You know "Animator vs. Animation," the flash animation with the stick figure who runs around the screen wreaking havoc and fighting with the user? I made a computer program based on it, but with a little enderman who climbs your open windows and moves them around the screen.
If anyone on this site is familiar with "Shimeji Desktop Buddies," the Animator vs. Enderman program uses essentially the same source code. Some big differences are that the enderman doesn't replicate randomly - the user can summon more endermen, but the program can't do it without a command from the user. Also he can interact with any open window and the cursor, not just browsers, and my program has a convenient batch file for 64-bit Windows, running automatically on 32-bit Java without configuring settings (since the graphics only works on 32-bit Java).
Here's a little game I play with the program... I summoned 4 endermen and opened some blank Notepad windows, and I'm trying to keep all my Notepad windows on the screen... Click Here for Video
The download link, and more information, is here: Click Here
Here's a video of the program in action! Click Here For Video
If anyone on this site is familiar with "Shimeji Desktop Buddies," the Animator vs. Enderman program uses essentially the same source code. Some big differences are that the enderman doesn't replicate randomly - the user can summon more endermen, but the program can't do it without a command from the user. Also he can interact with any open window and the cursor, not just browsers, and my program has a convenient batch file for 64-bit Windows, running automatically on 32-bit Java without configuring settings (since the graphics only works on 32-bit Java).
Here's a little game I play with the program... I summoned 4 endermen and opened some blank Notepad windows, and I'm trying to keep all my Notepad windows on the screen...
Click Here for Video
The download link, and more information, is here: Click Here
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