Before you all ask the obvious question yes i am insane.
Im going to keep the introduction short and sweet and get into all the details of how i plan to do this incredible project.
I just learned the basics of blender and im looking for a project to do. So I decided to make a movie for minecraft because nobody has done so already. I plan to fully animate this movie and have it run for at least an hour. It will involve a lot of computational miracles and the work will be placed on youtube. There will be no profit from the movie asides from possible youtube partnership and becoming prominent members of the minecraft community. The movie will reflect everything we love about minecraft and embrace the international gaming community surrounding the game through filming in multiple languages
I cant do this on my own and I planned from the start to involve the community. I already know there is interest in this project as I enquired in the discussions forum through a preliminary post. Thats why im asking for your help to make this happen and show just how much we love minecraft as a community that we would come together to do something this big.
I dont want any set number of people chipping in. But I do want people who are 16 and up. Yeah yeah all you younger players with high pitched voices who say age doesnt matter. Well it kind of does because I actually want to get this project finished and not dragged off course by a childish rant or some little mischevous prank that will set back months of work.
I need you to be skilled in any of the following
Linguistics [Speaking in languages other than english is welcomed]
3D Modelling [Preferred in Blender but anything works]
Animation [What you think this is a stop motion movie?]
Storyboarding [Whats a movie without a plot?]
BUILDING STUFF IN MINECRAFT [its possible to turn an entire minecraft world into an object and export it.]
thats all i can think of right now but let me know anything i missed
if your going to help in the linguistics department PLEASE make sure you have a good mic. i dont care what mic it is as long as it can be comfortably placed in a movie without any loss of quality.
I dont want unskilled people going 'hello i want to help buut i dont know anything yet so im just going to sit here, play minecraft and not help anyway. Nobody likes a guy that doesn't pull his weight.
The plan for making the movie is quite simple. First and foremost we will need a basic storyline to follow and develope on. We will need to get it to the point where we have scripts and accents all sorted out. We then build the set on a minecraft server and then port it to a 3d modelling and animation software of our choice [thats the fun part]
Finally we will need to build all the objects we couldn't make in minecraft and make the characters to populate the world. Then we animate the whole thing and sort out the camera angles and we will just be adding the finishing touches. Building the set in minecraft will not only save time but make the whole experience more enjoyable and allow the entire team to put their mark on the scenes that will be placed in the movie.
So if your interested, can help and WILL help. pm me with your email, ign, age, preferred area of expertise, why you love minecraft, proof you can contribute to the project and what unique personality you will bring to the team. and dont lie about your age because skype will be used a lot and we will all be able to tell by your voice and if you really do have a good mic.
As previously stated I am insane and I do not intend to make a movie with just 13 year olds. if you would go to the discussion section and see all the really pro guys that have offered their help which I have gladly taken you will see Im not messing around. and as the months go by I'll pick up more skills with blender.
Though in reality making it is the easy part yes. Its keeping the team together and actively contributing thats the huge problem and why this guys voice better be really good because I really want to make this movie and when I have my heart set on something I dont really stop trying to achieve it.
So yes I plan on making an hour long movie and posting it on youtube in 1080p or whatever quality i can get completely for free.
Gee, thanks for the encouragement. Anyway a big part of the project isnt just animating and modeling. There is also the building of the sets to be considered, the sound, how it will be delivered to the general public, and many other problems that can be faced. My experience with blender comes from an attempt at creating a game using the unity game engine and i used blender to model a lot of the objects we would have used. after a month it was pretty much me making the entire thing and a guy from the netherlands who is now one of my best friends and part of the minecraft movie project. since that time I have continued to learn blender and dream up all sorts of ideas for games. A friend wanted to do a minecraft clone so I got the idea to make a minecraft movie. I haven't rushed in blindly to this and I know what we're getting into. I appreciatted your advice but quite frankly im stubborn and as previously stated I am completely bonkers.
Im not really worried about my skill set. What im worried about is the team falling apart before we even get started D:
we you have my email, so email away and i'll add you to the forum and get you to help us with this goddam script. once its done we can build the set [perhaps fyre uk will help?] then we get into the fun parts
Ill be in it
Im 11, I have never been in a movie but I am very dramatic my skype is emie3372 if you want me to act for you I will, I sing, I act, and I build on minecraft.
maybe it would be easy to do a machinima instead of animation - but its up to you
I think its a amazing thought but you need to think about reality
how long is it going to take - how much is it going to cost
and how much is it going to get you in return.
but like you I'm insane as well so I would like to help
would you like a cow director???
and the recording you asked for - how should I send that??
I would really like to help in the story department/ director department
maybe I could help organize stuff
lets be insane together
(I would really like to be co-director)
I like you. your in. right now we're really into the script and everything. email me at [email protected].
and heres a list of answers to your questions.
1. It's going to take a while
2. not a cent. were posting this for free so were making it for free using free, opensource software or whatever tools we happen to have on out desktops
3. what return? i just want to make a movie
anyway post the recording on youtube and send me the link
despite your age i'll give you a shot
and there isn't any co-director, we're doing this as a team and everyone has equal input in everything we do. in short, everyones the boss isn't that an insane thought?
The fact that WB might make a movie too just means that we might have a little competition. Anyways, projects like this seem like they have no return up front, but companies (like WB) are constantly looking for people to hire if they have skill. The movie would be a great thing to show to any employer looking for talent in this field. (Look at the bigger picture, skeptics!)
As some of you know other people have been trying to make movies. But it so seems we are a little more informed then you might all be. That movie that got shut down, never got shut down. it was a misunderstanding and they did have permission. Yes warner brothers is making the OFFICIAL movie, where they seek to earn profit. It hasn't been confirmed yet and though mojang is pretty excited, they're still negotiating the contract. The thing that was wrong with the other fan film is that they wanted money for the production of the movie. We're making this completely for free, using free software and free tools or what we already have installed. none of us are spending a cent on its production and we will never ask for money. all we want are talented members of the community to join in and give us a hand in creating this film.
Oh and Spud. why havn't you been pitching in in the developement? I sent you a couple emails and this is the first I have heard from you. Me, Lego and Amerika have made huge progress. come join us.
OH and just a progress update. The script is we'll underway. We've started construction on the build and we need talented minecraft builders to help out. Preferably who live in either Australia or America so you'll be able to catch us online and ask questions if need be. Once sufficient progress has been made, we might release a trailer for you, give you a teaser to the story
If this is still going on, I'm interested in helping out.
I am 13, but don't have a high, squeaky, annoying voice. I'm also mature for my age.
I'm pretty experienced in blender, having worked for about a year on it. I can send you some renders I've made in the past if you'd like, just pm me for details. I'm a rather good builder, and have been playing Minecraft for over 3 1/2 years.
If you need any more information, feel free to contact me through pm or on my skype.
My Skype is:
Thanks for reading,
- Person
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If you don't like killing sheep in Minecraft, then shear it.
If you don't like killing creepers in Minecraft, then get ready to rebuild your house.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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you should find someone to make you a soundtrack. that would be cool to have your own unique soundtrack instead of that royalty free music that everyone uses
Hi. Im gs and I would love to help. Im 13, male, and a very good builder. I knok you dont want people under 16 but I can work as a builder or body actor.
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We could all take a lesson from crayons: some are sharp, some are beautiful, some have weird names, all are different colors, but they still learn to live in the same box.
Im going to keep the introduction short and sweet and get into all the details of how i plan to do this incredible project.
I just learned the basics of blender and im looking for a project to do. So I decided to make a movie for minecraft because nobody has done so already. I plan to fully animate this movie and have it run for at least an hour. It will involve a lot of computational miracles and the work will be placed on youtube. There will be no profit from the movie asides from possible youtube partnership and becoming prominent members of the minecraft community. The movie will reflect everything we love about minecraft and embrace the international gaming community surrounding the game through filming in multiple languages
I cant do this on my own and I planned from the start to involve the community. I already know there is interest in this project as I enquired in the discussions forum through a preliminary post. Thats why im asking for your help to make this happen and show just how much we love minecraft as a community that we would come together to do something this big.
I dont want any set number of people chipping in. But I do want people who are 16 and up. Yeah yeah all you younger players with high pitched voices who say age doesnt matter. Well it kind of does because I actually want to get this project finished and not dragged off course by a childish rant or some little mischevous prank that will set back months of work.
I need you to be skilled in any of the following
Linguistics [Speaking in languages other than english is welcomed]
3D Modelling [Preferred in Blender but anything works]
Animation [What you think this is a stop motion movie?]
Storyboarding [Whats a movie without a plot?]
BUILDING STUFF IN MINECRAFT [its possible to turn an entire minecraft world into an object and export it.]
thats all i can think of right now but let me know anything i missed
if your going to help in the linguistics department PLEASE make sure you have a good mic. i dont care what mic it is as long as it can be comfortably placed in a movie without any loss of quality.
I dont want unskilled people going 'hello i want to help buut i dont know anything yet so im just going to sit here, play minecraft and not help anyway. Nobody likes a guy that doesn't pull his weight.
The plan for making the movie is quite simple. First and foremost we will need a basic storyline to follow and develope on. We will need to get it to the point where we have scripts and accents all sorted out. We then build the set on a minecraft server and then port it to a 3d modelling and animation software of our choice [thats the fun part]
Finally we will need to build all the objects we couldn't make in minecraft and make the characters to populate the world. Then we animate the whole thing and sort out the camera angles and we will just be adding the finishing touches. Building the set in minecraft will not only save time but make the whole experience more enjoyable and allow the entire team to put their mark on the scenes that will be placed in the movie.
So if your interested, can help and WILL help. pm me with your email, ign, age, preferred area of expertise, why you love minecraft, proof you can contribute to the project and what unique personality you will bring to the team. and dont lie about your age because skype will be used a lot and we will all be able to tell by your voice and if you really do have a good mic.
Though in reality making it is the easy part yes. Its keeping the team together and actively contributing thats the huge problem and why this guys voice better be really good because I really want to make this movie and when I have my heart set on something I dont really stop trying to achieve it.
So yes I plan on making an hour long movie and posting it on youtube in 1080p or whatever quality i can get completely for free.
Im not really worried about my skill set. What im worried about is the team falling apart before we even get started D:
email me at [email protected] so i can add you to the google group.
hello, I'd be happy to help you out with linguistics, 3d modelling, and animating
I have skype and i'm excited to see if this will work
But to be fair, that isn't technically "animated."
Im 11, I have never been in a movie but I am very dramatic my skype is emie3372 if you want me to act for you I will, I sing, I act, and I build on minecraft.
I like you. your in. right now we're really into the script and everything. email me at [email protected].
and heres a list of answers to your questions.
1. It's going to take a while
2. not a cent. were posting this for free so were making it for free using free, opensource software or whatever tools we happen to have on out desktops
3. what return? i just want to make a movie
anyway post the recording on youtube and send me the link
despite your age i'll give you a shot
and there isn't any co-director, we're doing this as a team and everyone has equal input in everything we do. in short, everyones the boss
Its not OFFICIALY confirmed, but notch hinted at it
And your point is? This was just a fan made film to start with, and that's what it will end with. Plus mojang isn't making it, Warner Bros is
Oh and Spud. why havn't you been pitching in in the developement? I sent you a couple emails and this is the first I have heard from you. Me, Lego and Amerika have made huge progress. come join us.
OH and just a progress update. The script is we'll underway. We've started construction on the build and we need talented minecraft builders to help out. Preferably who live in either Australia or America so you'll be able to catch us online and ask questions if need be. Once sufficient progress has been made, we might release a trailer for you, give you a teaser to the story
If this is still going on, I'm interested in helping out.
I am 13, but don't have a high, squeaky, annoying voice. I'm also mature for my age.
I'm pretty experienced in blender, having worked for about a year on it. I can send you some renders I've made in the past if you'd like, just pm me for details. I'm a rather good builder, and have been playing Minecraft for over 3 1/2 years.
If you need any more information, feel free to contact me through pm or on my skype.
My Skype is:
Thanks for reading,
- Person
If you don't like killing creepers in Minecraft, then get ready to rebuild your house.