Hey everyone, here are some pictures of my city. I started it on beta 1.1
Also, if you have suggestions of existing skyscrapers i could possibly build with the available materials in the game, please tell me. Don't suggest me to do something like Shangaï's World Financial Tower, because i can't do it with cobblestone and glass, it would be too f***ing ugly.
This is my city with a cartographer. No editing, completly legit.
As you can see, there is a desert very close to the city and I'm very lucky about it because I have about 12 000 blocs of glass at the moment.
The twin towers. Completed on the map but tower 2 under construction in the picture
View from downtown
Some other skyscrapers (bottom left of my city on the map)
My two first skyscrapers. The first i built was to grow lots of reeds without using too much room. The other one, was built with cobblestone but I changed it for normal stone
My lava pyramid and my two bridges (The red one (green in real life) is the Pont de Québec and the other one is the Pont Pierre-Laporte
My first stone skyscraper (takes alot of coal, charcoal wasn't added yet)
OMG thats awesome man! Great work you should add more or create a save to it.. Or make a multiplayer save with it and have people help you expand on it!
Nice work man, some street level shots would be cool to see. You should try picking out a city block from a major city and replicate it. The batman looking building in Nashville TN might be cool to do.
Nice work man, some street level shots would be cool to see. You should try picking out a city block from a major city and replicate it. The batman looking building in Nashville TN might be cool to do.
Really interesting idea, however the blue glass would be ugly with regular glass i guess, but i'll keep this in mind hoping notch to release new kind of glass :wink.gif: Thanks
Also, if you have suggestions of existing skyscrapers i could possibly build with the available materials in the game, please tell me. Don't suggest me to do something like Shangaï's World Financial Tower, because i can't do it with cobblestone and glass, it would be too f***ing ugly.
This is my city with a cartographer. No editing, completly legit.
As you can see, there is a desert very close to the city and I'm very lucky about it because I have about 12 000 blocs of glass at the moment.
The twin towers. Completed on the map but tower 2 under construction in the picture
View from downtown
Some other skyscrapers (bottom left of my city on the map)
My two first skyscrapers. The first i built was to grow lots of reeds without using too much room. The other one, was built with cobblestone but I changed it for normal stone
My lava pyramid and my two bridges (The red one (green in real life) is the Pont de Québec and the other one is the Pont Pierre-Laporte
My first stone skyscraper (takes alot of coal, charcoal wasn't added yet)
The Empire State Building
More pictures of my city soon.
i can't really say how long i played, but i know I started the game by Junary 10th, but it toke about 1 month to have the idea of skyscrapers
Really interesting idea, however the blue glass would be ugly with regular glass i guess, but i'll keep this in mind hoping notch to release new kind of glass :wink.gif: Thanks
A giant hole from surface to bedrock
Rest now Hero Napkin, you're in a better place. ;_;
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Yeah I know what you mean, however, if Notch release new type of glass, i'll probably rebuild most of my buildings to make the city look more modern.
Hmmm wow great suggestion. Would the best material be normal stone?, because I think this will be my next skyscraper.