) What position are you applying for Server Admin / Game Master What ever General Staff Is Alivalbal 2.) Any past experience in the field or something similar I do have past experience in a wide range of games mostly Minecraft And Garys Mod These are my favorite games I have been A Admin Multiple times in Garys Mod But minecraft is were all my staffing is usually I had been Co - Owner Of A server that was fairly popular averaged people on was like 20-15 ,but we couldn't keep up with the Funds I also have admined 2 other servers I have now Retired from those positions on the server and I have been Moderator on numerous servers. 3.) Age and maturity level(1-10)? Deffinaly A 9 . I thing i'm a because I like to mess around just a tiny bit not like be a and troll just like to make a funny comment about something . .but when It is time to be serious im serious I don't just keep messing around and being a and make the person who is trying to talk / help ed off 4.) Skype and IGN: Skype : Tkowallbang1 IGN : Neon9000 5.) What is your typical way of resolving a conflict? Be specific! (Hackers) Banned Right Away Permanently (Spammers) Mute Warning Tempban Perm Ban (Griefers) If It is Allowed Then Noting If Not I Will Tempban Then Perma Ban Them (Hie Risk DDos Threats) Perma Ban (Medium Thereats DDos) Mute Em (Low DDos) Tell them to off 6.) How can I trust that you are going to be a dedicated employee? You will know that I am a dedicated employee for just wrighting this app I will hopfully be accpeted because I love Networks they are so fun to play on and I have never been staff in one of these yet also I will always be on the server and Monitoring the Rule Brakers 7.) Are you familiar with plugins? If so name some : PEX , MANUADD , PROTECTION , ESSINALCS , WORLD EDIT
I know a little bit about PEX I would love to learn more and I know every command in Manuadd Protection I Know Half Of The Commands Essinalcs I know everything World Edit Know everything in World Edit
Anything That I should know that are considering points: I do have one considering points like I love minecraft it is one of my favorite games and that I am a very mature player and I know how to handle things
I'm sorry, but you're really not being specific... I'm not quite sure how:
Server Developer - [x1] Responsibilities: - Develops the server’s features (plugins/mods)Staff Members:
specifies any experience requirements... I'm not going to argue with your decision but I'd like to know what you are considering "experience", please don't take this the wrong way either. Also I'm sorry that my messages keep having unnecessary spacing too.
[Edit] I also saw the application gallantmo (one of the devs) sent in, and I can do everything he said he can do in that application so I'm doubting that I'll be accepted but if you want a Q/A of what I can do in like a Skype interview or something just PM me for my skype, or give me a skype to add...
Hello OnNet (or to whom it may concern), I have always wanted to be apart of a huge server but none so far have catered my needs. I believe with my skills and abilities to preform I will make the ideal person you are looking for. Before I go on about anything else, I would like to introduce myself. First off, my name is Alton and I am currently 18 years old. I have just finished high school and I am entering college sometime next year. Being outside the house and on my own will definitely give me the time to become more dedicated towards the franchise itself. As of now, I have a few hours daily to spare and I will happy to spend those hours on the Network. My Minecraft career started all the way from Alpha. Since then I grew from being an average player to a Head Moderator and Owner of a few servers. I take pride in my work and I know the moment I step into the server it will become the best it can be. Now enough of that, it's time to get on with the applications.
I will be making some additions to the format itself to give you the overall picture of myself and how I work but I will also stay in the guidelines as well.
1) What position are you applying for? Network Supervisor
After viewing all of the jobs above I felt this job would be ideal for me. It gives me the control I want and it will put me in my comfort zone. I've worked positions like this one for many occasions and I can be considered very professional about this. This position will grant me the power I need to look over the Networks and to ensure everything is in tip top shape. I like to run everything as smoothly as perfect as possible. This position will grant me all of this.
2) How important is this to you? Very!
In my time here on the forums looking for the perfect server to work with I have come across nothing. I really want to finally be able to work with something that has potential to grow. I've help build up server from scratch and then it all shuts down. I want to be able to appreciate the work me and my fellow workers did for a long time. I am very interested in this position and I will be willing to do anything it takes to get it. I am very confident in my skills and I can assure you that I will give it everything I have or die trying. I am willing to sacrifice my time and energy to see this Network grow. I dream of managing a tip top Minecraft Network and I feel that this is my time to shine. I can't say I want this but rather I need it.
3) Any past experience in this position or something similar?' I have lots of experience regarding this kind of work.
All I've done with Minecraft for the past year is managing servers. I've worked with a variety of different servers for so many times I know it all. Not only with Minecraft servers, I am currently a Moderator for a very big forum as well. Not only that, I created and manage a Minecraft Wiki as well. The Wiki was basically nothing and I helped build it up from scratch. Anything that has to do with teamwork and managing something I can do. Some say I was a natural born leader but in complete honesty its the teamwork that makes the dream work. Nothing can be done without a team and I work best within one. I am able to work with all sorts of people and that is why I am an ideal leader. I am very nice and I can be very strict at the same time. Having a job like a Network supervisor is nothing new to me.
4) Have you ever managed a server before? Of course!
I have had all the positions that basically gives me complete control over the server. These can vary from Owner, Co-Owner, Head Admin, General Manager, and such. As I said before, managing a server is nothing new to me and managing servers is what I enjoy best.
5) Age and Maturity Level?
Age: 18 (Soon to be 19)
Maturity Level: 10
Seriously, there are times to joke and there are times to work.
6) Skype and IGN:
IGN: TermChris
7) Would you like this job even if it had high stress? Of course!
As I mentioned above, I am willing to sacrifice anything for it and if that includes high stress then go for it. Handling pressure is one of the best things I can do. Whether if it's completing a deadline that is due the next day, or having to chose between two things. I always use my best judgment to determine the solution. I am un-fazed by pressure and I can handle it very well.
8) How many hours are you willing to dedicate per day/week?
Daily: 2 hours Minimum. However, I will most likely be on for a long time depending on my schedule but I can assure you that I can give 2 hours minimum every day.
Weekly: So if you do the math 2 times 7 is 14. So I can guarantee you 14 hours minimum each week. But also keep in mind the weekends. I am very open on the weekends so 14 can go as high as 20 hours a week. Let's not forget Summer as well. I will have a lot of time by then.
9) How can I trust that you are going to be a dedicated staff member?
I am that guy you see online on a server that has 200 slots available and only one person online, that being me. I am that guy you see at 3 O'Clock in the morning playing Minecraft for no apparent reason on a cool Summer night. Dedication is what I lack in the past server I was working for and that was the reason why I quit or the server ended up being closed. I can assure you that I am very dedicated with everything. I will answer personal messages within a few hours, I can answer Skype messages the moment you send them. It's how I work and how I live my life. My job as a forum moderator requires me to be active so I am always on some sort of electronic device regardless of the time, area, and day. In return I expect my peers to be dedicated as well. The least I can do is return the favor by being active.
10) How much money can you set aside for the Network/Server?
I can donate to the server or network around $15 a month if I had to. I'll be honest here, I don't have a good supply of cash but whatever I can spare I will be willing to donate it.
11) Anything else should I know that may earn this application some consideration points?
Of course! The more the merrier!
Fun Fact: I spent around 20-30 minutes on the application! Yay!
Are you a person who enjoys taking charge?
In real life, people know me as a leader. I enjoy working with other peers and helping them as they go along. I enjoy working in groups and helping others in need. Being in charge gives me challenge in which I need to fulfill. In other words, I love to be in charge.
If you set yourself a goal, do you always finish it?
I am a hard core believer of finishing goals. You either do your best to to complete it or die trying. In my life, I like to set up goals for myself and I always finish them with the best of my ability. To me, there are no shortcuts in life. You either do it the best you can or don't bother doing it at all. In the end, I always finish the goals I make.
What makes me better then others:
I am special and different in lots of ways. First off, my mentality is basically to work hard and play later. I do everything with the best of my ability or at least die trying. My effort is genuine and I am a very nice and reasonable person. I treat people with respect and I take stands based on facts and evidence, not because they are my friends or I know them. I am also a very neat and organized person. I may be considered a neat freak but the results pay off. Everything will be organized and in tip top shape. My experience also plays a huge roll in who I am. I know lots of things and I have years of experience in running a team. I know what it takes to run a tip top team and how to maintain it. In the end, I have a lot of traits that would make me the ideal person for the job.
My Strongest Abilities:
I am special and different in lots of ways. First off, my mentality is basically to work hard and play later. I do everything with the best of my ability or at least die trying. My effort is genuine and I am a very nice and reasonable person. I treat people with respect and I take stands based on facts and evidence, not because they are my friends or I know them. I am also a very neat and organized person. I may be considered a neat freak but the results pay off. Everything will be organized and in tip top shape. My experience also plays a huge roll in who I am. I know lots of things and I have years of experience in running a team. I know what it takes to run a tip top team and how to maintain it. In the end, I have a lot of traits that would make me the ideal person for the job.
My Weakness:
Although many people won't consider this a weakness, I do because I am very honest to myself and always strive to work and be better. Some people may call me a neat freak and a excessive leader. When I take charge I expect the best from everyone in the team. If they don't show me this I get upset. I always try to help anybody who needs help but if they don't show me that they care then they are not worth my time. On the other hand, I also expect everything to be in tip top shape and in a very organized manner. I want everything to run as smoothly as possible and I will do anything it takes to get there.
Well this concludes the application. I hope I gave you as much information as possible. I am very serious with this and I am open to stay for a very long time. Thank you for reading my application and I hope this is everything you are looking for. Thank you once again for this opportunity and I hope to be able to work with you in the future!
All the best,
Just saying, I've seen you apply on a server like this before... You said you don't usually do this but... xD
1.) What position are you applying for? Game Server Master 2.) Any past experience in the field or something similar? I’ve moderated on servers in past which gave me experience that I could apply to big projects like this one. 3.) Age? I am currently 13. 4.) Skype and IGN? My Skype is xmechfirex. My IGN is richard00. 5.) What is your typical way of resolving a conflict? Be specific! I would first figure out what the dispute about. Then message the people involved (including witnesses) their side of the story and determine which seems more logical. I will then apply a punishment (if needed). 6.) How can I trust that you are going to be a dedicated employee? There’s no way I can prove that I can be dedicated over an application, unless you accept my application and see for yourself how dedicated I am. 7.) Are you familiar with plugins? If so name some: I am familiar with plugins but it may take a little bit of time to get used to them again. World Edit World Guard Faction Towny Group Manager Essential 8.) Anything else that I should know that may earn this application some consideration points? I can dedicate at least 10 hours a week for the server (20+ hours if I'm not busy).
1) What position are you applying for?Server Game Master 2) How important is this to you?its very important I will do anything for it 3) Any past experience in this field or something similar?yes I have been a owner and did events 4) Have you ever managed a server before?yes I have been a owner until it closed 5) Age and maturity level(1-10)?20 9 6)Skype and IGN?skype-exnumbers ign-ex_numbers 7) Would you still want this job even if it had high stress?yes 8) How many hours are you willing to dedicate a day/week?i can be on everyday 9 How can I trust that you are going to be a dedicated staff member?I use to been a owner and I would not just leave 10) How much money can you set aside for the network/server (not necessary but will earn you a lot of consideration points)?about 100 11) Anything else that I should know that may earn this application some consideration points?
Not sure if you have been accepted, or not. But I have played a server before, and you were part of the staff team. You were a GREAT staff on that server! Good luck, as I have not read further to see what happened with your application.
1.) What position are you applying for? I am applying for Network Game Master. 2.) Any past experience in the field or something similar? Yes! I own my own server with 10-20 people on at any single time, also I am a server admin on my friend's private server. We handle anout 30+ people on at any single time. 3.) Age?: 13, but I think I am very mature. 4.) Skype and IGN? Skype: sobtidateyfamily2714 IGN: ishishanuka 5.) What is your typical way of resolving a conflict? Be specific! Usually if it is a dispute between two people, I generally start by asking both sides what the conflict is. I am good at catching liars, so here is where I check for lies with witnesses and/or other staff members. After the conflict is stated, I ask both sides what a suitable punishment would be. After this, it depends on the situation, but I proceed to banning, kicking, or temp. banning. 6.) How can I trust that you are going to be a dedicated employee? I will always be a team worker. I am very kind, caring and honest. I also love working together and with other people. 7.) Are you familiar with plugins? If so name some: Yes, and some of my favorites are: Vault, iConamy, and the Quakecraft plugin. I am also familiar with permissions.yml. 8.) Anything else that I should know that may earn this application some consideration points? I really love the idea of the server! I do know of a server with a similar intention by the name of Wynncraft (not advertising, just pointing out). They have the idea of a unique levelling system and a HUGE map with lots of quests and monsters and dungeons. Thank you for taking time to read my application.
My name is mcking901 and I have a building team what can help you in your server. Some information
IGN: mcking901
Age: 13
Skype: don't have
Email: [email protected]
Experience in minecraft: since 1.4.2
How much time can you spend for the server: 1 to 2 hours a day
Team name: team crafters
Position: head builder or builder
We work for free
If you agree to this application then my whole team will work for your server
Try editing it, and choosing Use Full editor, it may help.
I didn't make the applications, but i understand your opinion.
2.) Any past experience in the field or something similar I do have past experience in a wide range of games mostly Minecraft And Garys Mod These are my favorite games I have been A Admin Multiple times in Garys Mod But minecraft is were all my staffing is usually I had been Co - Owner Of A server that was fairly popular averaged people on was like 20-15 ,but we couldn't keep up with the Funds I also have admined 2 other servers I have now Retired from those positions on the server and I have been Moderator on numerous servers.
3.) Age and maturity level(1-10)? Deffinaly A 9 . I thing i'm a because I like to mess around just a tiny bit not like be a and troll just like to make a funny comment about something . .but when It is time to be serious im serious I don't just keep messing around and being a and make the person who is trying to talk / help ed off
4.) Skype and IGN: Skype : Tkowallbang1 IGN : Neon9000
5.) What is your typical way of resolving a conflict? Be specific! (Hackers) Banned Right Away Permanently (Spammers) Mute Warning Tempban Perm Ban (Griefers) If It is Allowed Then Noting If Not I Will Tempban Then Perma Ban Them (Hie Risk DDos Threats) Perma Ban (Medium Thereats DDos) Mute Em (Low DDos) Tell them to off
6.) How can I trust that you are going to be a dedicated employee?
7.) Are you familiar with plugins? If so name some : PEX , MANUADD , PROTECTION , ESSINALCS , WORLD EDIT
I know a little bit about PEX I would love to learn more and I know every command in Manuadd Protection I Know Half Of The Commands Essinalcs I know everything World Edit Know everything in World Edit
Anything That I should know that are considering points: I do have one considering points like I love minecraft it is one of my favorite games and that I am a very mature player and I know how to handle things
I deleted that last part sorry if its wrong
You have been accepted! We will contact you through skype shortly.
You have been accepted! We will be contacting you through skype shortly.
You have been accepted! We will contact you through skype shortly.
I'm sorry, but we're looking for more experience developers, you may re-apply for a different position if you'd like.
As of this moment, Developer position is not paid, but may in the future depending on the future outcomes.
i'm sorry, but we're currently looking for more experienced builders.
You have been accepted! We will contact you through skype shortly.
You have been accepted! We will contact you through skype shortly.
If you have been denied, you may re-apply for a different position.
You have been accepted! We will contact you through skype shortly.
Thank you
I'm sorry, but you're really not being specific... I'm not quite sure how:
Server Developer - [x1]
- Develops the server’s features (plugins/mods)Staff Members:
[Edit] I also saw the application gallantmo (one of the devs) sent in, and I can do everything he said he can do in that application so I'm doubting that I'll be accepted but if you want a Q/A of what I can do in like a Skype interview or something just PM me for my skype, or give me a skype to add...
Just saying, I've seen you apply on a server like this before... You said you don't usually do this but... xD
Game Server Master
2.) Any past experience in the field or something similar?
I’ve moderated on servers in past which gave me experience that I could apply to big projects like this one.
3.) Age?
I am currently 13.
4.) Skype and IGN?
My Skype is xmechfirex.
My IGN is richard00.
5.) What is your typical way of resolving a conflict? Be specific!
I would first figure out what the dispute about. Then message the people involved (including witnesses) their side of the story and determine which seems more logical. I will then apply a punishment (if needed).
6.) How can I trust that you are going to be a dedicated employee?
There’s no way I can prove that I can be dedicated over an application, unless you accept my application and see for yourself how dedicated I am.
7.) Are you familiar with plugins? If so name some: I am familiar with plugins but it may take a little bit of time to get used to them again.
World Edit
World Guard
Group Manager
8.) Anything else that I should know that may earn this application some consideration points?
I can dedicate at least 10 hours a week for the server (20+ hours if I'm not busy).
Not sure if you have been accepted, or not. But I have played a server before, and you were part of the staff team. You were a GREAT staff on that server! Good luck, as I have not read further to see what happened with your application.
2.) Any past experience in the field or something similar? Yes! I own my own server with 10-20 people on at any single time, also I am a server admin on my friend's private server. We handle anout 30+ people on at any single time.
3.) Age?: 13, but I think I am very mature.
4.) Skype and IGN? Skype: sobtidateyfamily2714 IGN: ishishanuka
5.) What is your typical way of resolving a conflict? Be specific! Usually if it is a dispute between two people, I generally start by asking both sides what the conflict is. I am good at catching liars, so here is where I check for lies with witnesses and/or other staff members. After the conflict is stated, I ask both sides what a suitable punishment would be. After this, it depends on the situation, but I proceed to banning, kicking, or temp. banning.
6.) How can I trust that you are going to be a dedicated employee? I will always be a team worker. I am very kind, caring and honest. I also love working together and with other people.
7.) Are you familiar with plugins? If so name some: Yes, and some of my favorites are: Vault, iConamy, and the Quakecraft plugin. I am also familiar with permissions.yml.
8.) Anything else that I should know that may earn this application some consideration points? I really love the idea of the server! I do know of a server with a similar intention by the name of Wynncraft (not advertising, just pointing out). They have the idea of a unique levelling system and a HUGE map with lots of quests and monsters and dungeons. Thank you for taking time to read my application.
Thank you and Cheers,
Can you re-post/Edit the the application without the colors, and maybe add some more information.
Note: We'll be looking over the applications tomorrow.
My name is mcking901 and I have a building team what can help you in your server. Some information
IGN: mcking901
Age: 13
Skype: don't have
Email: [email protected]
Experience in minecraft: since 1.4.2
How much time can you spend for the server: 1 to 2 hours a day
Team name: team crafters
Position: head builder or builder
We work for free
If you agree to this application then my whole team will work for your server
Team crafters
Do you have any pictures of your recent builds?