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Quote from Jinzha Why is everyone so excited? It's big, but it doesn't look good nor does it look 'realistic'... Sorry, I really don't like it.
Quote from 211proGAMR so...... hows your girlfriend?
Quote from jst1 verry nice spacechip i build large scale spacechips to and maybe if you want can i help you whith building interior and exterior
Quote from 630tiger Nice ship! I kind of wish you had done something with it on the inside, though. How do you design something like that?
Quote from TonyRockWalker It's big but it doesn't look good to be very honest.
Quote from AR87 where are your good looking ships buddy? :smile.gif:
this is really cool... have you ever heard of Futurecraft? Becuase I think that you could be a really help with this mod. Hope your interested...
"Look at me still talking when there's science to do. When I look out there it makes me glad I'm not you."
where are your realistic and giant builds/ships buddy?
pretty damn fine :wink.gif:
Visit our server, and yea , wouldnt be a bad idea
I will be doing something with the inside! and off the top of your head, start with a long line of iron and let the creativity flow :smile.gif:
where are your good looking ships buddy? :smile.gif:
I never ever built ships, i build other things.
Try to click my signature, you will like it.