Hello everyone reading this! I have been working on a 99% legit kingdom on survival (99% legit, as in I only spawn in sheep to use for wool for beds, everything else is completely gathered/created legit).
I've taken numerous screenshots and saved them in organized separate forms I've dubbed "Generations" (i.e. generations throughout the ages).
I've decided to post a few of them to show the community; if all goes well I'll upload the different generations.
Please note that all the names (if displayed) in the pictures are copy written by me - as they are being used in other official publications.
So, without further delay here is the preview picture, it is a lighthouse on a colony island of the kingdom.
Here is the lighthouse itself from the outside
A view to the bottom! Hope you're not afraid of heights
Viewing the City
A view as you approach the island at night (thus the structure's purpose)
Here is the interior of the lighthouse
This is the "Seating", which is the main deliberation council chamber, where the island's politics discuss.
Climbing the Tower
The tower thins as you approach the top
For all those who would like to see; here is the construction
Don't mind the stairs now, I changed them later to fit the fountain (plus I am trying not to be OCD with symmetry)
Now here's a frustrated me trying to get rid of the bland cobblestone walls
There - looks better now
Capping the roof (I fell and died a couple times... Damn faulty shift key)
Has another sneak peak, here is the front of the castle I built in front of the main city:
And finally, here is the overview map of my kingdom:
You can see the castle overlooking the major city, as well as the lighthouse over the southern island, and other settlements all over the place.
- Yes, I'm still on Beta 1.8.1 because upgrading messed up the map generation, so I am waiting until a way to prevent it can be found.
- If it's not "WOW EPIC" or something magnificent and amazing; remember I'm doing this legit (except sheep wool :tongue.gif:), but I think it's pretty good under those parameters.
- Any comments on ideas are helpful
- The names and titles in my maps are copy written by me - being used in official documents in real life, so do not reproduce any of them, thank you.
- The reason I edit in sheep to make wool is to produce beds, which I use to declare what the population of the kingdom is by using Cartographer to count the beds on the map (currently there are 222 exactly, so 222 people live in my kingdom) - ALSO!! A big help from anyone who contributes to this request: I am currently using Flickr to upload my photos, but it's very difficult to extract the HTML code, as I have to do it manually and it's just not very ergonomic, I've tried Mediafire but I don't really like their upload limit, if anyone can recommend a way (free of course) to upload and sort mass amounts of pictures I would really appreciate it (maybe I'll name a town after them :smile.gif: )
Thanks for viewing my pictures - and tell me what you think!!
It's looking good. Id add more wood/logs into the build to even out the stone and cobble nut that's just my way of building. As for photos I'd like to know the same thing.
Yes lol. mind you, been working on this since 1.8 came out, I have hundreds of stone quarries, and many chests full of coal and various other materials.
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To all those who said nature has no corners; enter MineCraft
Please see my kingdom preview!! CLICK HERE TO SEE IT!!!!
Yes lol. mind you, been working on this since 1.8 came out, I have hundreds of stone quarries, and many chests full of coal and various other materials.
Wow! That is truly a "Legit"/"Survival" type map. Props to you my friend ^^.
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Sectional Moderator for the Off-Topic Section
Want/need me to see your reply? Make sure to quote my previous post, and I'll get back to you ASAP.
make a free website on weebly.com and put ut pictures on that, then publish the site, go to it and copy the image url from the image itself. Free, unlimited and takes 2 seconds.
the world generation. i read from a recent update list (1.2.3-1.2.5) that there was a glitch with converting the old maps to anvil-format. this may or may not fix your problem
if not, there may be a workaround, this worked for me ONE time. i was going from a pre-1.8 world to a 1.8.1.
1. the first thing i did was empty my inventory into a chest. (if you dont, youll possibly lose the items)
2. close MC and backup the whole .minecraft folder to a new folder (maybe on the desktop to ensure security)
3. update MC, and create a new minecraft world with the updated version
4. close mc
5. copy the data (*.mcr files) from mcbackupfolder>saves>1.8world>region to .minecraft>saves>1.2.5world>region
6. play MC to see what happens
this SHOULD change the seed to a compatible one for 1.2.5. so you probably wouldnt have the "infinite ocean" problem that many of us did have
the possible problems with that:
1.it just may not work at all or crash MC
2. youll spawn somewhere in the big-effin-nohwere of the MC world
3. the "edges" of the 1.8world wont merge correctly with the 1.2.5world, but that CAN be fixed manually...... one block at a time.
when i tried this i spawned within about 300 blocks of the 1.8 spawn. you could try putting a blank map in your inventory before backup phase, not the hotbar though. this may help you identify regions and relocate yourself.
if the above does work but leaves edges that dont mesh i could build a multiplayer map out of it on my server and smooth them out with Worldedit, and i believe i could modify region biomes (snow to forest, jungle to desert, ect). just put the world up for download
also, what in world are you doing that requires Copyright. im am seriously interested.
- ALSO!! A big help from anyone who contributes to this request: I am currently using Flickr to upload my photos, but it's very difficult to extract the HTML code, as I have to do it manually and it's just not very ergonomic, I've tried Mediafire but I don't really like their upload limit, if anyone can recommend a way (free of course) to upload and sort mass amounts of pictures I would really appreciate it (maybe I'll name a town after them )
Imgur.com my friend. Easy peasy. freezy whezzy. and other rhymes.
I've taken numerous screenshots and saved them in organized separate forms I've dubbed "Generations" (i.e. generations throughout the ages).
I've decided to post a few of them to show the community; if all goes well I'll upload the different generations.
Please note that all the names (if displayed) in the pictures are copy written by me - as they are being used in other official publications.
So, without further delay here is the preview picture, it is a lighthouse on a colony island of the kingdom.
Here is the lighthouse itself from the outside
A view to the bottom! Hope you're not afraid of heights
Viewing the City
A view as you approach the island at night (thus the structure's purpose)
Here is the interior of the lighthouse
This is the "Seating", which is the main deliberation council chamber, where the island's politics discuss.
Climbing the Tower
The tower thins as you approach the top
For all those who would like to see; here is the construction
Don't mind the stairs now, I changed them later to fit the fountain (plus I am trying not to be OCD with symmetry)
Now here's a frustrated me trying to get rid of the bland cobblestone walls
There - looks better now
Capping the roof (I fell and died a couple times... Damn faulty shift key)
Has another sneak peak, here is the front of the castle I built in front of the main city:
And finally, here is the overview map of my kingdom:
You can see the castle overlooking the major city, as well as the lighthouse over the southern island, and other settlements all over the place.
- Yes, I'm still on Beta 1.8.1 because upgrading messed up the map generation, so I am waiting until a way to prevent it can be found.
- If it's not "WOW EPIC" or something magnificent and amazing; remember I'm doing this legit (except sheep wool :tongue.gif:), but I think it's pretty good under those parameters.
- Any comments on ideas are helpful
- The names and titles in my maps are copy written by me - being used in official documents in real life, so do not reproduce any of them, thank you.
- The reason I edit in sheep to make wool is to produce beds, which I use to declare what the population of the kingdom is by using Cartographer to count the beds on the map (currently there are 222 exactly, so 222 people live in my kingdom)
- ALSO!! A big help from anyone who contributes to this request: I am currently using Flickr to upload my photos, but it's very difficult to extract the HTML code, as I have to do it manually and it's just not very ergonomic, I've tried Mediafire but I don't really like their upload limit, if anyone can recommend a way (free of course) to upload and sort mass amounts of pictures I would really appreciate it (maybe I'll name a town after them :smile.gif: )
Thanks for viewing my pictures - and tell me what you think!!
Please see my kingdom preview!! CLICK HERE TO SEE IT!!!!
Yes lol. mind you, been working on this since 1.8 came out, I have hundreds of stone quarries, and many chests full of coal and various other materials.
Please see my kingdom preview!! CLICK HERE TO SEE IT!!!!
Wow! That is truly a "Legit"/"Survival" type map. Props to you my friend ^^.
Want/need me to see your reply? Make sure to quote my previous post, and I'll get back to you ASAP.
Never heard of Isengard lol
Please see my kingdom preview!! CLICK HERE TO SEE IT!!!!
Please see my kingdom preview!! CLICK HERE TO SEE IT!!!!
Never heard of Isengard?
Please see my kingdom preview!! CLICK HERE TO SEE IT!!!!
Yeah Seriously. WTF man? u been living under a rock?
Searched it up - apparently Lord of the Rings/Hobbit style.. Nah, never been into Lord of the Rings :tongue.gif:
Please see my kingdom preview!! CLICK HERE TO SEE IT!!!!
Please quote me if you mean to reply to me in any thread
By the way you should click this.
I don't know if i can continue working on it in the new updates, I'm afraid of all the chunk-errors when exploring new chunks lol
Please see my kingdom preview!! CLICK HERE TO SEE IT!!!!
Check out Port Atdosk!
the world generation. i read from a recent update list (1.2.3-1.2.5) that there was a glitch with converting the old maps to anvil-format. this may or may not fix your problem
if not, there may be a workaround, this worked for me ONE time. i was going from a pre-1.8 world to a 1.8.1.
1. the first thing i did was empty my inventory into a chest. (if you dont, youll possibly lose the items)
2. close MC and backup the whole .minecraft folder to a new folder (maybe on the desktop to ensure security)
3. update MC, and create a new minecraft world with the updated version
4. close mc
5. copy the data (*.mcr files) from mcbackupfolder>saves>1.8world>region to .minecraft>saves>1.2.5world>region
6. play MC to see what happens
the possible problems with that:
1.it just may not work at all or crash MC
2. youll spawn somewhere in the big-effin-nohwere of the MC world
3. the "edges" of the 1.8world wont merge correctly with the 1.2.5world, but that CAN be fixed manually...... one block at a time.
when i tried this i spawned within about 300 blocks of the 1.8 spawn. you could try putting a blank map in your inventory before backup phase, not the hotbar though. this may help you identify regions and relocate yourself.
if the above does work but leaves edges that dont mesh i could build a multiplayer map out of it on my server and smooth them out with Worldedit, and i believe i could modify region biomes (snow to forest, jungle to desert, ect). just put the world up for download
also, what in world are you doing that requires Copyright. im am seriously interested.
you can select regions and/or chunks and regenerate them with Worldedit
Normally they are these massive red and white abominations.
Imgur.com my friend. Easy peasy. freezy whezzy. and other rhymes.