Hello, I''m currently looking for a replacement partner for a series I have on my channel called magic world 2, the mod-pack itself revolves around magic. I've already recorded 9 episodes then my friend disappeared and I no longer have anyone else to record with.
The only requirements are
Be at least 14 (I'm 15)
Be able to run the mod pack
Have skype or discord
My name is Sebastian but you could just call me Seb if you want and id be interested in joining your mod pack and recording with you on it. A short run down of me is that i am 15 and have been looking for someone to record with as well because my friend ditched on me like yours. Hopefully you will consider me joining your series. Thanks.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I would also love to play with you. I'm Vic and I'm 18. I've been looking for a series for quite some time now and I would love to play with you on your series. I can also record as well My discord is: Vic #2694
Hello, I''m currently looking for a replacement partner for a series I have on my channel called magic world 2, the mod-pack itself revolves around magic. I've already recorded 9 episodes then my friend disappeared and I no longer have anyone else to record with.
The only requirements are
Be at least 14 (I'm 15)
Be able to run the mod pack
Have skype or discord
Looking forward to recording with you.
My name is Sebastian but you could just call me Seb if you want and id be interested in joining your mod pack and recording with you on it. A short run down of me is that i am 15 and have been looking for someone to record with as well because my friend ditched on me like yours. Hopefully you will consider me joining your series. Thanks.
Sure just add me on skype - NightSkyGames_GD or Discord NightSkyGames #6337
I would also love to play with you. I'm Vic and I'm 18. I've been looking for a series for quite some time now and I would love to play with you on your series. I can also record as well
My discord is: Vic #2694