These screenshots are just the more impressive sections, but the whole Citadel is completed. I put the Upper Spire within the nether, because it just does not fit inside the overworld spire.
I've still got a bit to do, like making the land around it... not a giant hole in the ground, and adding the Horde/Alliance gunships.
Wow! Very nice. Do you play on an SMP server anywhere?
I play on a server set up by my WoW guildleader. We all burned out on WoW and kind of migrated in an odd direction :biggrin.gif: But this is made in Single Player, using Single Player Commands for infinite blocks and flight.
I want the world download that is awesome i was just doing icc on my mage we got to sind and we wiped a lot but it was a pug so everyone left lol still havent gotten the kingslayer title =(
ICC is amazing!!!
These screenshots are just the more impressive sections, but the whole Citadel is completed. I put the Upper Spire within the nether, because it just does not fit inside the overworld spire.
I've still got a bit to do, like making the land around it... not a giant hole in the ground, and adding the Horde/Alliance gunships.
I has Internets
I play on a server set up by my WoW guildleader. We all burned out on WoW and kind of migrated in an odd direction :biggrin.gif: But this is made in Single Player, using Single Player Commands for infinite blocks and flight.
ICC is amazing!!!
I think dal would be a lot fun to build in the air =D
Even with Singleplayer commanfs, this would have to take a long time!