Thx For applying all three of you are in the roleplay I got you on Skype and please help me get More girls and boys in the roleplay that would be so helpful! Thx!
My nameis Lola and my minecraft name is LuLoala games and I don't have a Skype so yea will that do? And I'm 10 and my personality is fun game loves acting weird funny caring and adventures i like Natur and animals pastel things and flowers I want to Apline in this because I love acting I I've always wanted to be in a minecraft roplay and if u can can u teach me how to do a minecraft roplay and pleas tell me ways to do wat youtubers have to do and how to do a roplay and how to film my screen plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help ill praze u forever!!!
To:lay lay lilly
from: LuLaola
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Hey guys hope u can subscribe to me at youtube my user name is mystic sylvia games but I will chang my name to LuLaoLa but be sure to see my vids!!! PLZZ subscribe it helps me a lot and I realy need money my mom is in a little dept and I neeeeeeeeddddd ur help so plz subscribe to me
Ugh, I want to sign up, but I just got my computer and I don't have Minecraft!!! I have the demo!!!! Ugh! I'm probably not gonna get it until Christmas. Did you guys already start? Or when do you start?
Why you applied: because I have always loved acting and I have been watching sam gladiators rps and I thought it would be fun. I also enjoy meeting new people
Skype name: jackdaman3000 (so cringe)
What do you like: I like being crazy, acting, hanging out with friends and long walks on the beach XD
Your Personality: energetic silly, kinda stupid, funny and fun
Hey People! I am Looking for people age 10-14 MAX to help/build/act in my Role plays! Help me out by applying!
My role plays on working: Yandere High School and Enchanted Medieval!
These are questions you need to answer:
Real Person name:
Minecraft name:
Why you applied:
Skype name:
What do you like:
Your Personality:
Thanks and Have fun Applying!
LayLay Lilli
I will add you on Skype once you applied (replied to this)
Real Person name: Tjaye
Minecraft name: Tjaye
Age: 14
Why you applied: I want to help someone accomplish their YouTube dreams. I want to leave something on the Internet that I can be proud to view.
Skype name: swagg-jones
What do you like: I liek turtles. I like unicorns and MIENCRAF. I enjoy having fun and roleplaying.
Your Personality: Outgoing and Weird
Tagrath - Minecraft & More
Real Person name:
Alyssya (like Alyssa but only an extra y)
Minecraft name:
Why you applied:
I'm always bored and need something to do, but I do love roleplays
Skype name:
Alyssya.woods (must add the .)
What do you like:
Roleplays, cosplay, supernaturals, medieval, high school, all kinds of stuff!
Your Personality:
Silly and Creative XD
Real Person name: Randy
Minecraft name: Dank_Memes00 (Planning on changing)
Age: 14
Why you applied: I just want to be on a RP Series
Skype name: live:randyneu10
What do you like: Mostly Yandere and a little bit of medevil
Your Personality:Singful, Dark, Bright and Mostly Happy and Cheerful
Thx For applying all three of you are in the roleplay I got you on Skype and please help me get More girls and boys in the roleplay that would be so helpful! Thx!
Thx I am moving so busy right now but... also planning the roleplay! Will be soon!
My nameis Lola and my minecraft name is LuLoala games and I don't have a Skype so yea will that do? And I'm 10 and my personality is fun game loves acting weird funny caring and adventures i like Natur and animals pastel things and flowers I want to Apline in this because I love acting I I've always wanted to be in a minecraft roplay and if u can can u teach me how to do a minecraft roplay and pleas tell me ways to do wat youtubers have to do and how to do a roplay and how to film my screen plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help ill praze u forever!!!
To:lay lay lilly
from: LuLaola
Hey guys hope u can subscribe to me at youtube my user name is mystic sylvia games but I will chang my name to LuLaoLa but be sure to see my vids!!! PLZZ subscribe it helps me a lot and I realy need money my mom is in a little dept and I neeeeeeeeddddd ur help so plz subscribe to me
It will be very soon!
if it is still possibly xD
Real Person name: Jack Watchorn
Minecraft name: Giddy_GoatGAME
Age: 14
Why you applied: because I have always loved acting and I have been watching sam gladiators rps and I thought it would be fun. I also enjoy meeting new people
Skype name: jackdaman3000 (so cringe)
What do you like: I like being crazy, acting, hanging out with friends and long walks on the beach XD
Your Personality: energetic silly, kinda stupid, funny and fun
Real Person name: Zeb (call me cats)
Minecraft name: WynnCat
Age: 12
Why you applied: i want to have some stuff to do, and i love RPs
Skype name: WynnCat
What do you like: Gaming and stuff
Your Personality: crazy but nice