The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Member Details
Name: Your Real Name
IGN: Minecraft Username
Youtube: Channel Link
Skype: If You Have One
Place that in form and i will grant you access to the server.
Also, you must have skype so i can contact you before the recording/streaaming starts.
When you are inside of the server you may do what you want, just ask if you need something and i will give it to you.
Name: Your Real Name
IGN: Minecraft Username
Youtube: Channel Link
Skype: If You Have One
Place that in form and i will grant you access to the server.
Also, you must have skype so i can contact you before the recording/streaaming starts.
When you are inside of the server you may do what you want, just ask if you need something and i will give it to you.
Skype: sandip.mishra123
i have 80 subs no vids cause they r from old channel and friends on skype old channel is: my other vids r gonna be uploaded 1ce i hit 100 subs
I dont have a link but my username is Emily Dustin