I just bought minecraft for my son and he has to play at the library because our computer doesn't support the graphics. When we download, it brings up the launcher and loads the game, but it never shows up as an icon. We have to download it and go throught that process every time, which takes about 10 minutes. Is this normal? or are we not doing it correctly?
So if he doesn't get the same computer every time the worlds do not save. He logs on and it shows he has no worlds, he has to create a new one each time. I was under the impression when I bought the game that he could play from any computer and the worlds would be saved under his log in. Please help me since I have no idea what I am doing.
When you download, the only thing that comes down is a little program called the "bootstrap". It's a file called minecraft.exe
You should save this so you don't have to download it every time.
When this program runs it looks at the local disk and downloads the "launcher" if it has an update or is missing, then it runs this automatically.
When you select a profile and hit "Play" in the launcher, it downloads the version of minecraft your profile selects if it isn't already on the computer or it has an update and then runs it.
Your single player saves all go on the local computer disk although exactly where can be controlled in the profile.
Note that depending upon your library, it is possible that they wipe the computers back to a known state daily or even between each customer. So even using the same computer isn't necessarily going to solve your problem.
If you can use a USB stick on the computers, then it is possible to set it up so that all of minecraft. The bootstrap, the launcher, the profiles, the versions of minecraft, and the saves are all stored on the USB stick. it might be slower than the disk but it is portable and you can take it with you.
So if he doesn't get the same computer every time the worlds do not save. He logs on and it shows he has no worlds, he has to create a new one each time. I was under the impression when I bought the game that he could play from any computer and the worlds would be saved under his log in. Please help me since I have no idea what I am doing.
You should save this so you don't have to download it every time.
When this program runs it looks at the local disk and downloads the "launcher" if it has an update or is missing, then it runs this automatically.
When you select a profile and hit "Play" in the launcher, it downloads the version of minecraft your profile selects if it isn't already on the computer or it has an update and then runs it.
Your single player saves all go on the local computer disk although exactly where can be controlled in the profile.
Note that depending upon your library, it is possible that they wipe the computers back to a known state daily or even between each customer. So even using the same computer isn't necessarily going to solve your problem.
If you can use a USB stick on the computers, then it is possible to set it up so that all of minecraft. The bootstrap, the launcher, the profiles, the versions of minecraft, and the saves are all stored on the USB stick. it might be slower than the disk but it is portable and you can take it with you.