My daughters Minecraft on PC is slow, hanging and crashing and she has no MODS installed. This just started happening this week. I updated Java to version 7 update 67 yesterday in an attempt to fix it and it did not help. Adding custom Antivirus rules had no effect either.
None of the other games, including Steam managed games are crashing on her PC. It takes 10 to 30 seconds or more to finish ‘Downloading Terrain’. Once a World loads, the game starts to freeze and becomes unresponsive. Sometimes, the hang is so severe we have to kill the Java task just to get back to the desktop.
Her friends have had similar problems and told her to uninstall Minecraft, re-purchase it and re-install it. Sorry, that’s not happening. Could there be a corruption in her .minecraft folder? Has Minecraft been updated recently? Any ideas of what could be the problem? The game is no longer playable.
Minecraft version 1.8 just came out. A lot of people are having problems like this. We'll see if the developers can address them in a patch hopefully in the near future.
If the problem is due to the 1.8 changes you might want to experiment with VSYNC and VBOs turning them on and off and seeing the impact.
Also 32 chunk render distance is quite large and requires configuring MC to run with an extra large heap. If you haven't done this then you should try reducing this setting. 12 used to be considered a fairly large value for this setting before 1.8
If you are crashing, then please provide the crash log.
The problem is now SOLVED. Following gerbil's advice, I turned VSync OFF and lowered the render distance to 12. My daughter says it plays just like it did before the problems started. We checked all of her worlds and the performance was good on all of them. Thanks gerbil!
None of the other games, including Steam managed games are crashing on her PC. It takes 10 to 30 seconds or more to finish ‘Downloading Terrain’. Once a World loads, the game starts to freeze and becomes unresponsive. Sometimes, the hang is so severe we have to kill the Java task just to get back to the desktop.
Her friends have had similar problems and told her to uninstall Minecraft, re-purchase it and re-install it. Sorry, that’s not happening. Could there be a corruption in her .minecraft folder? Has Minecraft been updated recently? Any ideas of what could be the problem? The game is no longer playable.
Her Minecraft version is 1.8.
System Specifications
Also 32 chunk render distance is quite large and requires configuring MC to run with an extra large heap. If you haven't done this then you should try reducing this setting. 12 used to be considered a fairly large value for this setting before 1.8
If you are crashing, then please provide the crash log.
My daughter says thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!