Hello! I'm Tri, I've created and owned a lot of servers in the past including a server just like this towards the start of the school year last year. Over the past few days I've been getting more and more in to minecraft and youtube. I notice a lot of people looking for partners and groups. I've decided to create a group solely for Youtubers and few friends. The plugins will be very very limited. For example, the only plugins we will use will be ClearLag, Essentials, and lastly Groupmanager which is part of Essentials. The last server that was like this we had 2 groups that we attempted to make it very much like Mianite & Dianite. A lot of people favored the series back whenever it was being released, so we decided to create something like it. The world borders will be very big because there will be much needed exploring. Most of the people joining this will be youtubers keep in mind, the only requirements we have are below.
12 Years of Age or More
Must have or be able to get Skype
Must have 10+ Subscribers.
--More Info
This time, its not going to be two teams, people can play Solo against everyone, or in a team of their choice. Of course we will name these teams to keep it organized but you can play however you want to play. We will record at least once a day during the week and as many times as possible on weekends. Just because you play solo doesn't mean you're anyones enemy. You can choose to fight everyone, some groups can be peaceful to others, etc.
Hello! I'm Tri, I've created and owned a lot of servers in the past including a server just like this towards the start of the school year last year. Over the past few days I've been getting more and more in to minecraft and youtube. I notice a lot of people looking for partners and groups. I've decided to create a group solely for Youtubers and few friends. The plugins will be very very limited. For example, the only plugins we will use will be ClearLag, Essentials, and lastly Groupmanager which is part of Essentials. The last server that was like this we had 2 groups that we attempted to make it very much like Mianite & Dianite. A lot of people favored the series back whenever it was being released, so we decided to create something like it. The world borders will be very big because there will be much needed exploring. Most of the people joining this will be youtubers keep in mind, the only requirements we have are below.
12 Years of Age or More
Must have or be able to get Skype
Must have 10+ Subscribers.
--More Info
This time, its not going to be two teams, people can play Solo against everyone, or in a team of their choice. Of course we will name these teams to keep it organized but you can play however you want to play. We will record at least once a day during the week and as many times as possible on weekends. Just because you play solo doesn't mean you're anyones enemy. You can choose to fight everyone, some groups can be peaceful to others, etc.
--Application Format
Ign:(Needed for whitelist)
Special Talents:
Youtube Channel Link:
Youtube Channel Name:
Who are you from your perspective?
Would you say you're mature?
Building Skill: (I.e 1/10)
Any other info or recommendations?
Still looking!
Name: Ethan
Ign: FunkyFalcon
Special Talents: Running away from people. I'm pretty good with redstone.
Skype: hithethe1
Youtube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYCOUGFSDPBqMxHhx8UWu7A
Youtube Channel Name: FunkyFalcon
Who are you from your perspective? I'm just gamer who is starter youtube and trying to grow.
Would you say you're mature? Honestly, yes.
Building Skill: (I.e 1/10) 6
Any other info or recommendations? Nope
I like your application, added on skype, a friend and I have already created a world and have already started, so feel free to join in!
Still looking!
question: can stuff be stolen?
Name: Vic
Ign:(Needed for whitelist): Strykerlyker18
Special Talents: Um, still trying to learn how to build decently XD
Skype: eatsleepjump
Youtube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/user/StrykerLyker
Youtube Channel Name: StrykerLyker
Who are you from your perspective?: A gamer who is wanting to make friends
Would you say you're mature?: Yes
Building Skill: (I.e 1/10): 7?
Any other info or recommendations?: Nope