More Info: How to Fix the Could Not Create the Java Virtual Machine Error
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Need Help? Click here for more information on How to Fix the Could Not Create the Java Virtual Machine Error.
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I'd really like some help before January 6th! Thank you and Happy New year!
First download the .jar version of minecraft from here:
Make sure to save this in a folder on your C: drive called "Minecraft" you can place it wherever you want, but the rest of the instructions are assuming you have it placed there.
To make your own .bat file. Open a notepad and type the following:
For 64 bit OS and 64 bit installed Java:
"C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -Xmx??m -Xms??m -jar "C:\Minecraft\minecraft.jar"
For 32/64bit OS and only default 32bit Java installed:
"C:\Program Files(x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -Xmx??m -Xms??m -jar "C:\Minecraft\minecraft.jar"
This is of course assuming you followed my instructions for placement of the minecraft.jar. if not simply change the path at the end to wherever your minecraft.jar is located. Once this is complete simply save the batch file as Minecraft.bat and place it in the same directory as the minecraft.jar. Double Click to open
For both of these examples replace the ??m with the amount of memory you want to allocate. For example if you want 512mb type 512m. For 32bit versions its not recomended to allocate more than 1024m. For 64bit I usually recommend 2G and you can just type 2g to replace ??m.
Also this is assuming you have the latest version of Java installed. If you want to use version 6 (which is up to you, personally I never have any problems playing MC with version 7) simply replace the "jre7" in that with jre6.
Hope this helps.
My theory as to why this happens is when you open Minecraft your computer doesnt have enough available memory to open it and that's why it can't create the virtual engine
Simply close every program you have open, anything that uses memory. Such as your internet browser or media player (i like to watch shows or listen to music while i play MC) and even jar files.
In my case closing those two programs was enough, the media player specifically used alot of memory.
If your computer just sucks and you never have enough memory or RAM look at the mods on the wiki or these forums for something that can make Minecraft use less memory/RAM since Minecraft is notorious for using lots of that.
It's all Java 7.
not RAM, not compatibility, nothing.
Just unistal Java 7 and install java 6
Here is Java 6, make sure you get 32, or 64 bit based on what your computer runs. (Right click Computer, and click properties should tell you,)
I wish you good luck against creepers.
This is what I call helpful information
Thanks, that actually worked.
Whenever I run the following code,
I get this error.
Any Ideas on what to do? the only reason i am posting here is because this thread has gotten good feedback.
Anything appreciated!
and at the bottom it says "a java exception occurred."
I could go forever. You like cheeseburgers? I like cheese burgers. You like Starcraft and/or Warcraft? I hate Starcraft and/or Warcraft.
IF YOU READ THIS ENTIRE THING I CALL YOU AWESOME! And if you are on a mobile device read this ✌
Was also running into this problem suddenly and tried everything everyone has posted here and elsewhere but nothing worked. On this machine I have Windows XP and most recent update to Java 7.
Here is what I did to finally fix it and end my torment:
Right click your minecraft.exe and click on properties --> click on middle tab called "Compatibility" --> check box "Run this program in compatibility mode for Windows 95"
TA DA!!!
This didn't work for me
I got the same problem too before I did this and I think i got this error because the cpu usage has reached its limit
java version "1.7.0_17"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_17-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.7-b01, mixed mode)