Hey guys! So i've been working on a server, but i'm really not entirely sure of everything i'm doing...
First off, i'm sorry if this is in the wrong section! I wasn'tsure if this was the right spot or not.
I'm hoping someone can point me towards a plugin that will allow me to setup an area that would be used as a regenerating arena, with tnt explosion damage enabled, and two teams with the goal to be either a set amount of kills or damage to the map, like if say 60% of all stonebrick were missing out of one of two castles, the castle with 60% or more remaining would be the winning team. Anything extra or close to this would be an awesome submittion, perhaps with rewards in cash if there's compatibility between the plugins.I use Essentials and WorldGuard, if that helps any!
I don't think there is a plugin that does this. You may be better off making a new topic in the Plugin Requests section on Bukkit.org. If someone knows of a plugin that can do this, I'm sure they'll reply. If one doesn't already exist, you'll probably be able to find a developer that would be willing to make it.
First off, i'm sorry if this is in the wrong section! I wasn'tsure if this was the right spot or not.
I'm hoping someone can point me towards a plugin that will allow me to setup an area that would be used as a regenerating arena, with tnt explosion damage enabled, and two teams with the goal to be either a set amount of kills or damage to the map, like if say 60% of all stonebrick were missing out of one of two castles, the castle with 60% or more remaining would be the winning team. Anything extra or close to this would be an awesome submittion, perhaps with rewards in cash if there's compatibility between the plugins.I use Essentials and WorldGuard, if that helps any!
Thank you!