This is my debug.log ( but I deleted the new instance and I took debug log from my current instance. ). Maybe debug log shows something more than latest.log ?
I think this just means a mod is using this minecraft potion function (so a mod adding/making changes at potions) - or do you have this issue without any mods?
Do You know any mod which shows all recipes ( including recipes from mods ) , but it isn't like JEI / HEI, but more like CraftGuide ? I requsted CraftGuide author for 1.12.2 version, but he doesn't respond.
NEI has JEI as required dependency and I don't want JEI. But independently of this could You give me properly configured Enchantment Disabler mod config file with disabled enchantment phoenix dive ( it's id is wonderful_enchantments:phoenix_dive ) ? I want to disable this enchantment, because it still crashes my world.
enchantments {
# Makes 'Dodge' obtainable in survival mode.
# Makes 'Enchantment Against Humanity' obtainable in survival mode.
# Makes 'Enlightenment' obtainable in survival mode.
# Makes 'Fishing Fanatic' obtainable in survival mode.
# Makes 'Immortality' obtainable in survival mode.
# Makes 'Phoenix Dive' obtainable in survival mode.
# Makes 'Vengeance of Pufferfish' obtainable in survival mode.
# Makes 'Smelter' obtainable in survival mode.
# Makes 'Vitality' obtainable in survival mode.
curses {
# Makes 'Curse of Fatigue' obtainable in survival mode.
# Makes 'Curse of Slowness' obtainable in survival mode.
But I want to completetely disable phoenix dive enchant, not only in survival mode. I don't want to click it in HEI accidentaly and also I don't want that mobs will apply it to their items.
It is the same even on new instance.
This is my debug.log ( but I deleted the new instance and I took debug log from my current instance. ). Maybe debug log shows something more than latest.log ?
Still the same issue - nothing mentioned
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When I tried to run my mods in new instance, it even didn't generate all configs.
Is there a way to fix or reset NBT or NBTTagCompound ?
NBTTagCompound is part of the Forge API and its mods
It is used to add/store custom NBTs to new Items/Blocks - it is code base - you can't make changes there
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I ask because there in my latest.log it says :
Exception Details:
net/minecraft/potion/PotionEffect.func_82722_b(Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)Lnet/minecraft/potion/PotionEffect; @6: iload_1
I think this just means a mod is using this minecraft potion function (so a mod adding/making changes at potions) - or do you have this issue without any mods?
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I don't play without mods. But when I run Minecraft without mods it is OK. It's definitely some mod ( or mods ) fault.
What ?! I had JEID and REID enabled in my modpack. I disabled JEID and now it's loading finally !
And when I changed REID to JEID it is still seems to be working.
So I managed to load Minecraft, but I have another crash, but also without crash report.
And I managed to run Minecraft when I disabled JVM arguments and I changed Java from Eclipse Adoptium to Oracle Java ( JRE, I think ).
It is an issue with the mod Trinkets and Baubles
Maybe a conflict with legendarytooltips, JEI or Optifine
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Do You know any mod which shows all recipes ( including recipes from mods ) , but it isn't like JEI / HEI, but more like CraftGuide ? I requsted CraftGuide author for 1.12.2 version, but he doesn't respond.
Maybe NEI?
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NEI has JEI as required dependency and I don't want JEI. But independently of this could You give me properly configured Enchantment Disabler mod config file with disabled enchantment phoenix dive ( it's id is wonderful_enchantments:phoenix_dive ) ? I want to disable this enchantment, because it still crashes my world.
Did you check the config file for disabling it?
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Wonderful Enchantments config has only this :
# Configuration file
wonderful-enchantments {
enchantments {
# Makes 'Dodge' obtainable in survival mode.
# Makes 'Enchantment Against Humanity' obtainable in survival mode.
# Makes 'Enlightenment' obtainable in survival mode.
# Makes 'Fishing Fanatic' obtainable in survival mode.
# Makes 'Immortality' obtainable in survival mode.
# Makes 'Phoenix Dive' obtainable in survival mode.
# Makes 'Vengeance of Pufferfish' obtainable in survival mode.
# Makes 'Smelter' obtainable in survival mode.
# Makes 'Vitality' obtainable in survival mode.
curses {
# Makes 'Curse of Fatigue' obtainable in survival mode.
# Makes 'Curse of Slowness' obtainable in survival mode.
But I want to completetely disable phoenix dive enchant, not only in survival mode. I don't want to click it in HEI accidentaly and also I don't want that mobs will apply it to their items.
Enchantment Disabler config has this :
# Configuration file
general {
# List of enchantment registry names to remove
S:"Enchantments to Remove" <
Where to put wonderful_enchantments:phoenix_dive in this config ? How should it look like ? Could someone show me, please ?
If there is no option to disable it, just remove this mod
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