This is the pilot episode of a new LP concept for Minecraft: a LETS play. A little bit of sarcasm there, but seriously, I've noticed most LPs lately, as well as EVERY Feed the Beast Let's Play, is really just "Look what I've done, let's catch you up now." In this episode I don't do the caving with you guys, but this is really just a launching pad for the main thing: Feedback. I have a stream tonight at 10pm Eastern at and I'd love some new faces to join us after watching the pilot. We're going to discuss the concept for the series, as well as start working together on our world!
Thanks for your time. I know there are tons of LPs out there, and even tons of FTB LPs, so I really do appreciate you guys taking the time to check it out.
Thanks for your time. I know there are tons of LPs out there, and even tons of FTB LPs, so I really do appreciate you guys taking the time to check it out.