The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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So I am doing a parody of the song: Stay With Me and my parody is called Team With me and its about a player who needs a team mate for the Minecraft Hunger Games and all he wants is to win the game with the very skilled player he is singing to!
I already have the lyrics but I dont want to post them on here since they might be stolen. If you want to be a singer then you most fill out the application below.
Do you have a good Mic:
Price for this job:
Are you a good singer:
When you finish filling it out in the comments below just be patient I will read all of the applications. I will also add you on skype and get you to sing a part of the lyrics for a test! or you can send me a link to you singing another song!
Are you a good singer: I believe so, I am willing to give it a go. I like the original song and I always loved the idea of participating in a good minecraft parody.
Good Singer: Yes, I've performed in New York, Chicago, and Indianapolis with my friends and by myself. Also can do music and editing for free which would make singing cost to a total of $5.00
I don't only sing in a baritone voice I also sing Tenor, Alto and a little Soprano
I already have the lyrics but I dont want to post them on here since they might be stolen. If you want to be a singer then you most fill out the application below.
Do you have a good Mic:
Price for this job:
Are you a good singer:
When you finish filling it out in the comments below just be patient I will read all of the applications. I will also add you on skype and get you to sing a part of the lyrics for a test! or you can send me a link to you singing another song!
Thank you
Age: 18
Skype: (not allowed to use skype :/)
Do you have a good Mic: No :/
Price for this job: Whatever you want!
Are you a good singer: I believe so, I am willing to give it a go. I like the original song and I always loved the idea of participating in a good minecraft parody.
Age: 17, 18 next month.
Skype: jbjblaze
Do you have a good Mic: Yes. It is a Snowball iCE.
Price for this job: Whatever my work is worth to you!
Are you a good singer: I'd like to think so, but here's a demo:
Thanks lots for considering my application!
~ JBJblaze
Do you have a good Mic:yes
Price for this job:$10-$20
Are you a good singer:yes i am a great singer
Skype: omar.rios171
Good mic: Yes
Price: $5-$10
Good Singer: Yes, I've performed in New York, Chicago, and Indianapolis with my friends and by myself. Also can do music and editing for free which would make singing cost to a total of $5.00
I don't only sing in a baritone voice I also sing Tenor, Alto and a little Soprano
Name: Jordan
Skype: facebook:jray99
Do you have a good Mic: yes
Price for this job: $0
Are you a good singer: yes (or so I've been told)