Honestly, I would prefer if you did "Day 3-7" and showed pictures of your awesome completed house to a "Day 3: Here's the foundation of my house. Day 4: Here's more of my house. Day 5: Now my house is halfway done, have a look! Day 6: Almost done with my house, here are more pics! Day 7: My house is done, here are some pictures."
In short, consolidate days. Omit boring days like "I killed some cows and pigs"
Edit: And stuff like "I went caving". Simply have what you got out of it under the heading Day 5-8.
Honestly, I would prefer if you did "Day 3-7" and showed pictures of your awesome completed house to a "Day 3: Here's the foundation of my house. Day 4: Here's more of my house. Day 5: Now my house is halfway done, have a look! Day 6: Almost done with my house, here are more pics! Day 7: My house is done, here are some pictures."
In short, consolidate days. Omit boring days like "I killed some cows and pigs"
Edit: And stuff like "I went caving". Simply have what you got out of it under the heading Day 5-8.
that's actually a pretty good idea.
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Also the link is broken, click the one below. I will fix this soon.
Another unoriginal boring pictures of my survival world thread! something like that.....
So I decided to smelt my remaining clay.
I was going to collect some wood when all of the sudden...a creeper came up from behind the tree
Pickaxe: check. Ladders: check. Food: check. Yup, I'm creating a quarry mine.
Dang, my pickaxe broke. The sound scared me half to death. Well, at least I have a lot of cobble.
Sounds too immature.
Like, make a big house, go to the Nether and build there - just build something big.
right now, i surviving.
Going to the Nether takes 20 minutes, tops.
Get a couple buckets, find some Lava, mould an obsidian portal, ???, profit.
You can use daylight detectors to make 20-minute clocks. It's cool.
So it doesn't take 1 day to build nether portal.
(sorry for the bad quality--Not much really goes on)
Oops fell into a cave
Um I don't take visitors this late at night, ok?
Ready or not, here I come!
In short, consolidate days. Omit boring days like "I killed some cows and pigs"
Edit: And stuff like "I went caving". Simply have what you got out of it under the heading Day 5-8.
Me exploring the cave.
Yay this cave has lots o' ore
Sorry, zombie, but you have to go.
Gah ran into 2 skeletons and a zombie. They killed me several times before I killed them
Phew finally killed those skeletons and that zombie. Time for a break from mining.
Yay iron ingot! Will craft bucket, iron pick, and iron sword.
Decided to go out in the night and kill a few mobs.
Tried to kill an enderman. Unfortunately I was not successful