Hello everyone, my name is VinnieGaming or EarthQuaken depending on what games you play and I wanted to revive an old series of mine called Challenge Survival which if you want to see what we managed about a year ago then here is a link to the playlist(which idk why we split it up into two seasons): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFkf7Buq01aR9IJSXUv7nO-QkBHp9Umow
So if you don't want to watch the Challenge Survival Playlist then ill briefly explain the series. Challenge Survival is kinda like an SMP and a Weekly Challenge, meaning after the first episode each team will have one week to gather supplies and prepare for the challenge(which happens every week following the previous challenge) then after the week the teams(which we had two) will get together and try to beat the other team during the challenge and the winner will receive something that will help them either during the next challenge or just help in general then the cycle keeps repeating until one team get 5 total wins. I think this series was pretty unique back then and still sounds unique now.
Now this is where you the reader come on, we need two things to start this series: People to participate and a Server host
So if you want to join and/or host a server for us then fill free to fill out the following application and we will get back to you. Also a notice to anyone applying that we are not starting this series instantly and will begin the first day of June.
Discord Name and Tag(we use discord only):
Specialty(building,supply gathering,etc.):
Can you upload twice a week?(challenge day and another day)(only challenge day is required but still asking):
YouTube Channel(sub count doesn't matter only quality of vids):
How often can you be on the server to prep for the weekly challenge?:
Can you host the server if needed?:
Age: 19
Discord Name and Tag(we use discord only): VinnieGaming#8899
Specialty(building,supply gathering,etc.): Survival, Supply Gathering, and PVP
Can you upload twice a week?(challenge day and another day)(only challenge day is required but still asking): Yes
How often can you be on the server to prep for the weekly challenge?: Basically everyday, but May 31-June 13 I am going to be on vacation and may not be able to come on much.
Timezone: Eastern
Can you host the server if needed?: Unfortunately no. My internet isn't fast enough to host.
Hello everyone, my name is VinnieGaming or EarthQuaken depending on what games you play and I wanted to revive an old series of mine called Challenge Survival which if you want to see what we managed about a year ago then here is a link to the playlist(which idk why we split it up into two seasons): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFkf7Buq01aR9IJSXUv7nO-QkBHp9Umow
So if you don't want to watch the Challenge Survival Playlist then ill briefly explain the series. Challenge Survival is kinda like an SMP and a Weekly Challenge, meaning after the first episode each team will have one week to gather supplies and prepare for the challenge(which happens every week following the previous challenge) then after the week the teams(which we had two) will get together and try to beat the other team during the challenge and the winner will receive something that will help them either during the next challenge or just help in general then the cycle keeps repeating until one team get 5 total wins. I think this series was pretty unique back then and still sounds unique now.
Now this is where you the reader come on, we need two things to start this series: People to participate and a Server host
So if you want to join and/or host a server for us then fill free to fill out the following application and we will get back to you. Also a notice to anyone applying that we are not starting this series instantly and will begin the first day of June.
Discord Name and Tag(we use discord only):
Specialty(building,supply gathering,etc.):
Can you upload twice a week?(challenge day and another day)(only challenge day is required but still asking):
YouTube Channel(sub count doesn't matter only quality of vids):
How often can you be on the server to prep for the weekly challenge?:
Can you host the server if needed?:
Age: 19
Discord Name and Tag(we use discord only): VinnieGaming#8899
Specialty(building,supply gathering,etc.): Survival, Supply Gathering, and PVP
Can you upload twice a week?(challenge day and another day)(only challenge day is required but still asking): Yes
YouTube Channel(sub count doesn't matter only quality of the videos): www.youtube.com/V1nn1eGaming
How often can you be on the server to prep for the weekly challenge?: Everyday except Wednesday and the weekends(sometimes)
Timezone: CT
Can you host the server if needed?: No
Age: 16 (17 in July)
Discord Name and Tag: MissVictorious#8813
Specialty: Mostly gathering and survival. I'm an okay builder but I suck really bad at PVP.
Can you upload twice a week?: I actually am not a youtuber but I do have a channel. If you'd rater me post let me know.
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiUKIbgAy3wfTDuLrxBlZhQ (no videos though)
How often can you be on the server to prep for the weekly challenge?: Basically everyday, but May 31-June 13 I am going to be on vacation and may not be able to come on much.
Timezone: Eastern
Can you host the server if needed?: Unfortunately no. My internet isn't fast enough to host.
Age: 18
Discord Name and Tag(we use discord only): Vic#2694
Specialty(building,supply gathering,etc.): Decent builder- gathering and survival are okay for me as well
Can you upload twice a week?(challenge day and another day)(only challenge day is required but still asking): Yea
YouTube Channel(sub count doesn't matter only quality of vids): StrikerLiker
How often can you be on the server to prep for the weekly challenge?: almost everyday
Timezone: EST
Can you host the server if needed?: No sadly
is this still planned for the 1st?
its been postponed until further notice