I was thinking you could build a redstone torch LED screen, and then build a working mouse by pushing a boat around a pressure-plate covered mousepad, but after testing it in an old save, I think it's impossible to push a boat to sit on a single pressure plate.
Wouldn't there be a layer of water between the plate and the boat?
I was thinking you could build a redstone torch LED screen, and then build a working mouse by pushing a boat around a pressure-plate covered mousepad, but after testing it in an old save, I think it's impossible to push a boat to sit on a single pressure plate.
Ahahaha!! That is genius!
That or a giant touchpad. Basically the boat-mouse setup, but without the boat. Just a field of pressure plates that you can dance around on, moving the cursor.
Lava REEEAAALLLY doesn't like wool. Even just a diagonal touch has the potential to set the whole thing ablaze. Why, oh why didn't I build this behemoth out of stone???
Screen's done for now. I might change it up later on.
I still don't know what to put inside the thing. So far my leading idea is a mob grinder...my world still doesn't have one yet, and this thing definitely seems big enough to enclose one.
I vote mob grinder or redstone contraption testing facility (which I think would be more appropriate)
And I feel your pain about the whole burning to the ground thanks to lava thing. I tried to give my giant wool ghast statue lava eyes and (even though they were in a cube of glass) the whole thing went up in smoke.
EDIT: Actually, take the time to make and release a save of just the Mac with nothing in it yet. I'm sure everyone here wants to give interior decorating a shot :biggrin.gif:
I finally figured out yesterday how to use Worldedit to copy the Big Mac out of my main world, and into a new empty one, so here it is! I release the save to all of you!
Now, you can do whatever you want with it...put a redstone something-or-another in there, fill it with TNT and blow it up, anything. Enjoy! Post up anything cool you do with it!
It's all alone, in its own little world, with my version of "bleh-design" minecart launchers on each end of the track.
View from the station. Doesn't that screen just give you the creeps?
Big Mac Butt
Inside's still pretty empty. There's the launcher, a glass mid-level for screen maintenance, and a ladder going up to the top handle and out the back (roof access).
make a redstone computer inside :0 i once put redstone circuiting inside a cow to make it shoot arrows and tnt canons and called it "warcow". it was fun
Oh no, I KNEW it! Apple is all just for show! Did you see the interior was nearly empty? Where are all the circuits?
Really, I like that. Do you think it might be possible to change the screen picture? Maybe pistons could do that and provide for a screen saver. Nice work, it looks good and natural, just because it's so blocky.
As with all other minecart stations in my world, the Big Mac's terminal has been upgraded with a 1.6-savvy launcher, and 6-cart dispenser. The save file now has upgraded stations on both ends of the track, since the old glitch boosters were totally useless.
The rest is still the same, there's supplies abound to do whatever you want with. Live inside the Big Mac, customize it with crazy colors, blow it up, anything your imagination wants! Have fun!
The pink sheep and his buddy give the new launcher their stamp of approval! (It's only the 2nd pink sheep I've ever seen!)
I named the pink sheep "Donut", but then a wild wolf came out of nowhere and just ate him up, leaving 3 pink wool blocks on the launching platform. I let the wolf kill the white sheep too, then I set him on fire.
Oh no, I KNEW it! Apple is all just for show! Did you see the interior was nearly empty? Where are all the circuits?
Really, I like that. Do you think it might be possible to change the screen picture? Maybe pistons could do that and provide for a screen saver. Nice work, it looks good and natural, just because it's so blocky.
Oh yeah, the screen is totally easy to change! The front of it is always solid glass, and you can put whatever you want behind that from inside the Big Mac. It's been changed a bunch of times before; it's been an aquarium, a lava flow, and random pixel art pieces. There's a chest inside, next to the screen with all kinds of supplies. Be very careful using lava, I've burned the whole thing down before.
I've thought about "redstoning" the screen...putting some image up there, with blinking lights of redstone torches in it. Pistons will definitely be able to do some awesome things with it too...
Wouldn't there be a layer of water between the plate and the boat?
▲ ▲
lol, this is good work man!
Ahahaha!! That is genius!
That or a giant touchpad. Basically the boat-mouse setup, but without the boat. Just a field of pressure plates that you can dance around on, moving the cursor.
( :biggrin.gif: )
Lava REEEAAALLLY doesn't like wool. Even just a diagonal touch has the potential to set the whole thing ablaze. Why, oh why didn't I build this behemoth out of stone???
Backups FTW.
Got one better. :smile.gif:
If you look closely, you'll momentarily see a minecart on the track. That's when the fire burned up the door and tripped the launcher lol.
After all was done, there was one lonely piece of eternally-burning wool.
I still don't know what to put inside the thing. So far my leading idea is a mob grinder...my world still doesn't have one yet, and this thing definitely seems big enough to enclose one.
And I feel your pain about the whole burning to the ground thanks to lava thing. I tried to give my giant wool ghast statue lava eyes and (even though they were in a cube of glass) the whole thing went up in smoke.
EDIT: Actually, take the time to make and release a save of just the Mac with nothing in it yet. I'm sure everyone here wants to give interior decorating a shot :biggrin.gif:
Now, you can do whatever you want with it...put a redstone something-or-another in there, fill it with TNT and blow it up, anything. Enjoy! Post up anything cool you do with it!
It's all alone, in its own little world, with my version of "bleh-design" minecart launchers on each end of the track.
View from the station. Doesn't that screen just give you the creeps?
Big Mac Butt
Inside's still pretty empty. There's the launcher, a glass mid-level for screen maintenance, and a ladder going up to the top handle and out the back (roof access).
Hahaha, already got one elsewhere in my world, actually!
Have good grammar. Save us tiem.
A real cow? Or a cloth cow?
Really, I like that. Do you think it might be possible to change the screen picture? Maybe pistons could do that and provide for a screen saver. Nice work, it looks good and natural, just because it's so blocky.
The rest is still the same, there's supplies abound to do whatever you want with. Live inside the Big Mac, customize it with crazy colors, blow it up, anything your imagination wants! Have fun!
MCBigMac.zip @ DropBox
The pink sheep and his buddy give the new launcher their stamp of approval! (It's only the 2nd pink sheep I've ever seen!)
I named the pink sheep "Donut", but then a wild wolf came out of nowhere and just ate him up, leaving 3 pink wool blocks on the launching platform. I let the wolf kill the white sheep too, then I set him on fire.
Oh yeah, the screen is totally easy to change! The front of it is always solid glass, and you can put whatever you want behind that from inside the Big Mac. It's been changed a bunch of times before; it's been an aquarium, a lava flow, and random pixel art pieces. There's a chest inside, next to the screen with all kinds of supplies. Be very careful using lava, I've burned the whole thing down before.
I've thought about "redstoning" the screen...putting some image up there, with blinking lights of redstone torches in it. Pistons will definitely be able to do some awesome things with it too...