Are you using fishtaco's NPC Village Biome mod? Because I found the village and mountains, but none of it was like in the pics.
I get the feeling that NPC villages spawn after the map does. I'm fairly certain I've come across points where there was nothing, then returned and I'd suddenly find a village there.
I wonder how the other villagers feel with him bathing in their water supply lol
Anyway, great terrain generation fail all around (fail so hard it's an overall win in the final accounting :biggrin.gif:). I'd "repair" the village just because of how awesome it did turn out naturally.
Anyone know if villages generate "identically" between seeds or if it is more random a la Millenaire etc.?
well these strange people keep coming along and killing their people so the testificates just wanted to stay safe and keep these creatures from raiding their farms
i said that too when i first found, btw in the last image theres the seed and coordinate xD
[EDIT] nevermind, it's in the last picture :tongue.gif:
its on the 6th pic. coords + seed
[EDIT] Ninja'd :ohmy.gif:
im not using any mods
I get the feeling that NPC villages spawn after the map does. I'm fairly certain I've come across points where there was nothing, then returned and I'd suddenly find a village there.
I wonder how the other villagers feel with him bathing in their water supply lol
Anyway, great terrain generation fail all around (fail so hard it's an overall win in the final accounting :biggrin.gif:). I'd "repair" the village just because of how awesome it did turn out naturally.
Anyone know if villages generate "identically" between seeds or if it is more random a la Millenaire etc.?
Anyways, nice find.
I apologize in advance if I don't post on an RP for a while; I'm still sorting things out.
well, some time ago theres a guy who found this kind of village to, it spawns on top of a ravine...
so i think its not that rare...