Type: Server banner 468x60
Description: Black background, a nice gray bar in the middle. On the right, put something vanilla-ish, like items, player skins or something. On the left, put in gray outlined with black minecraft font that says: MC.SplashDirt.Net, and under it put Semi-Vanilla Minecraft. (Same font)
(I trust your experience to make it look really professional. Make it to where when someone sees it, they will definitely click it in a giant minecraft server list.)
Add me on skype: huffmanbran - We can work some kind of deal on payment.
Hey guys, ive been trying to finish as many paid requests as possible the past few days so that I could do this little giveaway. I have 3 pieces of art to give away right now, but there may be more eventually. These are 3 scrapped designs that were originally gonna be paid requests! They are a bit old so they arent gonna be as good as my current stuff but they are still quite nice!
So whatever text and colors you want on these, I will work to add into the designs! And yes the GIFs will be animated in high quality with After Effects! If someone enters this contest who had an unfinished free request from a while ago they will be much more likely to win!
DESCRIPTION: This is for a server icon, so size can be 64 by 64 please. In the background, a chiseled quartz block (just one side of it), and crossed diamond swords in front of it, blades down. The block should cover the entire background, and swords centered in front of it. In the front, text saying Sw1ftPvP however it best fits, and in a Minecraft font (like the in-game font).
TYPE: (AVATAR, BANNER OR SIG) Avatar, Banner DESCRIPTION: (BE DETAILED) Avatar: I would like the background to be white, with the letter FG(FlintGames) in the middle. Could you do the little design within the letters like you did with the 6th design in the 1st spoiler.(The avatar that says DG)
Banner: In the middle I would like my minecraft avatar holding out his hands with flint in his hands, he is also smiling. I would like the word "FlintGames" under the avatar's hands in the middle, could you also do the designs in the letters like the avatar.on the right I want a copy of my minecraft avatar but this time it is kneeling on one knee holding a diamond sword. on the left I want another copy of my avatar holding stone and in a position as if my avatar is about to place the block. The background should be orange and flint should be scattered around the banner in different sizes
Thanks in advance
Could you make "FlintGames" white but make the designs orange? Thanks
Just the banner request please, and could you draw them, if I win
IGN: Crafter_I
Type: Youtube Banner and Youtube Avatar
Description:For the banner I would enjoy if you would be able to make my banner include my ign: GodlikeGalaxy, centered, and behind it a galaxy, and from there you can guess to include stars, planet etc. One last thing when you include the planets make them block- like ie a block earth... For the Avatar I would like to ask for you to make me riding a rocket, similar to the ones of the person riding the pig you did aswell as Notch riding a creeper... heres my skin: https://s3.amazonaws...dlikeGalaxy.png
This is just my previous request since you said you had a better chance of winning if you made a request before that was never completed.
INFO FOR DESIGN: (CAN BE TEXT, AND COLOR CHANGES): I would enjoy if you either changed the base design to a Gold and have the text the same color of blue the text a GG for my name kinda in the same style you did for FlintGames. If you are unable to change the color for the base then just make the text gold. Anyway thanks in advance, even if I dont win.
Hey guys, ive been trying to finish as many paid requests as possible the past few days so that I could do this little giveaway. I have 3 pieces of art to give away right now, but there may be more eventually. These are 3 scrapped designs that were originally gonna be paid requests! They are a bit old so they arent gonna be as good as my current stuff but they are still quite nice!
So whatever text and colors you want on these, I will work to add into the designs! And yes the GIFs will be animated in high quality with After Effects! If someone enters this contest who had an unfinished free request from a while ago they will be much more likely to win!
( A )
WHAT ONE I WANT: a INFO FOR DESIGN: a lighter blue and it say Stay?
INFO FOR DESIGN: Half Yellow, along with regular color. Text should be willoxMC.
Can you put my skin in? My IGN is willoxMC, so feel free to use a skin viewer.
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I am from japan. sorry for any bad grammar, i have to use a freaking translator. (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ I moved! I now live in maine!
Design Changes: Could you make the text purple and have the text say "EnhancedPvP" and have the IP say: "play.enhancedpvp.net"? For the Right Hand Side Text, I would like it to have it loop with these following words:
Thank you so much! Your artwork is great!
**If I get selected for this giveaway, my Skype is: mcvenex**
I have a friend who has a youtube channel focusing on pokemon, and he doesn't yet have a profile picture. I was thinking of a charizard with the words "Seth Hubbard Gaming" below. Thanks if you do!
Drawn avatar:
Based off this skin:
The #1 source of Minecraft server art! | Over 400 graphics!
Visit our shop: https://woodpunchsgraphics.com
Server website logo/header:
The #1 source of Minecraft server art! | Over 400 graphics!
Visit our shop: https://woodpunchsgraphics.com
Drawn Avatar:
Based off this skin:
The #1 source of Minecraft server art! | Over 400 graphics!
Visit our shop: https://woodpunchsgraphics.com
Type: Avatar
Description: I would like a drawn avatar based off my skin. http://mcss.me/GregPlaysMC
Thanks in advance
Hey, yeah I can do that.
Finished paid request for Matt, THE REEF!
Server logo of a modern clown fish:
Finished paid request for Beastman l Builder l V - PvP
Animated Buycraft server logo:
Server icon:
on a server list:
The #1 source of Minecraft server art! | Over 400 graphics!
Visit our shop: https://woodpunchsgraphics.com
Description: Black background, a nice gray bar in the middle. On the right, put something vanilla-ish, like items, player skins or something. On the left, put in gray outlined with black minecraft font that says: MC.SplashDirt.Net, and under it put Semi-Vanilla Minecraft. (Same font)
(I trust your experience to make it look really professional. Make it to where when someone sees it, they will definitely click it in a giant minecraft server list.)
Add me on skype: huffmanbran - We can work some kind of deal on payment.
Drawn avatar:
Based off creeper hunter skin:
The #1 source of Minecraft server art! | Over 400 graphics!
Visit our shop: https://woodpunchsgraphics.com
The #1 source of Minecraft server art! | Over 400 graphics!
Visit our shop: https://woodpunchsgraphics.com
Click one... You won't be disappointed

INFO FOR DESIGN: I will re-post my request
Just the banner request please, and could you draw them, if I win
IGN: Crafter_I
INFO FOR DESIGN: a lighter blue and it say Stay?
INFO FOR DESIGN: Half Yellow, along with regular color. Text should be willoxMC.
Can you put my skin in? My IGN is willoxMC, so feel free to use a skin viewer.
Thank you so much! Your artwork is great!
**If I get selected for this giveaway, my Skype is: mcvenex**