Anyone out there love the yogscast? Well I sure do! I was thinking about starting a sorta role play adventure like them because I think it would be awesome! I will of course be recording it and be putting it on youtube on a new channel I will create
How this will work
We will have three main groups of people.
1. Builders- They build the houses, vilages, castles, and anything else that will be in the map.
2. Characters- They are the people who are the role players. (Such as Granny Bacon, Skylord Jasper, Israphel...) They will also make the "script" or "story line" (For example "the three heros come to a castle and met a man who tells them to go find a hidden treasure under the sea")
3. Main cast- The three people (Including me) who will be the adventurers or heros of the story.
Characters can help build if they want and the builders can also help write the story line but the people in the main cast can't help with that stuff to much
or it would give away the surprise!
Pick which role you want, and fill out that forum! You have a good chance at being accepted as long as you are going to be serous about this and you are going to help!
We are looking for 20 characters, 20 builders, and 2 more main cast. The other main cast member is Annowins
Here are the applications for you to fill out:
WE NEED SOMEONE WHO CAN HELP WITH ART DESIGN!!! Such as Signatures, skins, banners, intros, that kind of thing!
What kinds of things have you made:
Are you good with redstone:
Do you work fast or do you take your time:
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is)
Give me a good reason I should accept you:
Have you ever Role played before:
What experience do you have in this area:
Are you avalible a lot or not:
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is)
What characters are you good at playing:
Give me a good reason I should accept you:
What experience do you have in minecraft?:
What have you done to better the minecraft community?:
Are you avalible a lot or not:
Do you have skype and a mic: (Necessary)
Time zone you live in:
Give me a good reason I should accept you:
Are we legit?: Yes, we are. I was apart of the sabcast but had to leave for reasons that will not happen again, because sits not possible. We had 2 episodes out and were very legit. I also have a server to run this on. I can guarantee you that this will be seen through all the way!
Days / Hours per week that content will be getting worked on: We will try to film on weekends, and work on the server whenever we can
We are also looking for people to make us a signature, as well as skin creators and someone to make an intro
I have seen this attempt many times, what I would recommend is that you do regular MC videos until you build up some viewers. Then you can start your RP Adventure. If you just go right into it, nobody is going to watch it.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
IGN: bigmacboy15
Age: 14
What kinds of things have you made: giant city/castle/tnt block/ working computer(with help of friend)
Are you good with redstone: pretty good
Do you work fast or do you take your time: Can do both. Will work fast if it is needed and will work slow if many details are needed
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is) Mcdslover25
Give me a good reason I should accept you: I am one of the first to reply and I can do my work really fast.
1: An idea that is over used and over worked. Rarely do any of these get off the ground, yet you do seem to have put some work into this and that is admirable.
2: Your Characters and Builders should be counted as one thing. Having 20 people just sit around and do nothing while 20 build something just so the story can continue is just a little aggravating.
3: This kind of ties in with the last one. 42 people for one thing is kind of high. Think smaller. Combine groups. Plus that many people on one server isn't the best thing to do. Unless you got a strong server, only 20 people MAX should be on at one time.
4: I agree with oneupe1even. You need to have at least a small fallowing of people before you start something like this. Try not to plow it into them either, just slowly start introducing stuff.
5: In all reality, a thing like this only needs like 10 people. Excluding the main characters of course. There are many server plugins that will allow you to make it seem as though their are 40 some people doing this.
With that said,
IGN: someemokid666
Age: 17
What kinds of things have you made: Temples and villages.
Are you good with redstone: When it comes to the basics, yes. When it goes to more complex things, no.
Do you work fast or do you take your time: It depends really. If it's more on the artistic side, then you got to take your time, but it gets done.
Skype Name: fallowerofodin
Give me a good reason I should accept you: For one thing, you got very little people so far and you can use all the help you can get.
IGN: someemokid666
Age: 17
Have you ever Role played before: Most of my life.
What experience do you have in this area: Like is said before, I roleplayed most of my life and I write stories on my free time.
Are you avalible a lot or not: Through out the week, I can be on for a good chunk of time after school. Weekends are a bit hectic, but I can still be there on most of them.
Skype Name: fallowerofodin
What characters are you good at playing: Tell me what you want and I'll play that person to the best of my degree.
Give me a good reason I should accept you: Same reason as before.
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I am a warrior. I am a builder. I am a friend. I am honorable. But I am not an enemy. My sword is my words. My sheild is my mind. My armor is my charm. If everyone did what I do then the world would have no war. The world will have no pain. Peace is my goal. I am a warrior of mankind. A warrior of peace. Join me and show your a warrior too.
Age: 15
Have you ever Role played before: Yes
What experience do you have in this area: I've roleplayed on many servers and some series
Are you avalible a lot or not: I am available alot
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is): youandilikepie
What characters are you good at playing: main characters
Give me a good reason I should accept you:i have plenty of exprience acting and im a fast typer
What kinds of things have you made: castles mansions
Are you good with redstone: ehhh
Do you work fast or do you take your time: depends what im building
Skype Name:justinphips
Give me a good reason I should accept you: i pay attachent to detail i would make things more creepy or exiting. ( sorry for my eng )
What kinds of things have you made:towns, working on a custom map, est.
Are you good with redstone:i'm ok with redstone if its not too coplikated
Do you work fast or do you take your time: both it depeneds but usally i work fast
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is) berter969
Give me a good reason I should accept you:i always try to help in someway and i would love to do this
Have you ever Role played before: yes and i still do sometimes
What experience do you have in this area: i can make it seem lifelike not like i was told to say something
Are you avalible a lot or not: ya i'm free allday after school
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is)berter968
What characters are you good at playing:medivel and modern
Give me a good reason I should accept you: I LIKE BAKON
What experience do you have in minecraft?:played it scence beta
What have you done to better the minecraft community?:
Are you avalible a lot or not:after school
Do you have skype and a mic: (Necessary)yes
Time zone you live in: standern EST. time
Give me a good reason I should accept you:CREEPER GOING TO CREEP
What experience do you have in minecraft?:played since alpha 1.1.2
What have you done to better the minecraft community?:im planing to publish someredstone pretty good at redstone annd building...but i needamotivation...if ull acceptme it would be a goodmotivation
Are you avalible a lot or not:YEA
Do you have skype and a mic: serdude1 and yes im with a mic
Time zone you live in:current timeis 19:38 (i live in israel)
Give me a good reason I should accept you:im damn funny and i know how to build stuf....masive amazing stuff with redstone contractions...
my suggestion is 2 not 2 do something,like this unless u have 2 things 1 originality( NU COPYING WUT YOGCAST DOES) and 2 viewers lots of viewers
otherwise ur idea is ambitious but i might suggest NOT 2 do it up front
IGN: GuitarWarrior7
Age: 15
Gender: Male
What experience do you have in minecraft?: I've played it since April, I'm pretty skilled
What have you done to better the minecraft community?: I've been working on developing some maps for awhile
Are you available a lot or not: Occasionally
Do you have skype and a mic: Yes
Time zone you live in: Pacific
Give me a good reason I should accept you: I have lots of experience at playing and I'll be dedicated to the project
I have seen this attempt many times, what I would recommend is that you do regular MC videos until you build up some viewers. Then you can start your RP Adventure. If you just go right into it, nobody is going to watch it.
Not true. I have experience doing this exact same thing and have had success doing it, and the point of the channel is not to post regular MC videos, its sole purpose will be this (And the occasional map play through and mod spotlight)
1: An idea that is over used and over worked. Rarely do any of these get off the ground, yet you do seem to have put some work into this and that is admirable.
2: Your Characters and Builders should be counted as one thing. Having 20 people just sit around and do nothing while 20 build something just so the story can continue is just a little aggravating.
3: This kind of ties in with the last one. 42 people for one thing is kind of high. Think smaller. Combine groups. Plus that many people on one server isn't the best thing to do. Unless you got a strong server, only 20 people MAX should be on at one time.
4: I agree with oneupe1even. You need to have at least a small fallowing of people before you start something like this. Try not to plow it into them either, just slowly start introducing stuff.
5: In all reality, a thing like this only needs like 10 people. Excluding the main characters of course. There are many server plugins that will allow you to make it seem as though their are 40 some people doing this.
With that said,
IGN: someemokid666
Age: 17
What kinds of things have you made: Temples and villages.
Are you good with redstone: When it comes to the basics, yes. When it goes to more complex things, no.
Do you work fast or do you take your time: It depends really. If it's more on the artistic side, then you got to take your time, but it gets done.
Skype Name: fallowerofodin
Give me a good reason I should accept you: For one thing, you got very little people so far and you can use all the help you can get.
IGN: someemokid666
Age: 17
Have you ever Role played before: Most of my life.
What experience do you have in this area: Like is said before, I roleplayed most of my life and I write stories on my free time.
Are you avalible a lot or not: Through out the week, I can be on for a good chunk of time after school. Weekends are a bit hectic, but I can still be there on most of them.
Skype Name: fallowerofodin
What characters are you good at playing: Tell me what you want and I'll play that person to the best of my degree.
Give me a good reason I should accept you: Same reason as before.
Once again, I have experience here and I know what Im doing. The amount of people is needed as some won't be on much, ect.
Also you were wrong on the "very few people" part. Ive already accepted about 15
What experience do you have in minecraft?:I have been an minecraft fan, since the very beggining of beta.
What have you done to better the minecraft community?:i often comment on certain mods and videos, mostly youtube
Are you avalible a lot or not:im on for about 2 hors every night, more over the weekends
Do you have skype and a mic:yes my name is raulister1750, and my comp has a built in mic.
Time zone you live in:I live on the west coast of the USA, Lancaster.... California
Give me a good reason I should accept you:Well im a great commentator, ill usually be on and helpful. im more dependant becuase i share all supplies and will suggest maps/mods for us to play. I'm trying to make it big myself, and i really need some help, so i thought your idea was cool and maybe ill join you......./ lol please relpy/say yesO.o
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It's all fun and games, well it was before i kicked your ass.
What kinds of things have you made: I've created many different structures, very lifelike castle (It wasn't cube-like), I've made huge arenas, cities, realistic houses as well as other things
Are you good with redstone: Yes I have a lot of experience.
Do you work fast or do you take your time: I can do both depending on the situation.
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is)MattandTracy1
Give me a good reason I should accept you: This seems like a good series to get involved with and I promise you won't be dissapointed if you let me in.
How this will work
We will have three main groups of people.
1. Builders- They build the houses, vilages, castles, and anything else that will be in the map.
2. Characters- They are the people who are the role players. (Such as Granny Bacon, Skylord Jasper, Israphel...) They will also make the "script" or "story line" (For example "the three heros come to a castle and met a man who tells them to go find a hidden treasure under the sea")
3. Main cast- The three people (Including me) who will be the adventurers or heros of the story.
Characters can help build if they want and the builders can also help write the story line but the people in the main cast can't help with that stuff to much
or it would give away the surprise!
Pick which role you want, and fill out that forum! You have a good chance at being accepted as long as you are going to be serous about this and you are going to help!
We are looking for 20 characters, 20 builders, and 2 more main cast. The other main cast member is Annowins
Here are the applications for you to fill out:
WE NEED SOMEONE WHO CAN HELP WITH ART DESIGN!!! Such as Signatures, skins, banners, intros, that kind of thing!
What kinds of things have you made:
Are you good with redstone:
Do you work fast or do you take your time:
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is)
Give me a good reason I should accept you:
Have you ever Role played before:
What experience do you have in this area:
Are you avalible a lot or not:
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is)
What characters are you good at playing:
Give me a good reason I should accept you:
What experience do you have in minecraft?:
What have you done to better the minecraft community?:
Are you avalible a lot or not:
Do you have skype and a mic: (Necessary)
Time zone you live in:
Give me a good reason I should accept you:
Are we legit?: Yes, we are. I was apart of the sabcast but had to leave for reasons that will not happen again, because sits not possible. We had 2 episodes out and were very legit. I also have a server to run this on. I can guarantee you that this will be seen through all the way!
Days / Hours per week that content will be getting worked on: We will try to film on weekends, and work on the server whenever we can
We are also looking for people to make us a signature, as well as skin creators and someone to make an intro
Age: 14
What kinds of things have you made: giant city/castle/tnt block/ working computer(with help of friend)
Are you good with redstone: pretty good
Do you work fast or do you take your time: Can do both. Will work fast if it is needed and will work slow if many details are needed
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is) Mcdslover25
Give me a good reason I should accept you: I am one of the first to reply and I can do my work really fast.
Follow me on twitter. @realcyclone0071
1: An idea that is over used and over worked. Rarely do any of these get off the ground, yet you do seem to have put some work into this and that is admirable.
2: Your Characters and Builders should be counted as one thing. Having 20 people just sit around and do nothing while 20 build something just so the story can continue is just a little aggravating.
3: This kind of ties in with the last one. 42 people for one thing is kind of high. Think smaller. Combine groups. Plus that many people on one server isn't the best thing to do. Unless you got a strong server, only 20 people MAX should be on at one time.
4: I agree with oneupe1even. You need to have at least a small fallowing of people before you start something like this. Try not to plow it into them either, just slowly start introducing stuff.
5: In all reality, a thing like this only needs like 10 people. Excluding the main characters of course. There are many server plugins that will allow you to make it seem as though their are 40 some people doing this.
With that said,
IGN: someemokid666
Age: 17
What kinds of things have you made: Temples and villages.
Are you good with redstone: When it comes to the basics, yes. When it goes to more complex things, no.
Do you work fast or do you take your time: It depends really. If it's more on the artistic side, then you got to take your time, but it gets done.
Skype Name: fallowerofodin
Give me a good reason I should accept you: For one thing, you got very little people so far and you can use all the help you can get.
IGN: someemokid666
Age: 17
Have you ever Role played before: Most of my life.
What experience do you have in this area: Like is said before, I roleplayed most of my life and I write stories on my free time.
Are you avalible a lot or not: Through out the week, I can be on for a good chunk of time after school. Weekends are a bit hectic, but I can still be there on most of them.
Skype Name: fallowerofodin
What characters are you good at playing: Tell me what you want and I'll play that person to the best of my degree.
Give me a good reason I should accept you: Same reason as before.
Age: 15
Have you ever Role played before: Yes
What experience do you have in this area: I've roleplayed on many servers and some series
Are you avalible a lot or not: I am available alot
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is): youandilikepie
What characters are you good at playing: main characters
Give me a good reason I should accept you:i have plenty of exprience acting and im a fast typer
What kinds of things have you made: castles mansions
Are you good with redstone: ehhh
Do you work fast or do you take your time: depends what im building
Skype Name:justinphips
Give me a good reason I should accept you: i pay attachent to detail i would make things more creepy or exiting. ( sorry for my eng )
dd you repost this too?
What kinds of things have you made:towns, working on a custom map, est.
Are you good with redstone:i'm ok with redstone if its not too coplikated
Do you work fast or do you take your time: both it depeneds but usally i work fast
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is) berter969
Give me a good reason I should accept you:i always try to help in someway and i would love to do this
Have you ever Role played before: yes and i still do sometimes
What experience do you have in this area: i can make it seem lifelike not like i was told to say something
Are you avalible a lot or not: ya i'm free allday after school
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is)berter968
What characters are you good at playing:medivel and modern
Give me a good reason I should accept you: I LIKE BAKON
What experience do you have in minecraft?:played it scence beta
What have you done to better the minecraft community?:
Are you avalible a lot or not:after school
Do you have skype and a mic: (Necessary)yes
Time zone you live in: standern EST. time
Give me a good reason I should accept you:CREEPER GOING TO CREEP
What experience do you have in minecraft?:played since alpha 1.1.2
What have you done to better the minecraft community?:im planing to publish someredstone pretty good at redstone annd building...but i needamotivation...if ull acceptme it would be a goodmotivation
Are you avalible a lot or not:YEA
Do you have skype and a mic: serdude1 and yes im with a mic
Time zone you live in:current timeis 19:38 (i live in israel)
Give me a good reason I should accept you:im damn funny and i know how to build stuf....masive amazing stuff with redstone contractions...
otherwise ur idea is ambitious but i might suggest NOT 2 do it up front
Age: 15
Gender: Male
What experience do you have in minecraft?: I've played it since April, I'm pretty skilled
What have you done to better the minecraft community?: I've been working on developing some maps for awhile
Are you available a lot or not: Occasionally
Do you have skype and a mic: Yes
Time zone you live in: Pacific
Give me a good reason I should accept you: I have lots of experience at playing and I'll be dedicated to the project
Not true. I have experience doing this exact same thing and have had success doing it, and the point of the channel is not to post regular MC videos, its sole purpose will be this (And the occasional map play through and mod spotlight)
Once again, I have experience here and I know what Im doing. The amount of people is needed as some won't be on much, ect.
Also you were wrong on the "very few people" part. Ive already accepted about 15
What experience do you have in minecraft?:I have been an minecraft fan, since the very beggining of beta.
What have you done to better the minecraft community?:i often comment on certain mods and videos, mostly youtube
Are you avalible a lot or not:im on for about 2 hors every night, more over the weekends
Do you have skype and a mic:yes my name is raulister1750, and my comp has a built in mic.
Time zone you live in:I live on the west coast of the USA, Lancaster.... California
Give me a good reason I should accept you:Well im a great commentator, ill usually be on and helpful. im more dependant becuase i share all supplies and will suggest maps/mods for us to play. I'm trying to make it big myself, and i really need some help, so i thought your idea was cool and maybe ill join you......./ lol please relpy/say yesO.o
Age: 14
What kinds of things have you made: I've created many different structures, very lifelike castle (It wasn't cube-like), I've made huge arenas, cities, realistic houses as well as other things
Are you good with redstone: Yes I have a lot of experience.
Do you work fast or do you take your time: I can do both depending on the situation.
Skype Name: (Mic Not Necessary But Skype Is)MattandTracy1
Give me a good reason I should accept you: This seems like a good series to get involved with and I promise you won't be dissapointed if you let me in.