I use to use Paint Tool Sai until my tablet broke. I couldn't use it's stabilizer and the pressure sensitivity won't work even after switching to other editing softwares. Without a drawing tablet, I'm currently using Photoshop. I might experiment with Illustrator later.
Just seeing what everyone uses to draw.
I use Gimp
why don't you reply to any of my messages.
I use photoshop CC, which I got for free (anyone want it???)
How did you get it for free? Is it an illegal copy because it costs like $600?
I use Clip Studio Paint
I use to use Paint Tool Sai until my tablet broke. I couldn't use it's stabilizer and the pressure sensitivity won't work even after switching to other editing softwares. Without a drawing tablet, I'm currently using Photoshop. I might experiment with Illustrator later.
I use paint tool sai with intuos wacom <3
@WDSnav91 possibly
want it
Paint Tool SAI with this drawing tablet from a company called Monoprice
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Paint tool SAI & Photoshop for some more detailed edit!
Programs I've used: Photoshop CS6, SAI, Fire Alpaca
Use Now: Clip Studio Paint
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Photoshop CC, OpenCanvas, PaintTool SAI and Krita