This thread contains a large guide on how to port forward your Minecraft server. If you have any port forwarding questions, please reply with them here!
The following is a guide to port forwarding. If something is incorrect or incomplete, please inform a staff member so the problem can be fixed.
NOTE: IF you have a DSL Modem (A DSL-Phone Connection), you may need to find a separate guide or call your Internet Service Provider in addition to following this guide to get things working.
Step 1 - Port Forwarding
The following are portforwarding guides for each of the three major operating systems. Click "show" under each OS name to see a tutorial for that OS.
So let's begin Port Forwarding! You're going to need to find out what your router's page IP is. To do this, click your Start button, and in the search field, type "cmd". Command Prompt should appear in the results. Right-click it, and click Run as Administrator.
Once Command Prompt opens, type ipconfig. The information we'll need for this step is the Default Gateway.
KEEP THE COMMAND PROMPT UP! Trust me, we're gonna need another piece of information from it soon.
Now that you've got your Default Gateway, punch that into your browser.
You should get a popup asking for a username and password. You can find your router's default password here: . Login and you should see your router page:
There should be a button in the interface called something along the lines of "Port Forwarding". That's where we're headed next. Keep in mind, your router page most likely will be different than mine.
Now that we're on the Port Forwarding page, it's time to add in the necessary information to open the ports for your server, so other players can connect. Before we add any information, we're gonna need to get one last piece of info from the Command Prompt. If you've still got the Command Prompt open, look for "IPv4 Address". The IPv4 Address is similar to your Default Gateway, except for the last number. And the last number is what we'll need.
Back to the Port Forwarding page. Enter the following info into the boxes:
Click a button along of the lines of "Add Custom Service" and input the following:
If your router has some extra options there, they should be in the following list:
Name=Minecraft TCP=25565 Schedule=Always UDP=25565 Inbound Filter=allow all
Notice the "4" at the end of the "192.168.2.[ ]". As you see in the picture above this one, that is our IPv4 Address. And whenever the IPv4 address changes, the number at the end will change. Everytime the IPv4 changes, you'll have to change the info on the Virtual Servers page. So if it changes to, you'll have to change those two 4's to 6's.
Apply the changes, and if your router page has a "Restart Router" option, do that. Now it's onto the next step. Windows Firewall.
Open up Windows Firewall, and click "Allow a program through Windows Firewall"
Once you click "Allow a program", a popup should appear. From this popup, click "Add Port".
Finally, another popup will appear. Enter the following information:
Click OK.
Click "Add Port" again, and add the same information, only this time, click UDP.
Windows 7/8:
Open Control Panel from the Start menu.
Select Windows Firewall.
Select Advanced settings in the left column of the Windows Firewall window.
Select Inbound Rules in the left column of the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security window.
Note: You can prevent outbound traffic by selecting Outbound Rules.
Select New Rule in the right column.
Select Port in the New Inbound Rule Wizard and then click Next.
Select which protocol this rule will apply to (Choose TCP.), select Specific local ports, type your server's port number (by default it's 25565) and then click Next.
Select Allow the connection and then click Next.
Select when this rule applies (check all of them for the port to always stay open) and then click Next.
Give this rule a name (MinecraftUDP or MinecraftTCP) and then click Finish to add the new rule.
The port is now open and ready to be used.
Remember earlier when you were told to select TCP? We now need to go through the process again to open a UDP port. Simply do the same thing again, but instead of choosing "TCP", choose "UDP" instead.
So let's begin Port Forwarding! First, let's open your Mac's firewall to the port.
On Mac OS X 10.7/10.8 Lion/Mountain Lion:
Open your System Preferences
Open "Security & privacy"
Select "Firewall"
If your firewall is off, skip the rest of this bulleted part of the guide. If it's on, then continue.
Click "Firewall Options"
Make sure "Automatically allow signed software to receive incoming connections" is checked.
Make sure "Enable Stealth Mode" is NOT checked.
Now then, on to your router!
Open your System preferences.
Click "Network".
Click "Advanced"
Click the "TCP/IP" tab.
You should see this somewhere in the window:
Router: ###.###.#.#
That number is your Default Gateway.
KEEP THAT WINDOW UP! Trust me, we're gonna need another piece of information from it soon.
Now that you've got your Default Gateway, punch that into your browser.
You should get a popup asking for a username and password. You can find your router's default password here: . Login and you should see your router page:
There should be a button in the interface called something along the lines of "Port Forwarding". That's where we're headed next. Keep in mind, your router page most likely will be different than mine.
Now that we're on the Port Forwarding page, it's time to add in the necessary information to open the ports for your server, so other players can connect. Before we add any information, we're gonna need to get one last piece of info from the "Network" window. If you've still got the "Network" windowt open, look for "IPv4 Address". The IPv4 Address is similar to your Default Gateway, except for the last number. And the last number is what we'll need.
IPv4 Address:
Back to the Port Forwarding page. Enter the following info into the boxes:
Click a button along of the lines of "Add Custom Service" and input the following:
If your router has some extra options there, they should be in the following list:
Name=Minecraft TCP=25565 Schedule=Always UDP=25565 Inbound Filter=allow all
Notice the "4" at the end of the "192.168.2.[ ]". As you see in the picture above this one, that is our IPv4 Address. And whenever the IPv4 address changes, the number at the end will change. Everytime the IPv4 changes, you'll have to change the info on the Virtual Servers page. So if it changes to, you'll have to change those two 4's to 6's.
Apply the changes, and if your router page has a "Restart Router" option, do that.
That's it, you're done!
Linux (VPS/Dedicated Server)
This is a very simple process. This guide assumes that you have a linux server in a datacenter.
First, login to your SSH root account. I would recommend using Putty as the tool to connect. If you're on a mac, you can use terminal to connect.
Then, do the following (in the SSH terminal you opened):
Open flle /etc/sysconfig/iptables:
vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
Enter "insert" mode:
Press the "i" key on your keyboard.
Add these two lines somewhere in the middle of the file next to lines of similar text:
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 25565 -j ACCEPT
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport 25565 -j ACCEPT
Save and close the file:
Press the "esc" or escape key on your keyboard.
Type the following without quotes: ":qw"
Restart iptables:
/etc/init.d/iptables restart
That's it, you're done!
Step 2 - Success!
Let's test to see if you're successfully opened the port. First, turn on your Minecraft server and leave it running. Next, go to In the box next to "What port", enter the port you opened earlier (default 25565). Now Click "Check Your Port". If the test returns successful, then you've successfully port forwarded! Good job!
Now, let's find the port your users will connect to your server with. We need to find your external IP. This is the IP users will connect to your server with. However, in order to connect to the server from the a computer on your local internet network, you will need to use the IPv4 address you found earlier. Go to to get the IP. Add ":portnumber" to the end of that IP if you portforwarded a port that was not "25565".
Once you've done everything properly, start your server up. Make sure users are trying to connect with the IP you got from
Everything should be working properly. People should be able to connect to your server.
Alright, not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I'll try anyway.
I'm having an issue with the port forwarding part, and it keeps coming back that my 25565 port is closed.
There is no apply button in the port forwarding guide. I believe it just applies it automatically when you click add, which it should have because it's been there for this entire day.
Just to make sure, I also tried the TDP and UDP lines separately, but that didn't fix it either.
I need help with this, I really want to get started with hosting a MC server.
Edit: I now just attempted to open ports on my eset smart security firewall. I pretty much did the same thing as that windows firewall tutorial, just in a different way. It's STILL reporting that it's closed.
Alright, not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I'll try anyway.
I'm having an issue with the port forwarding part, and it keeps coming back that my 25565 port is closed.
There is no apply button in the port forwarding guide. I believe it just applies it automatically when you click add, which it should have because it's been there for this entire day.
Just to make sure, I also tried the TDP and UDP lines separately, but that didn't fix it either.
I need help with this, I really want to get started with hosting a MC server.
Edit: I now just attempted to open ports on my eset smart security firewall. I pretty much did the same thing as that windows firewall tutorial, just in a different way. It's STILL reporting that it's closed.
Do you have any antivirus software such as norton?
If the thread is only asking about how to port forward, then yes.
Do you have any antivirus software such as norton?
I use ESET Smart Security.
I also tried turning off the firewall/anti virus but it didn't work. But when I checked if the port forward was closed, instead of saying a particular connection timed out message or whatever, I think it said connection refused.
I also tried turning off the firewall/anti virus but it didn't work. But when I checked if the port forward was closed, instead of saying a particular connection timed out message or whatever, I think it said connection refused.
And just to be clear, you're checking if the port is closed when the MC server is on?
Hi! I'm having a port forwarding problem... Just can't seem to get the port open!
So, my server definitely works. I can get onto it fine via localhost. I followed the tutorial for my router on how to set up a port forward, and set up one for 22565. The tutorial says my port should be up and running now, but when I run my server and check any port forward checking site, it says it's closed. Obviously, my friends can't get on it either. I know i'm using the correct IP address- my external one.
The only other thing i know is that the.. server ip settings are blank in the properties. So it's not that.
Honestly I'm at a loss as to what to do next. Me and my friends would be very grateful if you could offer use some guidance.. We've been trying to get this set up all day x_x Thank you for your time!!
ooh! Also, I have norton. however, it's set up to allow connections from incoming computers. it still doesn't work if i turn firewall off.
Am I able to host a server and open the ports from my laptop?. I cannot seem to get my ports open and I have tried everything that seems to be common problems i.e firewalls and any sort of security programs. I have entered all the correct information and I still cannot get my ports to open. I don't know if the fact that Lan servers and also Hamachi servers don't work means anything. It seems like a firewall issue from my end but I have already unblocked Minecraft and other programs like Hamachi.
Hey new to the forums and new to the PC version. I've had several friends buy this game and try to make a server but they were all unsuccessful in making it work. So I finally got around to buying it and I have the most network and PC experience out of all of them and I was surprised when I had the same issues..
Basically. Port 25565 will not open. I properly port forwarded the port and when i went to check it it was closed.
I'm thinking it's our routers. I'm using a crappy Belkin F5D7230-4 I was thinking of going to walmart and picking up a Netgear N150 Wireless Router for $40 or Does the router not matter?
Mac OSX 10.8.2
Belkin router F9K1103 v1
Both firewalls off.
When I test the port @, I show that the port is closed (with server running)
I can connect to localhost or with my MacBook using internal ip without problems. No one outside of the local network can connect to my server. I've tried using Port Map,, watched numerous YouTube videos and read countless FAQs, etc.
Please help! I just want to play MineCraft with my kids & nephews lol.
So I have created a server and I am able to log in to the server with no problem. When I tried to get others to log into the server it became evident that they could not. S then because everything seemed to be running correctly on my end then it must be the port forwarding option. I have a air port extreme and the up date is 7.6.1 I am also running this on a mac. I have tried many options to this and I also have the problem of every time that i switch it to DHCP and NAT the airport will no longer connect to the internet. If anyone has a solution that would be amazing.
I am trying to host a minecraft server with no mods of any kind. I am new to port forwarding and the like so I am not sure what I am doing wrong but I am able to login to the server however, when my friends try to they get a connection timed out error message.
Things I have done thus far:
Scrapped everything and reinstalled the Minecraft.exe and minecraft server.exe
Logged into my router at and port forwarded to my static IP the port 25565
Ensured that the enabled box is checked and saved the changes to the router
Attempted putting the router in DMZ mode just so I can see if that works
Disabled every known firewall
Disabled Mcafee Antivirus program
Things that I have tried:
Going to port check websites and found that port 25565 is closed and its giving a connection timeout message
Figured out my external IP address by going to canyouseemee.whatever
okay... lets try this again.
I have been trying to make a minecraft server, i hit apply and it says it is forbidden. i dont think i have a router, i have an extension, i dont know if that will be a problem. but i looked and the model thing and it is wn2000rptv2
I need help and any will be accepted. also i use netgear
my router page says that my wan is 10. something (don't want to show the rest) if I do not port forward 25565, I could not use my that ip address to access my server but if I do port forward it, I am able to access my server with that IP. This Ip address is not the same as those shown in or My friend said that he could not get in. I am using Cisco dpc2325.
Step 1 - Port Forwarding
The following are portforwarding guides for each of the three major operating systems. Click "show" under each OS name to see a tutorial for that OS.
So let's begin Port Forwarding! You're going to need to find out what your router's page IP is. To do this, click your Start button, and in the search field, type "cmd". Command Prompt should appear in the results. Right-click it, and click Run as Administrator.
PROTIP: An easier way to find out your router's IP page, is to go to
Once Command Prompt opens, type ipconfig. The information we'll need for this step is the Default Gateway.
KEEP THE COMMAND PROMPT UP! Trust me, we're gonna need another piece of information from it soon.
Now that you've got your Default Gateway, punch that into your browser.
You should get a popup asking for a username and password. You can find your router's default password here: . Login and you should see your router page:
There should be a button in the interface called something along the lines of "Port Forwarding". That's where we're headed next. Keep in mind, your router page most likely will be different than mine.
Now that we're on the Port Forwarding page, it's time to add in the necessary information to open the ports for your server, so other players can connect. Before we add any information, we're gonna need to get one last piece of info from the Command Prompt. If you've still got the Command Prompt open, look for "IPv4 Address". The IPv4 Address is similar to your Default Gateway, except for the last number. And the last number is what we'll need.
Back to the Port Forwarding page. Enter the following info into the boxes:
Click a button along of the lines of "Add Custom Service" and input the following:
If your router has some extra options there, they should be in the following list:
Inbound Filter=allow all
Notice the "4" at the end of the "192.168.2.[ ]". As you see in the picture above this one, that is our IPv4 Address. And whenever the IPv4 address changes, the number at the end will change. Everytime the IPv4 changes, you'll have to change the info on the Virtual Servers page. So if it changes to, you'll have to change those two 4's to 6's.
Apply the changes, and if your router page has a "Restart Router" option, do that. Now it's onto the next step. Windows Firewall.
Open up Windows Firewall, and click "Allow a program through Windows Firewall"
Once you click "Allow a program", a popup should appear. From this popup, click "Add Port".
Finally, another popup will appear. Enter the following information:
Click OK.
Click "Add Port" again, and add the same information, only this time, click UDP.
Windows 7/8:
Open Control Panel from the Start menu.
Select Windows Firewall.
Select Advanced settings in the left column of the Windows Firewall window.
Select Inbound Rules in the left column of the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security window.
Note: You can prevent outbound traffic by selecting Outbound Rules.
Select New Rule in the right column.
Select Port in the New Inbound Rule Wizard and then click Next.
Select which protocol this rule will apply to (Choose TCP.), select Specific local ports, type your server's port number (by default it's 25565) and then click Next.
Select Allow the connection and then click Next.
Select when this rule applies (check all of them for the port to always stay open) and then click Next.
Give this rule a name (MinecraftUDP or MinecraftTCP) and then click Finish to add the new rule.
The port is now open and ready to be used.
Remember earlier when you were told to select TCP? We now need to go through the process again to open a UDP port. Simply do the same thing again, but instead of choosing "TCP", choose "UDP" instead.
Credit for this firewall guide goes to: http://www.dummies.c...s-7-firewa.html
That's it! You're done!
On Mac OS X 10.7/10.8 Lion/Mountain Lion:
Open your System preferences.
Click "Network".
Click "Advanced"
Click the "TCP/IP" tab.
You should see this somewhere in the window:
That number is your Default Gateway.
KEEP THAT WINDOW UP! Trust me, we're gonna need another piece of information from it soon.
Now that you've got your Default Gateway, punch that into your browser.
You should get a popup asking for a username and password. You can find your router's default password here: . Login and you should see your router page:
There should be a button in the interface called something along the lines of "Port Forwarding". That's where we're headed next. Keep in mind, your router page most likely will be different than mine.
Now that we're on the Port Forwarding page, it's time to add in the necessary information to open the ports for your server, so other players can connect. Before we add any information, we're gonna need to get one last piece of info from the "Network" window. If you've still got the "Network" windowt open, look for "IPv4 Address". The IPv4 Address is similar to your Default Gateway, except for the last number. And the last number is what we'll need.
Back to the Port Forwarding page. Enter the following info into the boxes:
Click a button along of the lines of "Add Custom Service" and input the following:
If your router has some extra options there, they should be in the following list:
Inbound Filter=allow all
Notice the "4" at the end of the "192.168.2.[ ]". As you see in the picture above this one, that is our IPv4 Address. And whenever the IPv4 address changes, the number at the end will change. Everytime the IPv4 changes, you'll have to change the info on the Virtual Servers page. So if it changes to, you'll have to change those two 4's to 6's.
Apply the changes, and if your router page has a "Restart Router" option, do that.
That's it, you're done!
Linux (VPS/Dedicated Server)
This is a very simple process. This guide assumes that you have a linux server in a datacenter.
First, login to your SSH root account. I would recommend using Putty as the tool to connect. If you're on a mac, you can use terminal to connect.
Then, do the following (in the SSH terminal you opened):
Open flle /etc/sysconfig/iptables:
Enter "insert" mode:
Add these two lines somewhere in the middle of the file next to lines of similar text:
Save and close the file:
Restart iptables:
That's it, you're done!
Step 2 - Success!
Let's test to see if you're successfully opened the port. First, turn on your Minecraft server and leave it running. Next, go to In the box next to "What port", enter the port you opened earlier (default 25565). Now Click "Check Your Port". If the test returns successful, then you've successfully port forwarded! Good job!
Now, let's find the port your users will connect to your server with. We need to find your external IP. This is the IP users will connect to your server with. However, in order to connect to the server from the a computer on your local internet network, you will need to use the IPv4 address you found earlier. Go to to get the IP. Add ":portnumber" to the end of that IP if you portforwarded a port that was not "25565".
Once you've done everything properly, start your server up. Make sure users are trying to connect with the IP you got from
Everything should be working properly. People should be able to connect to your server.
Yes, It's the same idea, but it's for port forwarding instead.
Awesome. So report threads for portforarding, like threads for permissions?
I'm having an issue with the port forwarding part, and it keeps coming back that my 25565 port is closed. (yes the censor at the top left is exactly what you think it is LOL)
There is no apply button in the port forwarding guide. I believe it just applies it automatically when you click add, which it should have because it's been there for this entire day.
I followed this - http://portforward.c...raft_Server.htm
Just to make sure, I also tried the TDP and UDP lines separately, but that didn't fix it either.
I need help with this, I really want to get started with hosting a MC server.
Edit: I now just attempted to open ports on my eset smart security firewall. I pretty much did the same thing as that windows firewall tutorial, just in a different way. It's STILL reporting that it's closed.
If the thread is only asking about how to port forward, then yes.
Do you have any antivirus software such as norton?
I use ESET Smart Security.
I also tried turning off the firewall/anti virus but it didn't work. But when I checked if the port forward was closed, instead of saying a particular connection timed out message or whatever, I think it said connection refused.
And just to be clear, you're checking if the port is closed when the MC server is on?
So, my server definitely works. I can get onto it fine via localhost. I followed the tutorial for my router on how to set up a port forward, and set up one for 22565. The tutorial says my port should be up and running now, but when I run my server and check any port forward checking site, it says it's closed. Obviously, my friends can't get on it either. I know i'm using the correct IP address- my external one.
The only other thing i know is that the.. server ip settings are blank in the properties. So it's not that.
Honestly I'm at a loss as to what to do next. Me and my friends would be very grateful if you could offer use some guidance.. We've been trying to get this set up all day x_x Thank you for your time!!
ooh! Also, I have norton. however, it's set up to allow connections from incoming computers. it still doesn't work if i turn firewall off.
Promblems port fowarding i can join but other players cant
Im having promblem letting onther players join i can but they cant i have belkin router
Basically. Port 25565 will not open. I properly port forwarded the port and when i went to check it it was closed.
I'm thinking it's our routers. I'm using a crappy Belkin F5D7230-4 I was thinking of going to walmart and picking up a Netgear N150 Wireless Router for $40 or Does the router not matter?
Belkin router F9K1103 v1
Both firewalls off.
When I test the port @, I show that the port is closed (with server running)
I can connect to localhost or with my MacBook using internal ip without problems. No one outside of the local network can connect to my server. I've tried using Port Map,, watched numerous YouTube videos and read countless FAQs, etc.
Please help! I just want to play MineCraft with my kids & nephews lol.
I am trying to host a minecraft server with no mods of any kind. I am new to port forwarding and the like so I am not sure what I am doing wrong but I am able to login to the server however, when my friends try to they get a connection timed out error message.
Things I have done thus far:
I have been trying to make a minecraft server, i hit apply and it says it is forbidden. i dont think i have a router, i have an extension, i dont know if that will be a problem. but i looked and the model thing and it is wn2000rptv2
I need help and any will be accepted. also i use netgear