MCSharp is a custom server, currently in development by Voziv and howimineforfish.
It is based off of copyboy's original obsidian, and has been improved greatly.
Current features include:
- An IRC bot
- Muliple maps
- A total of 6 ranks ranging from banned to admin
- A user interface (window)
- controllable physics (normal and advanced)
- irreplaceable versions of normal blocks for operators and admins
- and much more
Levels have build and visit permissions which determine the minimum rank that can visit/build on that level
- unbreakable versions of normal blocks for operators and admins
Change to irreplaceable instead of unbreakable since that's what they technically are, they are extremely good though for creating anti flood glass domes plus op air blocks are perfect for anti spawn building.
Physics are current custom coded to act in a smiler fashion to default Minecraft but differ on a few key issues.
-They can be turned off completely
-There are set static and active water/lava blocks
-Light is ignored allowing for flowers and mushrooms to work anywhere, grass will always grow on dirt blocks.
-Tree's will never grow
-Physics are calculated at a set rate
There is also an advanced setting
-plants are destroyed by lava and water
-wooded block are destroyed by lava
-sand and gravel will fall one block at a time
-sand turns into glass if hit by lava
This is general good for most builders but problematic if you intend to build logic gates, a classic physics mode is planned if requested enough.
I have a suggestion. Do you think you could implement a /roll or /dice feature with different sides? For example, I could say "/roll 9" and I would get a random number from 1-9. This seems like a very simple thing to put in, though I am probably wrong. I hope this turns out well. :biggrin.gif: Good luck!
also, it would be very easy to make a /roll or /dice command, and all the multimap does right now is sends the new map to the client, and places them at the map's spawn point
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Minecraft Name: KakashiSuno
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)
you changed the name in and saved it before running?
I'm not entirely sure what the message is about. it displays after you've joined the server?
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Minecraft Name: KakashiSuno
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)
I don't have the null path issue, but I do have the wrong name bug, as well as water (From ocean or from /bind) doesn't flood / Isn't active
EDIT: Nvm to that, the physics does work, I had just dug out from the ocean to get the water, then turned physics on. I dug another hole from the ocean after turning on physics and it worked.
But im not sure how to use /bind with active water.
@umby24: Physics default to off, to turn them on, use /physics 1 for normal or /physics 2 for advanced
I don't know what could be causing the name to default. it works fine for me. I'll look into it
EDIT: seems that the server won't accept names or motds with anything like "[].:" in it and defaults to "Minecraft server, fixing now
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Minecraft Name: KakashiSuno
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)
It is based off of copyboy's original obsidian, and has been improved greatly.
Current features include:
- An IRC bot
- Muliple maps
- A total of 6 ranks ranging from banned to admin
- A user interface (window)
- controllable physics (normal and advanced)
- irreplaceable versions of normal blocks for operators and admins
- and much more
Levels have build and visit permissions which determine the minimum rank that can visit/build on that level
Happy Mining!
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)
Change to irreplaceable instead of unbreakable since that's what they technically are, they are extremely good though for creating anti flood glass domes plus op air blocks are perfect for anti spawn building.
Physics are current custom coded to act in a smiler fashion to default Minecraft but differ on a few key issues.
-They can be turned off completely
-There are set static and active water/lava blocks
-Light is ignored allowing for flowers and mushrooms to work anywhere, grass will always grow on dirt blocks.
-Tree's will never grow
-Physics are calculated at a set rate
There is also an advanced setting
-plants are destroyed by lava and water
-wooded block are destroyed by lava
-sand and gravel will fall one block at a time
-sand turns into glass if hit by lava
This is general good for most builders but problematic if you intend to build logic gates, a classic physics mode is planned if requested enough.
Who sits down and writes maniacle laughter?
so you could have the main map with physics off, then an oceanbuild with physics on
EDIT: not to sound rude, but I don't want to be involved in such a big project
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)
By any chance, would it be open source..?
i would like to make an attempt to port it over to VB.Net..
D3 Server! [Advanced, Custom physics / Anti-Greif / RP]
Server Status:
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)
D3 Server! [Advanced, Custom physics / Anti-Greif / RP]
Server Status:
also, it would be very easy to make a /roll or /dice command, and all the multimap does right now is sends the new map to the client, and places them at the map's spawn point
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)
Edit: I get the crash when it sends a heartbeat.
EDIT: Yeah, I'm also getting the crash.
D3 Server! [Advanced, Custom physics / Anti-Greif / RP]
Server Status:
and no, it doesn't support .dat. We have a converter though. I'll release it tomorrow once I finish it
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)
D3 Server! [Advanced, Custom physics / Anti-Greif / RP]
Server Status:
-Server isn't on the list, can connect from external link
-When I join, the greeting test says "Path cannot be null"
Besides that, nice job. :biggrin.gif:
Edit: Actually, it is on the list, but just as "Minecraft Server"
I'm not entirely sure what the message is about. it displays after you've joined the server?
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)
EDIT: Nvm to that, the physics does work, I had just dug out from the ocean to get the water, then turned physics on. I dug another hole from the ocean after turning on physics and it worked.
But im not sure how to use /bind with active water.
D3 Server! [Advanced, Custom physics / Anti-Greif / RP]
Server Status:
This is what I get when trying to boot it up. I've tried redownloading, changing settings, etc.
EDIT: disabling IRC fixed it.
Delete the players.dna file
D3 Server! [Advanced, Custom physics / Anti-Greif / RP]
Server Status:
I don't know what could be causing the name to default. it works fine for me. I'll look into it
EDIT: seems that the server won't accept names or motds with anything like "[].:" in it and defaults to "Minecraft server, fixing now
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)