To start this off, What's more boring then playing minecraft alone with nothing to talk about while trying to stream/record, I find it quite hard to find a topic or something to talk about whilst doing it.
I would absolutely LOVE doing a 4-8 MSMP with other people, the more the merrier so they say. Like two teams perhaps?
I won't be able to host a server on this until I get funds (My brother will hopefully get money for me to host one, but until then I might need someone else to host it.)
I'm starting new on youtube and Twitch, I've been on minecraft for a few years, and I am absolutely BORED of normal SMP.
So, I tried starting up a Modded SMP with my friend (Just 2 people) and didn't go very well, it was just... weird?
Well, I'm looking to meet up with some new people and if anyone has a server or something, I'd be glad to join in on it.
I can be as active as I need to be, since I am currently being homeschooled (or soon at least.) and I basically have a LOT of free time.
I'm 15, I can be mature if need-be but I prefer being myself and being funny pretty much.
I live in CST (Central Standard Time, I believe that's what it means, Texas USA to make it easier.) and as long as you can be active when I am, it's all good.
The only thing I don't want to do, is be with people TOO immature, I'd prefer avoiding it.
Hello I am Brandon (ShadowGMU) Im very dumb, My Channel is mainly Sims and Minecraft, Im planing on streaming more on Twitch I am 15 and i hope you will want me to join you're SMP
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I'm Victoria! (StrykerLyker) and I haven't played much MC in a while due to the boringness of survival. I also haven't uploaded due to school but the work is slowing down so I can record more! If you're interested in me joining your SMP, message me on here. My Discord is StrykerLyker18 if that is helpful in any way.
To start this off, What's more boring then playing minecraft alone with nothing to talk about while trying to stream/record, I find it quite hard to find a topic or something to talk about whilst doing it.
I would absolutely LOVE doing a 4-8 MSMP with other people, the more the merrier so they say. Like two teams perhaps?
I won't be able to host a server on this until I get funds (My brother will hopefully get money for me to host one, but until then I might need someone else to host it.)
I'm starting new on youtube and Twitch, I've been on minecraft for a few years, and I am absolutely BORED of normal SMP.
So, I tried starting up a Modded SMP with my friend (Just 2 people) and didn't go very well, it was just... weird?
Well, I'm looking to meet up with some new people and if anyone has a server or something, I'd be glad to join in on it.
I can be as active as I need to be, since I am currently being homeschooled (or soon at least.) and I basically have a LOT of free time.
I'm 15, I can be mature if need-be but I prefer being myself and being funny pretty much.
I live in CST (Central Standard Time, I believe that's what it means, Texas USA to make it easier.) and as long as you can be active when I am, it's all good.
The only thing I don't want to do, is be with people TOO immature, I'd prefer avoiding it.
Hello I am Brandon (ShadowGMU) Im very dumb, My Channel is mainly Sims and Minecraft, Im planing on streaming more on Twitch I am 15 and i hope you will want me to join you're SMP
IGN : ShadowGMU
Skype : ShadowGMU
YouTube : ShadowGMU
Twitch : ShadowGMU2
I'm Victoria! (StrykerLyker) and I haven't played much MC in a while due to the boringness of survival. I also haven't uploaded due to school but the work is slowing down so I can record more! If you're interested in me joining your SMP, message me on here. My Discord is StrykerLyker18 if that is helpful in any way.