Okay, here is a screen shot of one of my creations from our old server which is now a museum on our new server, You can check out some of the goodies at TAOL.servegame.com:25566. Anyway, I did my best to shrink it down to where it would fit in the space I have it in. Unfortunately I was not able to build the courtyard in the front with all the wonderful colonnades. Also, sorry, I could not decorate the inside as well as the original, I have been there and it is quite breath taking. Critique away. I will post one of The Temple of Zeus soon, thought I had screen shots but I don't, I will give you a preview here, all I have is a side shot.
Here is the one side shot I have of the Temple, it is really big, trust me.
All good comments, sorry for it being so loud, I let my daughter decorate it, she went just a little too wild, but the dome is spot on if you have ever been there. The gold around the upper part is also correct, but as I said, I agree, sorry it is too loud.
As far as my comp, I don't think it sucks thank you very much. I'm still running XP, 32 bit, why it is so foggy I have no idea, I have other images that are clear, maybe something was set wrong, but at any rate the only thing wrong with it is that it is still running XP, I have had no need to upgrade to 7 til now. That will be coming soon so I can set my distance to far, instead of normal.
Also, I found the shots of the Temple, going to post them now, thanks for the comments, all very constructive.
As far as my comp, I don't think it sucks thank you very much. I'm still running XP, 32 bit, why it is so foggy I have no idea, I have other images that are clear, maybe something was set wrong, but at any rate the only thing wrong with it is that it is still running XP, I have had no need to upgrade to 7 til now. That will be coming soon so I can set my distance to far, instead of normal.
Well, I'm just guessing, but because of the scale of this thing, you might have had to stand further back to take a screenshot of the whole thing, so it would have made your render distance fog come in more. That's what it looks like to me, so just turn it up the distance to far when you're taking screenshots.
Yeaaaahh you just kinda said that....herp derp...well..good job anyways. xD
Well, I'm just guessing, but because of the scale of this thing, you might have had to stand further back to take a screenshot of the whole thing, so it would have made your render distance fog come in more. That's what it looks like to me, so just turn it up the distance to far when you're taking screenshots.
Yeaaaahh you just kinda said that....herp derp...well..good job anyways. xD
Thanks, I truly appreciate it, one day I will upgrade, probably the first of the year. By the way this didn't actually take me that long to build, I think maybe 12 hours. It has stairwells in each of the large pillars near the dome, they go up to the observation deck around the dome, you can look down on to the floor from there, I will try and include them later.
Here is the one side shot I have of the Temple, it is really big, trust me.
The color doesnt look right in my opinion
As far as my comp, I don't think it sucks thank you very much. I'm still running XP, 32 bit, why it is so foggy I have no idea, I have other images that are clear, maybe something was set wrong, but at any rate the only thing wrong with it is that it is still running XP, I have had no need to upgrade to 7 til now. That will be coming soon so I can set my distance to far, instead of normal.
Also, I found the shots of the Temple, going to post them now, thanks for the comments, all very constructive.
Well, I'm just guessing, but because of the scale of this thing, you might have had to stand further back to take a screenshot of the whole thing, so it would have made your render distance fog come in more. That's what it looks like to me, so just turn it up the distance to far when you're taking screenshots.
Yeaaaahh you just kinda said that....herp derp...well..good job anyways. xD
Thanks, I truly appreciate it, one day I will upgrade, probably the first of the year. By the way this didn't actually take me that long to build, I think maybe 12 hours. It has stairwells in each of the large pillars near the dome, they go up to the observation deck around the dome, you can look down on to the floor from there, I will try and include them later.