I'm NoteInaBottle and I'm looking for a YouTube Collaboration Partner! It would be great to record, possibly Hypixel. Preferably BedWars and SkyWars. I am looking forward to making a series. If you are interested, let me know!
I don't have a LOT of subscribers (27), but it would be great to just hangout with someone and record.
I would describe myself as a positive guy I am looking for someone who [can] be a great commentator, nice guy, etc. You don't have to be GREAT at PvP or Commentating or be popular (especially the last one comparing to me).
If you interested, let me know! Send me a private message.
I'm NoteInaBottle and I'm looking for a YouTube Collaboration Partner! It would be great to record, possibly Hypixel. Preferably BedWars and SkyWars. I am looking forward to making a series. If you are interested, let me know!
I don't have a LOT of subscribers (27), but it would be great to just hangout with someone and record.
I would describe myself as a positive guy
I am looking for someone who [can] be a great commentator, nice guy, etc. You don't have to be GREAT at PvP or Commentating or be popular (especially the last one comparing to me).
If you interested, let me know! Send me a private message.
You REALLY need Discord!
Hit me up on Discord and let's have a chat.. TriTonTGaming#2537
I'd be down if you're still looking!
My discord is USAviator#0924",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif">#0924
Twitter: twitter.com/AviatorKNE
Tumblr: theusaviator.tumblr.com
I'm up for it! My Discord is: Vic #2694
DIscord: Ratchet55@2421Tell me about it
Sure I'm in!