The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Type: (Avatar, Banner, GIF, etc.) YoutubeBanner and avatar
Description: (Be detailed) for my avatar I whould like a transparent back round with my skin eating a slice of pumpkin pie. For my banner I whould like the avatar next text in 3D font saying "TheMrDoctor" with a back round that has a bake shop a wheat farm and a cookie stand
Before I ask, I would just like to say, amazing work you are doing here! Keep it up!
Type: (Avatar, Banner, GIF, etc.): I would love to have a YouTube Avatar please! Description: (Be detailed): If you can make it Doctor Who related as my skin is the 11th Doctor. Can you also draw a my Avatar holding a sonic screwdriver please? If it is not possible than it is okay. I would like him in any pose you deem fit.
Free request form: Type: (Avatar, Banner, GIF, etc.) Gif Banner Description: (Be detailed) Anything that attracts a user's attention. Text 1: Anti-Grief Text 2: Economy Text 3: Friendly Staff Text 4: Join Now
Server name:
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The #1 source of Minecraft server art! | Over 400 graphics!
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The #1 source of Minecraft server art! | Over 400 graphics!
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You can order this same banner design here:
The #1 source of Minecraft server art! | Over 400 graphics!
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Details: NO text on it and something unique for a business
[email protected]
Skype: beatit564
Or pm me
Type: (Avatar, Banner, GIF, etc.): I would love to have a YouTube Avatar please!
Description: (Be detailed): If you can make it Doctor Who related as my skin is the 11th Doctor. Can you also draw a my Avatar holding a sonic screwdriver please? If it is not possible than it is okay. I would like him in any pose you deem fit.
You can order this banner design here:
The #1 source of Minecraft server art! | Over 400 graphics!
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Type: (Avatar, Banner, GIF, etc.) Gif Banner
Description: (Be detailed) Anything that attracts a user's attention.
Text 1: Anti-Grief
Text 2: Economy
Text 3: Friendly Staff
Text 4: Join Now
Server name:
Thanks man!
It would be a free request. What is the wait time?
It would be a free request. What is the wait time?
Description: an X (the rest is up to u)
You can order this same banner design here:
The #1 source of Minecraft server art! | Over 400 graphics!
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GIF banner:
The #1 source of Minecraft server art! | Over 400 graphics!
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details:DO UR BEST!
You can order this same banner design here:
The #1 source of Minecraft server art! | Over 400 graphics!
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