incase it's useful, my CityBuild map is 512x128x512.
It said it failed to save/backup the CityBuild map, yet when I did /save, it saved and backed it up anyway.