I just started making gameplay videos with my new computer on my channel jackertud, but how does time allow your videos to become popular, or how do people get so popular so fast, (viral videos). What are tips and advice you can think of that can help get more noticed.
A known tip i use is to be really specific with your video tags.
I just started making gameplay videos with my new computer on my channel jackertud, but how does time allow your videos to become popular, or how do people get so popular so fast, (viral videos). What are tips and advice you can think of that can help get more noticed.
A known tip i use is to be really specific with your video tags.
Well Im not extremely experienced in YouTube but there is no way to get "known" no matter what. People believe its as easy as getting a shout out or getting a viral video. But if you look at many viral videos you will notice they may be in the millions of views but the channel may only have 100 subs this is because people watch the video because it is viral and don't click subscribe.
Nowadays you can't get popular fast very easily mainly because of the fact the market is so saturated with people, and the fan bases. Many people are making videos especially Minecraft related. One thing you can do to set yourself apart from the rest is having good thumbnails and HD quality. Also the popular YouTubers have such strong fanbases now that many people only watch their videos and believe that because there is few views on a video it must be poor quality. But as many people know (Channels) the videos with less views may be the same good quality content just from a different person.
When thing to help grow your channel which I somehow managed to do is take advantage of new updates games etc. in the first week that an update or game comes out is when it will be searched the most. If you can have a video pre uploaded before the release date and upload it a day or two before, and the video is a high search topic it will bring in a lot of views and hopefully subscribers. With my video on how to install resource packs I gained over 50 subs and got just under 6k views on the video so far.
Another thing you got to do is use forums make friends on here and ask their opinions on your channel and what you could do to improve, everyone needs improvement. Also post in the Let's Plays or Other Video section in the forums you will get some traffic to your videos and hopefully a few likes!
Another really important thing is dual comms or collaborations with fellow YouTubers this will be mutually beneficial as you both will get subscribers from each other. Do not go looking for people with thousands of subs for your first collaboration, look for someone within your range of subscribers!
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I just posted this in another topic, but this seems relevant here as well.
I may not have a large youtube channel, but these tips come from life experience as well(not that Im old).
1. Don't go and advertise yourself in other peoples comments or ask for subs in any way - People are capable of making their own decisions, and can get upset if you try to tell them what to do. The only place to ask for subs is at the end of a video , and only in a certain way. ("If you liked my video please sub, it would help me out greatly. Thank you."). I personally don't ever ask for subs because in the long run people seem to appreciate things like that, but as long as you do it in a nice way at the end of videos you should be good.
2. Keep a regular schedule. You don't have to upload everyday, but do what you say. If you say everyday then don't miss a day. You can always change it, but always do what you say because it will make you more credible to potential subs. To a beginner I would recommend uploading twice a week for starters because it should be easy to keep to.
3. Partner with people. I don't partner with people because I don't have any time, but generally its a good rule because then you can trade off subs with that person. Make sure though that they do youtube as well or you might as well be playing alone with slightly better commentary.
4. Partner with a network. This is very easy, you just need 2500 views in the past 30 days to partner with RPM. They take 40% of your earnings, but they unlock all features youtube can give you, give you premium ads(more money for you and them), and they freely advertise your content on sites that they own. Don't let that 40% scare you off, it really is the best thing I've done since starting youtube, plus you won't make that much money anyway.
5. Do tutorials. They are easy to do, and make them as short as possible. Make them for minecraft or other games that you play on your channel. They should be unique, but if it's not don't worry. People love tutorials. They search for them and watch them like they are guides to life. They want to know how you do things and how games work, and showing them will make them want to see more and sub to you. Tutorials for building, redstone, getting killstreaks, getting to secret locations, or anything really. Just make them and people will watch.
These are the best tips for Youtube that anyone can give you. It will take time, but this is a guide to success. Just stick with it, and keep up the good work.
Hey guys ive started up my games channel and i am now making videos for minecraft if would e awesome if you could check out my videos and IF you like them then go ahead an smash that subscribe button! Thanks!
Isn't it annyoing when you watch a lets play of a game and the commentator talks over cutscenes? Or sometimes you want to listen to someone talking while playing the game, but stays quiet when there's something to listen to in the game? Well then this is the channel for you! Check out my channel to see videos like Minecraft Skyblock and Grand Theft Auto V! More videos are to come and are posted every Monday through Friday!
A known tip i use is to be really specific with your video tags.
Well Im not extremely experienced in YouTube but there is no way to get "known" no matter what. People believe its as easy as getting a shout out or getting a viral video. But if you look at many viral videos you will notice they may be in the millions of views but the channel may only have 100 subs this is because people watch the video because it is viral and don't click subscribe.
Nowadays you can't get popular fast very easily mainly because of the fact the market is so saturated with people, and the fan bases. Many people are making videos especially Minecraft related. One thing you can do to set yourself apart from the rest is having good thumbnails and HD quality. Also the popular YouTubers have such strong fanbases now that many people only watch their videos and believe that because there is few views on a video it must be poor quality. But as many people know (Channels) the videos with less views may be the same good quality content just from a different person.
When thing to help grow your channel which I somehow managed to do is take advantage of new updates games etc. in the first week that an update or game comes out is when it will be searched the most. If you can have a video pre uploaded before the release date and upload it a day or two before, and the video is a high search topic it will bring in a lot of views and hopefully subscribers. With my video on how to install resource packs I gained over 50 subs and got just under 6k views on the video so far.
Another thing you got to do is use forums make friends on here and ask their opinions on your channel and what you could do to improve, everyone needs improvement. Also post in the Let's Plays or Other Video section in the forums you will get some traffic to your videos and hopefully a few likes!
Another really important thing is dual comms or collaborations with fellow YouTubers this will be mutually beneficial as you both will get subscribers from each other. Do not go looking for people with thousands of subs for your first collaboration, look for someone within your range of subscribers!
Hope this was helpful!
I may not have a large youtube channel, but these tips come from life experience as well(not that Im old).
1. Don't go and advertise yourself in other peoples comments or ask for subs in any way - People are capable of making their own decisions, and can get upset if you try to tell them what to do. The only place to ask for subs is at the end of a video , and only in a certain way. ("If you liked my video please sub, it would help me out greatly. Thank you."). I personally don't ever ask for subs because in the long run people seem to appreciate things like that, but as long as you do it in a nice way at the end of videos you should be good.
2. Keep a regular schedule. You don't have to upload everyday, but do what you say. If you say everyday then don't miss a day. You can always change it, but always do what you say because it will make you more credible to potential subs. To a beginner I would recommend uploading twice a week for starters because it should be easy to keep to.
3. Partner with people. I don't partner with people because I don't have any time, but generally its a good rule because then you can trade off subs with that person. Make sure though that they do youtube as well or you might as well be playing alone with slightly better commentary.
4. Partner with a network. This is very easy, you just need 2500 views in the past 30 days to partner with RPM. They take 40% of your earnings, but they unlock all features youtube can give you, give you premium ads(more money for you and them), and they freely advertise your content on sites that they own. Don't let that 40% scare you off, it really is the best thing I've done since starting youtube, plus you won't make that much money anyway.
5. Do tutorials. They are easy to do, and make them as short as possible. Make them for minecraft or other games that you play on your channel. They should be unique, but if it's not don't worry. People love tutorials. They search for them and watch them like they are guides to life. They want to know how you do things and how games work, and showing them will make them want to see more and sub to you. Tutorials for building, redstone, getting killstreaks, getting to secret locations, or anything really. Just make them and people will watch.
These are the best tips for Youtube that anyone can give you. It will take time, but this is a guide to success. Just stick with it, and keep up the good work.
Hope this helps.